At age 52 we make the decision to truly live, or not. Loving and positive opportunities show up at this time, from the part of us that loves life and is delighted to be here. The other side of this would be to live from fear, sacrificing what would make us happy by doing things to avoid what we’re afraid of. We all have fears; what separates those who are living from those who aren’t is the ability to face our fears and to make conscious choices in spite of our fears. At age 52 it’s time to question decisions and notice if they are fear-based - and to choose! If life is based upon avoiding that which we fear, we are no longer living even if we are alive. Like,
During our 52nd year we are given opportunities to deal with our fear-based challenges in a loving and positive way. This can be seen as the last opportunity in this lifetime to overcome a challenge. It seems to be that those who don’t “get it” during this year, never do. It represents a final and loving call from our essence to claim our birthright of abundance, happiness and joy. Tip for practitioners of 52 Helpers: These challenges are signified by our Environment Card in the age 52 spread. The Environment Card speaks to one of our most important lifetime challenges. This year, it gives a blessing - without effort. The challenge will be easy to deal with and experiences will be on the positive side of this Helper. In an area where we usually have difficulty, things will be given in an easier manner.
Elizabeth Clinton Tools for Life "Nothing is too good to be true!"
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There are worlds of wisdom waiting for you within, in the Hall of Records (aka the Akashic plane)‘Akashic’ comes from the Sanskrit word, ‘Akasha’ meaning, ‘sky, space or ether’ – a primordial substance out of which everything is formed. The Akashic Records are a compendium of all human events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent ever to occur in the past, present, or future. They are encoded in a non-physical plane known as the "etheric". The Akashic Records are a powerful spiritual tool intended to help us on our journey through life. The term “Akashic Records” has been used since the late 1800’s. The concept however is ancient and nearly universal in all religions including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. You may have encountered some other names for the Akashic Records, such as: The Infinite Mind, Cosmic Mind, God's Book of Records, Book of Life, Hall of Records, Universal Mind and Eye of God. Anyone can learn to open and read their own Akashic RecordsOften when searching for answers we look to others for help, not realizing that long lasting healing power and understanding lies deep within each of us. Famous teachers like Edgar Cayce, Seth, Alice Bailey, Sylvia Browne and James Van Praagh have all said that anyone can learn how to do psychic or intuitive readings. You don’t have to be born with a “gift”. Accessing the Akashic is a skill, and not hard to learn. When asked about the source of his information, Edgar Cayce said that he tapped into the Akashic Records. He put it this way: "Upon time and space is written the thoughts, the deeds, the activities of an entity – as in relationships to its environs, its hereditary influence; as directed – or judgment drawn by or according to what the entity's ideal is. Hence, as it has been oft called, the record is God's book of remembrance; and each entity, each soul – as the activities of a single day of an entity in the material world – either makes same good or bad or indifferent, depending upon the entity's application of self ..." You don't need to book a reading with anyone in order to open and access the Akashic Records. This is a tool that is open and accessible to everyone. Sainoor Premji teaches a popular workshop called Open and Read Your Own Akashic Records where all are invited to learn and develop this skill. She shares step-by-step instruction, mentoring and guidance on how to access and open your own Akashic records. All participants have the opportunity to experience it for themselves in the live 2-hour experiential segment. (It's a hybrid course, with a 30 minute video to watch ahead of time, followed by two hours live on Zoom.) In Sainoor’s words: The Higher Self holds information about your past, present and future possibilities. This information is considered a "Spiritual Record" of the Soul's journey since inception, as well as the learning opportunities to come. The recorded information is referred to in virtually every ancient spiritual teaching and is held in what is known as the "Book of Life", also referred to as ‘Akashic Records’. Each soul has an individual ‘Book of Life’. Sainoor offers this fascinating course periodically. Many participants take advantage of her ongoing support, and she often offers a half-price special for repeat students. I recommend that everyone consider tapping into this powerful and potent resource for successful living. To me, this type of inner work is a birthright. Saturn has been in and out of a tense (square) relationship aspect to Uranus for almost two years. Saturn retrograded back for the third and final episode of the tango with Uranus peaking in September-October of this year. In the last week of October, Saturn began to move direct after slowly moving retrograde back into the square with Uranus over the prior months. Saturn in Aquarius first approached and squared Uranus in Taurus around the time of the January 6th insurrection at the Capital building in 2021. The two major outer planets reached their first peak of three meetings during former president Trump's second impeachment. The tension between these two planets in such a relationship work according to their very different natures - seemingly opposite to each other. Saturn likes structure. Uranus likes to turn structure on its head or even blow it apart.
