![]() by David A. Wheatley We have now passed the major conjunction last month of Jupiter catching up to Uranus in Taurus, but that doesn’t mean their conjunction is past having an effect. Major conjunctions, and some that you might think of as minor, energize natal characteristics if not accentuate them, and this heightened state doesn’t stop as the conjunction wanes. Usually, the new threshold makes some internal changes and tweaks which remain closer to the surface of our daily consciousness for weeks or months after the conjunction and, in the case of the outer planets, years. Some outer planet conjunctions influence a generation, distinguishing those born when the energy of the powerful conjunction is spent. Some the events that make the news - like 9/11 for example - come on a major aspect such as a Saturn/Pluto opposition beginning weeks beforehand, eclipses as recent as a month before, and a Jupiter/Saturn conjunction months before - all playing long-term roles in the charts of the USA, New York City, President Bush and most of the rest of us. Everyone knows the reverberations of that event rippled around the world for years. Innumerable astrological discussions focusing on 9/11 are available online for those interested. One of my favorites is by Liz Greene: https://www.astro.com/astrology/in_wtc_e.htm Jupiter can inflate another planet in a conjunction with energy to be released later as other planets provoke the inherent energies by transiting aspects. After Jupiter caught up to conjuncted and passed it, Uranus remained in pretty much the same location in Taurus as Jupiter moved on for an extended visit through Gemini where it is not at all restrained by the grounding tendencies of Taurus. Compared to the grounding environment of Taurus, Jupiter in Gemini is more likely to stir a lot of discussion and present a lot of paperwork to review and sign; it may be too much chatter sometimes. Jupiter expands and inflates whatever it touches; it intends to expand our consciousness and is very active in Gemini. Late next Summer, Uranus will finally move into Gemini as well and be released from the dampening influence of Taurus, with much more freedom to express in closer proximity to our daily consciousness. But before that happens, Uranu's current position will be transited and aspected by other possible catalyst planets, notably Mars, in mid-July. When Mars arrives to conjunct Uranus, it finds the solar system’s often eccentric planet, recently inflated by Jupiter, ready to pop. More on that later. Uranus will join the other major planets in changing signs next year, all of them moving by direct and retrograde motion back and forth, between the beginning of 2025 through 2026. Any major planet changing signs is a change of focus. When two or more major planets change signs in a relatively condensed period of time, the positive and negative stresses stemming from substantial change pile up. Uranus moving into Gemini will form a fortunate trine to transiting Pluto in 2026. Pluto finally moves at the tail end of this year into Aquarius, not to return to Capricorn by retrograde or direct motion for centuries. In a little more than two years, all the outer planets' changing signs will be a huge astrological event that will force us to adapt more than usual for years to come. Even though some of the changes are very positive, they bring stress with them because there’s so much happening in a condensed period of time. You’ve probably heard or said yourself it feels like time is foreshortened and is passing quicker. Mostly, I think these comments are subjective feelings, but in the next couple of years, everyone will be saying that from personal experience. The relationship from Pluto to Uranus in a trine (yet to happen from Aquarius to Gemini) ushers in a profound period of innovation, new technologies, and brilliant ideas. I believe these rapidly unfolding challenges and changes are not made by casual whim; they are decisions made under pressure — forced evolution. Initially, things will be upsetting, but years down the road, the results will be for the best. Pluto leaves Capricorn for good at the end of November 2024 and moves slowly over 30 degrees of Capricorn and zero degrees of Aquarius with a different emphasis than it had in Capricorn. Pluto had been in Aquarius briefly most of this year, but it will retrograde back into Capricorn for the grand finale between September and November, having its final say on the hornet’s nest it stirred up while in Capricorn. Neptune will leave Pisces at the end of March next year. Saturn will be close to it, and over a period of years these two planets by direct and retrograde motion will hover back and forth over the Pisces/Aries cusp, making a few conjunctions in early Aries. The departure of Neptune