The third and final meeting in the square aspect came this Fall, at the time of this writing. At the same time, retrograde Mercury connected by aspect to the position of transiting Pluto, still not quite done with its work in Capricorn. Pluto begins a year or two of transition into Aquarius back and forth from Capricorn next year. This transition comes with other major planets also in aspect and changing signs, all amounting to two to three years of huge changes in our lives. Altogether Saturn, Uranus and Pluto completions this year into next conclude some themes and begin to move us into new chapters. They reveal and release hidden information and insight into the events that turned up during transiting aspects during these recent years. For example, the January 2021 insurrection happened at the first meeting of Uranus and Saturn. As we now are in the final months of that transit it is likely that the processes that unfolded because of it will lead to reforms that address the causes. It is likely we see Saturn in particular extract a price for them in terms of punishment. Saturn as Lord of Karma will execute its edicts that continue to play out in the years to come. Saturn also rewards the mature conduct of those who worked in a Saturnian way. That is, rewards for those who sought to restrict unrestrained behavior, behavior that undermined structure (Saturn) but at the same time refined it by adapting to the consequences. The Uranian component of this two-year transit was the energy that threatened and broke down existing order. It still hasn't fully registered on either side of the conflict that underlying reasons producing the event point to problems with the structure (Saturn) of reality or the genius (Uranus) drowning within it. Time will have to pass before the value from it sinks in. Meanwhile things continue to move forward. Time waits for no one.Saturn and Uranus will be pulling apart in the coming month and this aspect, while it continues to reverberate, will fade from the front of the stage. It will become a subplot and take a step back as other energies move to the front over the next couple of years. Mars’ passage through Gemini is usually a short sprint, but because Mars turned retrograde it will spend a prolonged period in Gemini and grow in power because of its slower motion, taking on the weight of a larger outer planet during its retrograde period. A retrograde planet as the physics works out, is closer to Earth than when it's direct. This is one reason why the impact of retrograde planets feels stronger. Mars retrograding now happens between 7 and 26 degrees of Gemini. Anyone with a chart that has sensitive positions between these degrees will be impacted in overt ways. Mars is overt, not subtle. Similarly, anyone with planets in other signs at degrees in relation to Mars’ slow transit in Gemini (especially Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgo) will have to deal with this inflated Mars transit by aspect, as it retrogrades then moves direct early next year to complete this period by March of next year. Because this happens from Gemini, those affected can expect to give and take some strong words, inflammatory words. They will be expressed with emphasis inflated beyond what seems reasonable. Try to think twice before speaking if this astrologically applies to you. No ordinary election A change in character emphasis begins in March But my larger interest for upcoming astrological influences is the changing of signs by major planets beginning in March with Pluto finally crawling up to 30 degrees of Capricorn which is zero degrees of Aquarius, the next sign. All major planets change character emphasis in our psyche when they change signs. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and can't be overlooked, but it doesn't carry the weight of the trans-Jupiter planets simply because Jupiter moves faster. Pluto changes signs by direct then retrograde and direct motion in over two years, a huge shift for all of us. Many of the themes for its time in Capricorn don't come to an end as much as get less attention, while other areas of life gain more. As new concerns come into view, we relegate many former priorities to the back burner. The major planets bring into our lives from remote areas of our consciousness things we must deal with and might have been too distracted to manage or prepare for. Thus, the shift of focus often arrives like an uninvited guest. We might greet that guest with joy or a long face, we might be grateful to be catapulted out of a rut. Or we might dread facing more problems to address. We can usually count on Pluto to drag the junk out of the basement that we ignored, stuffed away to deal with at a later date. That time has come. Moving into Aquarius the emphasis will appear to many as problems humanity can solve with technology. Problems with technology. Maybe for a while, technology that doesn't work. Can't work. The planet discovered at the time humanity brought forth the atomic age, Pluto, will be upgraded while in Aquarius but maybe because it doesn't work and has to be rebuilt. Why doesn't it work? Temporarily, there can be many reasons for this. I won't speculate here now but I am expecting a reboot of the atomic age. It probably starts out from a mess, dysfunctionally crippled because of humanity, but sometime down the road humanity arrives at something better, like fission reactors instead of fusion. Pluto arrives in Aquarius before Saturn leaves, barely, but as Saturn enters Pisces, we will immediately miss it having been in Aquarius. We got the better side of Saturn while it was in Aquarius. In Pisces, Saturn casts a shadow over dreams. Faith is replaced by duty. Choice is replaced by necessity. This will be a good time for hard work; trying to find self-definition won't come until Saturn enters Aries years from now. Pluto in Aquarius will ask us all to work together, and by necessity with Saturn in Pisces. Neptune will leave Pisces in a couple years to enter Aries and like Saturn in Pisces, Neptune leaving Pisces will be missed as its subtle power goes to sleep through the sign of Aries except by specific aspect, by inspiration. Uranus will leave rigid Taurus and enter Gemini and fortunately for us all, while times may be topsy turvy, Uranus in air sign Gemini will make a happy aspect to Pluto in Aquarius, resulting in technological and scientific breakthrough ideas. These ideas will not restore lost fantasies of the past, they will reinvent the wheels of the future. This all plays out in the coming few years. David Wheatley, end October 2022 David A. Wheatley has been a Fine Artist/painter since first exhibiting in Soho, New York during the 1970’s. David developed other talents first as a Tarot reader then extending into Astrological theory, a practice which lead to the development of ideas in his book, 2012 Before and After. Working occasionally as a full time Tarot and Astrological counselor, David grew familiar with many other related disciplines through the years that add great dimension to astrological traditions, including psychological perspectives and the development of quantum physics. David currently resides in Florida. Contact David at [email protected] for a personal astrological consultation. Click here to return to the Astrology Corner index page There are two astrological events going on that interest me greatly; one is somewhat under the radar and one is going to cover the radar screen completely. The under-rated under the radar aspect is where transiting Neptune is now in relation to where it is in the US natal chart (or where it was when the US was “born”.) We are in a unique period where there is a Pluto return at the same time as a Neptune opposition to its natal position in the US chart. The Pluto return is opposite natal Mercury along the 2nd and 8th house axis. This clearly indicates a period of a couple years of major economic/financial challenges filtered through 9th house idealism. The most tangible manifestation of this is how supporting Ukraine’s resistance to Russian aggression is inflating the cost of living. That the causes are far away in another country is perfectly in keeping with the US 9th house position of Neptune. We remain in this moment into 2024. Are Americans willing to pay at the pump and more for everything else to help push back totalitarians in eastern Europe? This theme isn’t unique to the US but easy to see how this transit by Neptune is substantial in the US economy and therefore elsewhere. It doesn’t seem likely that western allies are going to back off this commitment however in America there are sympathetic voices to Vladimir Putin. There’s also the darker side of Pluto in this. Being that Pluto’s return to its natal placement in the US chart is 2nd and 8th house, the 8th house hearkens back to investments made in the past and how well they serve us in the present. Investments of all kinds, not strictly financial investments. Diplomatic investments. Research investments. Emotional investments in our families and jobs. Oil is something from the past, serving in the present. Oil is also involved in the powers that dominate corporate America (Pluto in Capricorn), and Russia. These powers could ease the pain of inflation, however instead are reaping huge profits and not spending towards creating a more stable market in which prices for other goods could ease. This pressure will be undone as Pluto departs the return and departs Capricorn for Aquarius within the next two years. It will ultimately be up to the American voters to decide what their values are in the 2024 election after which these giant aspects diminish. They will vote based on their values to complete the transit of Neptune opposing the US natal Neptune. The purpose of Pluto stirring up corporate conspiracies and exposing corruption in governments isn’t to make them become virtuous. Their purpose is to provide on an individual level the opportunity to examine and then act on what we believe in, to provide us and our electorate the opportunity to manifest their beliefs. Pluto can set up and expose corruption; it can create then undermine it. The individual and national or collective will to establish values and then act on them is why we need to go through these stressful events. We have to prove what we say. The need to revisit and examine values is work that is never done. Since Pluto for example will move on into Aquarius doesn’t mean it leaves the government or political leaders it exposed as corrupt or corporations cheating, all neat and tidy, all repaired. It just means that the recent cycles of transits - which span decades and generations - are complete, and the next round of rebuilding will in time come due for another generation. We will do it all again probably, for other souls who need to face the same kind of decisions. This is a major overhaul questioning the founding principles of the US; it’s the first Pluto return in its history. Finding out that some things don’t work means we have to rewrite the rules. We definitely learned in the last five years that there are those who will operate outside the old established rules because they were not encoded law. But we probably need to face a crisis of dysfunction before some people will believe it. Transiting Neptune opposite natal Neptune from Pisces to Virgo requires a brief bit of reflection on Neptune in Virgo’s character and as it is located in the US chart, in the 9th house. In Virgo, Neptune encourages belief in efficiency, establishing a reliable realistic base of optimism, not unrealistic pie in the sky ideas that lack planning. Writing down the Declaration of Independence and holding it up as something to follow for centuries is a Virgo kind of thing. With Virgo, on a soul level, is the acceptance that naivete is no excuse for failure. We have to begin to make concessions to the universe outside our personal bubble, finding the workable balance that is expected by the next sign, Libra. Virgo is the last sign of the first half of the zodiac where we begin to integrate more with everyone and everything else. The impetus that begins in Aries which was to have it our way acknowledges in steps sign by sign until in Virgo we arrive ready to lower the gate around our ego. This is the reality of the zodiacal virgin. She sacrifices some of her Self and in return the universe cultivates Itself within us. In the 9th house is the possibility of noble well-informed intent with a religious sense of purpose, just as there is the possibility that these values are a load of croc. The problem in the 9th house is because we consider the belief to be sacred, we resist it ever evolving. The burst of energy represented by the birth chart of the USA continues to be the chart of the lives being lived on this land at the moment, but it’s a very different set of circumstances. There is unfortunately a tremendous amount of tragic karma yet to be resolved that this country was built on. One of the things that helps to do that is recognition of the common interests of everyone living in it now to fulfill a shared variously defined idealism we agree to, and one of the realities of that is an economy that offers opportunities for its participants. It’s a question of belief, not necessarily of reality. Neptune thinks everything is real, it doesn’t separate fact from fiction. We have to sort it out and integrate what works down here on Earth because Neptune is far sighted and can’t see things individually up close isolated from each other. The expanse of Neptune’s perception is other worldly. It’s a valuable perspective to retain because we realize how silly some of our close-up obsessions are. But we live here on Earth to iron out some of the details, not spread ourselves thin across the seas of Neptune. Neptune in transit opposing it’s US natal placement says hold on a minute, are we the majority in agreement of what we believe our valued goal to be? This is a period of confusion because not everyone agrees on what national value or ideals are, or what is fact or fiction. People don’t recognize how Neptune works or works in their lives because it is subtle, its impact seems vague. Neptune accepts everything one believes as fact, which is why people don’t recognize Neptune. It’s too obvious. Belief defines Neptune’s reality and we act on whatever it is. The opposition from transiting Neptune in Pisces most of all dissolves the definitions of what is a valid belief or not valid. Belief was never fact; it was always a guess highly dependent on wishful thinking. If we recognize that Neptune is a formless watery ocean that takes on whatever shape we pour it into, we also have to recognize that what we believe is going to look different depending on who’s looking at it. In that case we had better develop a common understanding of what we are looking at. Go from there. Up to now we had written and unwritten laws about what was a common national goal and standards of ethical behavior. But Neptune says, wait a minute, what happens when I remove that common belief? What happens when the doors swing open and anything goes? That’s about where we’re at. The other more dramatic astrological event unfolding is......Mars in transit catching up to Uranus, in Taurus. The Moon’s North Nodes, which are moving retrograde as they often do, will back up and meet Mars as it arrives to meet Uranus later in July, together into August. Uranus moved into the earth sign Taurus a few years ago. As I and others have commented, Taurus, a literally down to earth grounded energy, is not a great place for Uranus. Uranus was the ancient sky god, not grounded, represented in the Tarot deck as the lightning bolt that knocked down the Tower of Babel. Uranus is the iconic ruler of the new age sign Aquarius, and was the first planet discovered because of the use of new technology at the time, the telescope. It wants unrestricted movement. Taurus is all about nailing things down, securing all the hatches, no loose ends. The combination of these two is that the potential energy of the Uranian lightning bolt is held in chains until something provokes a moment of release. At that time, potentially long held pent up energy is released. The release can be as a one-time thing or a series of expressions over the period of the provocation. In this instance Mars is the catalyst. Mars is also not at its best in Taurus; it also does not like being contained. Mars tends to react with a careless impatience when restrained. This is a combination suited well to any kind of breaking out of restraint: breakthrough, eruption, breakdown, angry outburst, crash, breaking the rules without concern for the consequences good or bad, pushing through adversity, winning at all costs, frustration, earthquake, explosion. If one has the ability to let this energy be expressed with discipline it can be used very constructively to achieve something long sought for, but this is no easy task. It’s drinking water from a fire hose. The North Nodes add a little dimension to the events. They tell us that this is a hurdle that collectively and individually we have faced before and this time we have to make the step that’s been hard to do if we want to move forward in a healthy way. It’s an opportunity. When late July comes around, and into early August, watch carefully not to lose your temper and if challenged to put the energy into finding resolution. Don’t throw something at the TV or break the Ming vase, although that would be better than taking it out on someone else or hurting yourself. Exercise but don’t try and set a record, unless you are a professional athlete in a competition. In that case you might win. David A. Wheatley has been a Fine Artist/painter since first exhibiting in Soho, New York during the 1970’s. David developed other talents first as a tarot reader then extending into astrological theory, a practice which lead to the development of ideas in his book, 2012 Before and After. Working occasionally as a full time tarot and astrological counselor, David grew familiar with many other related disciplines through the years that add great dimension to astrological traditions, including psychological perspectives and the development of quantum physics. David currently resides in Florida. Contact David Wheatley at [email protected] for a personal astrological consultation Click here to return to the Astrology Corner index page What now and just ahead for Putin and Russia |
Learn more by joining Daphney’s live online workshop: Integrated Master Numerology on Jan 8th 2022 - The Quantum Journey We can take control of our reality in 2022 by consciously applying the science of numbers. -BONUS- Includes a check-in event on June 6th! |
(updated March 10, 2022)
Feelings such as “I did something to deserve this,” “I’m bad or dirty,” or “I am not worth it,” are as old as time. To heal these deep-rooted beliefs and feelings takes sensitivity and care on the part of the therapist. Healing might not begin with looking at the incident, but may have to start with healing the inner child or connecting with inner guides, outer spiritual guidance or aspects of the personality that are equipped to face and confront the situation. Often there is cellular DNA and past-life history to heal as well. Sexual abuse, including being both the victim and the perpetrator, is often passed on from generation to generation. A skilled and knowledgeable therapist can help the client to navigate through this complex web and achieve a state of true inner strength and peace, with love and respect for the self.
For myself, one of the great blessings of facilitating Whole Hypnotherapy seasons with clients of abuse is the inter-generational healing that occurs. There is a feeling of profound joy when ancestors come forward with gratitude for the client as healing and release of the abusive patterns free those who have passed over to the other side.
While this article was written specifically about women, I would like to note here that acts of sexual abuse and violation is also carried out against boys and men. These acts may be committed by either men or women.
Linda Baker July 2021
Linda periodically offers a 2-day workshop for professionals wanting tools to help their clients heal sexual abuse and other severe trauma. Click Here to learn More.
For individuals wanting private sessions, contact Linda through her website:
Much has been made of the 800 years since the planets Jupiter and Saturn were so close together (1226 AD) and the 600 years since they were last in Aquarius (1405 AD), and while these planets come together every 20 years, they are part of larger 200 year cycles having to do with the elements: air, fire, water and earth.
When 1226 A.D. rolled around it was the first in a wave of Air sign conjunctions that led civilization out of the Dark Ages and into the Renaissance. Both the 1226 A.D. conjunction and the 1405 A.D. conjunction were in the future/forward looking sign of Aquarius.
After that they were together every 20 years in Water signs for roughly 200 years, then the conjunctions moved on to Fire signs and then Earth (the year 2000 conjunction was in Taurus), then Air (2020, Aquarius).
The New Age media is pushing the Aquarian age angle because the conjunction today is at 0° Aquarius, the beginning degree of Aquarius. But it's also the first of a series of Saturn/Jupiter conjunctions in Aquarius/Air signs for the next 180 years.
This conjunction is being compared to the Star of Bethlehem because in 06 BC, Saturn and Jupiter were together in Pisces, heralding the Piscean Age.
People sometimes think the Procession of the Ages is like a light switch being turned on and suddenly it’s the Renaissance, or the Age of Aquarius. But in reality the transition between astrological ages is more like the incremental process of going from night to day, and there's at least a 200 year overlap (try 500!) between Ages. An Astrological Age is 2160 years, and at some point the Piscean Age leads into the Aquarian age, but it's not as simple as saying the Piscean Age is from 0 A.D. until 2160 A.D. (btw: 2160 years × 12 astrological signs = 25,920 years, the Astrological Great Year which is pretty much the same 26,000 years as a Mayan cycle.)
To me the Aquarian age starts in 1962 with an Aquarian boost in February when all the inner planets (the Moon through Saturn) find themselves in Aquarius on February 4. Uranus went into Aquarius from 1995 to 2003, Neptune was there from 1998 until 2012 or so. Pluto is in Aquarius from 2023 until 2043.
Today's conjunction IS a Big Deal, and there's a few more Saturn/Jupiter conjunctions in Aquarius between now and 2199 A.D. That date is probably a good indicator of the Aquarian Age being well under way.
After all the Paradigm shifting Capricorn energy of 2020 I welcome the Age of Aquarius! It will take us out of the Age of Scientific Materialism, where we’ve been for some time.
Saturn is traditional and Jupiter is expansive. Remember, HOW the sky affects you has everything to do with your individual chart, so how the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction will affect you depends upon where 0 degrees Aquarius is in your birth chart and what planets/houses (areas of your life) may be involved. And what better way to find this out than with a personal reading!
I'm presently only doing phone readings (most of my readings have been over the phone in the past few years anyway), and I am available 7 days a week for private astrology consultations and psychic sessions.
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!
For many months leading up to Y2K there was uncertainty, lots of it, in the air and on the ground as to whether the computer technology would handle the change in numbering sequence. IT people slaved over updates, some people made pretty good money on books and programs selling either doom and gloom or “protection” from the chaos that was sure to come. It was an exciting time. I experienced a fun event at work.
At the time, I was employed in a regional office of a large insurance company. When a call went out for volunteers to work a few hours New Years Day, January 1, 2000, I put up my hand. For a single mom the money looked terrific and more than that, hey, it was historic. They wanted one person from each area of claims management and administration to “test drive” the computer systems on Jan 1 by setting up a brand new claim - a real claim for a real person - and thus produce a check with that extra special date on it. I got to be the employee to set up the actual payment on the company’s financial software system. And the next morning if all went well a crisp new check should land on my desk, all ready to pop into the outgoing mail.
All the volunteers were given a pager, just in case an IT emergency required us to run there in the middle of the night. But no such fun, and on the morning of Jan 1st, 2000 I went into work, happy about the rare opportunity for up-front parking, an echo at every step inside as the building was essentially empty of staff, got to my desk and processed the claim. That means keying in salary amounts, rates, codes, any offsets – calculations and numbers on a screen. Hit Enter. That was it. Done. Nothing unusual happened. (A little disappointing.)
The next morning, back into work exchanging “Happy New Year’s” greetings with everyone else and sure enough when I arrived at my little grey cubby, there on the desk was THE CHECK. Everyone would be pleased, most especially the IT people I was sure. Following the mandated process, I opened the claim file on the computer to make sure the check was issued to the right person, the correct amount, date, and so forth. All was perfect. Then I noticed something. The amount of the check was $381.62. What?!
Working with numbers constantly can become like a sixth sense. (If you are one of those people, you already know where this story is going.) To confirm what my little sixth sense was saying, I pulled the hand calculator over and added the digits in the amount of the check, one at a time.
Patricia Haggard
December 2020
PS There will be some WAY more interesting magical stories shared by the group at an upcoming event online:
Sat, Dec 19th at noon Pacific
What am I talking about?
Dreams happen on another plane, the plane C. J. Jung would call the Collective Unconscious. Some call it ether, aboriginal Australian people call it Jukurrpa or Dreamtime; others call it Akasha, or the Akashic field.
Did you know that if people are awakened three nights in a row at the beginning of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) – depriving them of their dream time - they will start hallucinating after three days? REM sleep is that time late in the night or early morning when dreaming happens.
We dream every night. If we didn’t, we would experience psychosis. When people say, “I don’t dream” it is because they don’t remember their dreams. But you can if you want, and you will thanks to DreamHarvesting®.
Remembering dreams is only the beginning. Dreams have something to tell you, something important for the wholeness of your psyche.
Are you ready for the conversation?
Live online with Anyes Cartry
Sunday Jan. 17th, 24th, 31st, 10AM Pacific
3 Part Workshop, 1 hour each day
Limited to 8 Dreamers - Early registration discount until Jan 10
I would say the thing science lacks and astrology provides is to view the sun as part of a whole body, the solar system. It's one organ in the spirit body. Instead of the medieval notion that the sun revolves around the earth, which was displaced by science observing that it's the other way around, for humanity in fact it may be more relevant that metaphorically the sun does revolve around the earth and our imbalances in our collective psychology are manifesting on the sun. Solar storms are a result of disruptive chemistry on any of the planets in the solar system or they may be a registry of the instability of our collective psyche here on earth. Evolutionary indigestion.
It's similar to an unhealthy person who thinks their kidneys are not working properly and get kidney treatment, but in fact the kidney is not working because of another organ which is not being treated. The whole picture for the solar system is likely that other parts of the organism, other planets, are more involved in the convulsions on the sun and it isn't solely because of craziness on Earth. It's hard to tell intellectually because we don't know very much about the nature of the psyche on other planets in the way that we believe we know about life on Earth. We don't see physical life on other planets but there is life in the psyche, whether we see it with physical eyes or not. The whole organism is going through a transformation as the Pluto Jupiter Saturn Mars group ending their climatic year, handing off the drama to Jupiter Saturn Mars and Uranus, another epochal planetary aspect grouping that represents a cycle of several centuries.
The part that Uranus plays in our nature isn't as tangible as its descendants in myth, Saturn and Jupiter. Uranus the primordial sky god is the original wielder of the lightning, connecting remote aspects of consciousness eventually into our awareness. It's the internet when compared to a newspaper. Potentially the Tower card of the Major Arcana. The sky god slashing through the restricting structures of Saturn and the belief in progress that must come with Jupiter's ever expanding desires. Of course these principles of our collective conscious body all work simultaneously, we think of them in more archetypal ways but they are always in some kind of relationship. We don't perceive the more abstract realms of Uranus or Neptune. Neptune is too subtle, Uranus hides behind the curtain that its descendant gods put there and only occasionally sends out a flash of power like a bolt of lightning. That's about all we can take.
To be more present in our consciousness, the sky god in the ether, Uranus, will have Mars conjunct it next year. Mars is far less abstract in human consciousness, and is unfortunately very able to deliver the disrupting presence of Uranus into human life. Jupiter and Saturn lined up for the bowling ball to hit both with one strike will be in Aquarius, which is Uranus’ native home sign. This emphasizes the intensity of the tension and likely area of life that will be affected. Uranus and Mars will be in Taurus, the symbolic sign of Mother Nature and a grounding in Earth influence for electrical Uranus. Grounding is good but everyone knows that lightning often goes from the earth to the thundercloud in the sky because it must to complete a circuit. Uranus will not remain docile by being grounded in Taurus. It will be allied with Mars in a conjunction off and on all next year. Mars’ way of doing things armed with great grandfather's lightning bolt is usually pretty rough. Allied with its great grandfather, the duo of Mars and Uranus will rejoice in violent sudden shifts to force changes with the rare alliance of Jupiter and Saturn.
Any comfort that comes from the shift out of Pluto Jupiter Saturn and Mars as this year ends is going to provide a false and short lived period of relief. Mars and Uranus will aim to remind us all that all the trappings of Saturn's structure and Jupiter's expansion of consciousness must be realized as levels of existence built on the unstructured unexpanded formlessness of Uranus, the sky god who hasn't gone away.
I expect sudden violent interruptions outbursts a few times next year. I expect technology to be interrupted and cut off periodically. Uranus wants us to be caught off guard in order to reveal a variety of things we are otherwise able to ignore. When the lightning flashes in the dark of night for a brief second you can see everything.
David Wheatley
Nov 30, 2020
Contact David Wheatley at [email protected] for a personal astrological consultation
David A. Wheatley has been a Fine Artist/Painter since first exhibiting in Soho, New York during the 1970’s. Since childhood David developed other talents as well, first as a tarot reader then extending into astrological theory, a practice which led to the development of ideas in his book, 2012 Before and After. Working occasionally as a full time tarot and astrological counselor, David grew familiar with many other related disciplines through the years that add great dimension to astrological traditions, including psychological perspectives and the development of quantum physics. David is originally from the Toronto, Canada area. He currently resides in Florida.
Click here to go to an index of more articles by David
By Anyes Cartry
In this time of uncertainty and grief, things that have been unresolved at an individual level pop up on the background of unresolved collective difficulties.
Many people are afraid of their own thoughts, and of their ambivalence. There can be a desire to be clear, straightforward and self-directed but when things around us are unstable, our inner stability is tested.
Dreaming is not an escape, it is holistic thinking. Dreaming is the most important form of thinking, something both Freud and Jung agreed upon, because it gives us a different point of view. What we had forgotten, omitted to look at, turned away from, dismissed or despised, insists on being paid attention to because dreams are the language by which we become whole.
People frequently say they can’t remember their dreams. It’s often because the necessities of everyday life have shaped them into living-as-survival, living as self-defense against potential dangers. It’s often because they haven’t been taught to see reality from multiple perspectives.
Dreams encourage us to examine other perspectives, other ways to look at a situation, a problem, an opportunity, or a conflict.
Dreams teach us to think for ourselves, because their material is a symbiosis between what we have learned from others and from our own experiences, and our own individual make-up, feelings, perceptions and intuitions that are unique to us and that can’t be imitated or copied.
In a time of social crisis, people often have dreams with a similar theme.
This points to the porous nature of our psyche, to the shared space into which dreaming happens, a space where boundaries between in and out, you and me blur. In this psychic field, individual dreaming and collective dreaming merge, and we can find again our sense of belonging.
In a time when we are forced into physical isolation, when our family, friends, or lovers might be seen as potential threats to our own physical existence, our values are therefore turned upside down. Dreaming together propels us into a sphere where we exchange, communicate, and share on a etheric plane where we find companionship, where we can be heard and where we feel our interconnectedness.
The dreamer and their witness need one another to contain strange, funny, disturbing, silly or prospective thoughts.
3 weekly workshops, one hour per week, LIVE online
limited to 8 dreamers
Cost: $72 total, for all three salon dates
If you're in time, you can snag an Early Registration Discount
Click Here to sign up!
By Anyes Cartry
While some myths and metaphors are universally understood, the symbols, messages, colors and shapes of your dreams can only be understood by YOU. It is as though the myriads of associations created in your brain, like a network of spider webs through your unique personal history, have a unique path to be retraced. You are the only one to be able to do this. Hence, we speak of Dream Harvesting®. Dream dictionaries or glossaries have compiled thousands of possible interpretations of symbols, animals, emblems, shapes and more. Yet, “they do not attend to the subtle personal associations and feelings which are key to understanding YOUR dream.“(Williams, 2019, p. 120).
Joseph Campbell saw dreams as “our own private personal myths“(1993, p. 19). They may not make sense to anybody else than you, and you are the only one who can decipher their meaning. It is true that people who are versed in mythology and universal themes, such as analysts, can guide you towards understanding their message, but even they, as I do in this workshop, act as midwives to your own birthing.
Regarding Dream analysis, Jung saw it “less as a technique than as a dialectical process between personalities (1961b par. 492). When Dream Harvesting®, we practice conversation rather than analysis. This encompasses, among other things, the art of listening, the art of putting oneself in somebody else’s shoes, respect, patience, responding rather than reacting and knowing how to ask questions without frightening the “other” (in this case, another inner personality).
one hour per week, LIVE online, on Aug 23, Aug 30 and Sep 6
10am to 11am Pacific
limited to 8 dreamers
Cost: $72 total, for all three salon dates
Early Registration Discount: register by Aug 16th for only $60
Click Here to sign up!
by Anyes Cartry
As you prepare for our workshop, it’s important that you approach Dream Harvesting® in the same manner.
Rituals are powerful. They enable our soma, the physical dimension of our being, to capture our intention through deeds and actions enacted in the physical world that translate the direction of our mind (intention).
Approaching the dream world requires a certain amount of reverence, or respect. If you ask somebody a question you don’t turn your back to them, or hopefully you don’t swipe your phone and read something else while they are answering you. You make space by choosing a place propitious for conversation (not too noisy or crowded) and you listen, not only with your auditory sense, but with all your being (your posture, your eyes reading body language, and even your sense of smell…)
Dreams help us live our lives to the fullest extent and encompass more than the ego - the limited part of us that gives us a sense of identity as we face the external world.
Dreams connect us with our Self, which encompasses the unconscious - that is, everything outside of the direct awareness of the mind (somatic experiences, spiritual experiences, feelings and emotions, and more…) Dreams often express what can’t be expressed verbally (through words, which are only one kind of symbol.)
To prepare oneself to this symbolic expression it’s important to cleanse the doors of perception. That is, to cleanse all our senses including what has been called a “sixth sense” (intuition).
Ask yourself what is an important question for you in this time of your life, this week, this day. Then ask your dream world for an answer during the night. Ask as you would ask your most trusted friend for their most genuine insight. Just like that.
To learn more about Anyes Cartry's live online Dream Harvesting® salon, click here
All was truly Magical.
There was a friendly feel to their visitations. I hoped with anticipation that they would show up, and in turn they replied by giving me a growing depth of photos showing movement, and later on, believe it or not, purpose.
I was able to actually see the “other side.” I was able to actually interact with the “other side.”
This was all done in a safe, comfortable way. It was amazing. Knowing they were showing up for me, for my camera, gave me a sense of connection beyond this Earth -- and quite a bit of joy and fun along the way.
Orbs can be picked up on regular film too, although you have to wait to see the results of your photos. I have 35mm pictures of orbs, yet I’m not patient anymore and now want to use a digital camera. For fun, go back and take a look at old film pictures you may have. You'd be surprised to know how many people do this only to find they had captured orbs all along, but just didn't realize.
There is much more to my orb story. Over the years I have experimented and questioned, examined and explored. I've developed a process that I use for myself personally and for clients. For the first time I’m putting this information out online in a live presentation on the Bridges Academy platform. My desire is for others to take what I've developed and use it for themselves -- or to use this information to spark their imagination to create their own process for connection. There is not one way to make this connection using the camera. There are as many ways as there are people who give it a try. Yet having my information and experiences to reflect upon may make the getting started easier and may open people to more than they would normally think possible.
We are truly in a Magical time. There is Magic all around us if we will let it in. Opportunities abound to feel a connection to the Something More, and taking pictures of orbs is a simple yet profound way to gain the feeling of not being alone, of being recognized, and, may I even say, being loved.
To review a small sampling of Mary’s Orb photos, see:
Learn more about Mary’s presentation, and reserve your place:
Orb Magic, More Than Pictures
LIVE online, with Mary Gordon
Saturday Feb 27, 2021at noon Pacific
Registration is necessary, and free.
Click Here.
By Anyes Cartry March 18, 2020
However, Dream Harvesting® is concerned with a conversation with dreams that are experienced in deep sleep (REM phase). Although many of us may think dreams are a waste of our time and attention, dreams don’t ever waste our time. As expert Robert Johnson says, “Even a short insignificant dream tries to tell us something that we need to know.”
There is in each of us a guiding principle (Johnson calls it the psychopomp) that is there to help us function in the outer world and know how to respond in a way that is aligned to our best benefit, that is to say, in a way where our intentions, values, and ideals are enacted through our actions.
Because we are so attached to the “story line”- the events that happen, that we read about, the so called “information” - we forget that what makes our reality isn’t so much the events per se, but the way you or I experience them. In this way, every dream is a portrait of the dreamer, as much as every “event” as we recount it is a portrait of who experiences it.
We need to go deeper, look into the dream as a mirror, to find out who we are. The aim of every dream is to bring each of us back towards our center, our point of equilibrium from which we are free to go in the needed direction (needed for us). Dream Harvesting® takes trust, it takes questioning, genuinely not being afraid to surrender momentarily efficiency or smart thinking; it takes wanting to know what it is that we do not know about ourselves that is exactly what we need to be in equilibrium in our lives.
Click here to learn more about Dream Harvesting®
Dreams are some of the richest and more accessible ways our unconscious establishes communication with us. As Greg Bogart judiciously points out, “Dreams spring from an underground stream that guides and heals” [2]
Many people either don’t pay attention to their dreams or think dreams are nonsensical because their language is out of reach, deprived of a continuous line and of the logic we are accustomed to. They take a holistic approach encompassing the language of the senses, somatic experiencing, feeling exploration, and word association. Although they can be intimidating, puzzling and in some cases even frightening, dreams invite us to open to a fuller mode of interaction, and that is what I will share and practice with you during this workshop. Click here to view the course.
[2] Greg Bogart, Dreamwork in Holistic Psychotherapy of Depression: An Underground Stream that Guides and Heals, Routledge 2017, p. 1
Many spiritual and mystical traditions include an understanding that there is a silver thread or cord, a conduit that connects us in various ways: to each other, to our astral body, to the Earth, even to our possessions. A quick research online today found past and present day reference to the cord in Hindu, Judeo-Christian (see Ecclesiastes), Taosim, the Norns of ancient Norse tradition, ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, ancient India, traditions from every continent on the Earth including The Dream Walking of First Nation North Americans, and the ancient spiritual tradition of Hawaii. The kahuna of Hawaii call it an aka cord. The cord is described as a silvery shaft of light, or as a sticky, stretchy, energized substance. Various traditions determine the cord to be attached to our physical body either at the heart, the umbilical, the crown chakra or the root chakra. |
It’s widely understood that knowledge is more valuable than mere true belief. Now that I know that aka cords are a conduit between the internal aspects of me, it’s faster and easier to connect within.
In the Fundamentals of Huna course, we learn a “prayer-action” process that is actually an effective step-by-step process of manifestation. Every day now I practice the Huna method of gathering life force energy (chi or mana) in order to create what I want or need in life, transferring it to my high self along those aka cords. Several possibilities, including some that previously seemed unattainable, have come to fruition.
Meanwhile, I’ve barely scratched the itch to learn about Huna under Kumu Michael Longshore’s guidance, and will return to the course for more.
I knew of a place not far from my home for the rose quartz to enjoy an undisturbed retreat. Overgrown by trees and barely visible alongside a path lined with trees, was a broken cedar rail fence. I reached in under what was left of the fence, found a soft spot, dug a hole, tucked in the rose quartz and perhaps most importantly - marked the spot. About a month later, I returned, excitement increasing with each step as I got closer and closer to the spot where the rose quartz lay in wait for me. Kneeling, I uncovered it from the earth, scooped it up to my heart in both hands, feeling an ecstatic surge in welcoming the rose quartz into my life. And then, suddenly came the feeling of being watched. I looked up.
So, back to the crystal skull.
Despite being drawn to them for various reasons from time to time over the years, I’d never had or worked with a crystal skull. While reading Joe Mancini’s “how to” booklet called Crystal Skulls: Old/New Tools for Transformation, I understood why I’d never brought one home: Crystal skulls need special care, handling and preparation. It was imperative for me to read a training manual. So, now feeling ready I decided to keep an eye out for one in my travels.
About a month later, Patrick and I decided on a whim to visit a favorite ‘new age’ shop, as a break from routine. He saw several in a display case and called me over. After some back and forth as to which one I might like, I chose the skull that we both liked the most. It was rose quartz, so fitting somehow. Brought it home, and buried it just outside the house in a soft spot under some trees.
About 10 days later, unexpectedly, a crew of workers arrived to make repairs outside the house, disturbing the spot where the crystal was snoozing, ultimately making it impossible to find. I looked everywhere in the vicinity of the original location. It did seem odd that it would be gone, but there was nothing to be done about it. Maybe it would turn up some day.
It did. Pat saw it peeking out of the earth a couple of weeks later, not far from where I’d put it, and called me to come and see. With an ecstatic happy feeling, I picked it up saying, “There you are!!”, holding it up to receive Pat’s grin too.
Obviously, the crystal skull had wanted us both there for that moment, just like when it found us in the store.
Then we moved house. It was packed SO carefully. And will turn up when it’s ready. Then I’ll ask it to smile for the camera, and place the photo here.
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