from its exalted free-form time in Pisces into goal-specific Aries is a harsh change of sensibility. By entering Aries, Neptune surrenders much of its ability to blur the definitions of reality as Saturn finally gets out of Pisces into a sign with feet under it. Saturn in Pisces is under water, muffled. It can’t be clear about defining anything, and thus, we had a long period of Neptune erasing the lines of definition between what is real and what is fake news, and Saturn, as the decider and rule enforcer, was unable to do much about it. When Saturn leaves Pisces, fake news takes a back seat to real news because there is no choice. Saturn in Ares does not give vague choices, it brings reasons why there’s no time for fooling around. The time for indulgences of personal facts has run out. Things have to happen. What will surprise people is how quickly we leave behind the attitudes that dominated our landscape and move into a very different arrangement of priorities. It’s going to happen because of a challenge to be more Arian and to discard the Piscean by necessity. Saturn goes from having very little authority in Pisces to being aggressive, impatient, short-fused, lacking in sensitivity, determined, and forging ahead without a long-term plan. We collectively wake up in a reality that requires huge adjustments. The outer planets bringing all kinds of change are things about which individual people can do very little apart from adapting. A front-row seat to a recurrent nova event ![]() An event is happening in the constellation Coronae Borealis in September, located between the 9th and 12th degrees of Scorpio. It is an explosion/eruption of hydrogen built up on one of two stars in a binary star system about 3,000 light years away, not an explosion of a star itself, and it will be visible on Earth for about a week. It is not an event in our solar system and doesn’t register as the planetary aspects do within our psyche. It is definitely something from outside the psyche, though once the radiant light energy becomes a phenomenon through the lens of our solar system and arrives here on Earth, it becomes shaped in character by how it interacts in individual charts. It is visible to the naked eye. I can’t say exactly what to expect of it, except it might heighten a person's sensitivity to whatever planet or asteroid is located in the natal chart in the area between 9 and 12 degrees of Scorpio or in its opposite in earth sign Taurus. I would limit the influence to a conjunction/opposition first and any aspect after that only if there is a conjunction/opposition. If there is no conjunction, the impact is probably limited to the impression of seeing it in the night sky. The conjunction with any chart luminary/planet/Moon or important abstract point such as Ascendant, Midheaven or Moon’s Nodes will probably shape the character of the energy. This star last erupted in such a manner in 1946. I don’t know during which month it happened then, but among the notable events in 1946 are: Founding of the United Nations. The recognition of Austria reborn post-WW2 divided into four occupation zones. President Truman signs and initiates the Atomic Energy Commission. The invention of the first digital computer. The invention of Tupperware. The establishment of Pakistan began with violent protests. A Military Tribunal was formed to try former Japanese leaders post-WW2. The Baby Boom began. Jordan was recognized. Italy became a Republic. The French-Indochina war began, lasting several years. Churchill names Russia’s Iron Curtain. Truman signs off on the end of WW2. Pluto’s last retrograde visit to Capricorn, and the Pluto Return on the US chartThe cycles of Pluto in any chart swing from anabolic to catabolic, building up and breaking down over two-plus years. In transiting a sign Pluto took, for example, 15 years in Capricorn, working on Capricorn themes. Pluto’s final retrograde visit to Capricorn for a few months starting in September is the wrap-up of Pluto’s work in Capricorn before spending generations in Aquarius. Capricorn applied its hallmark determination with Pluto passing through on a dark obsession with power and its uses to acquire more. What Pluto did here was bring what was hidden in the shadows out in the open and allow it to break down established power structures, including the legal system and government. If necessary, Pluto breaks the established structure and replaces it with something else for the collective to experience. For the USA, and therefore by extension much of the rest of the world, this is obvious in the growing political and social tumult in the US over the last fifteen-plus years. Pluto’s ongoing work has come to its latest climax in the US with a Pluto Return this year. That is, Pluto returning to its natal placement at the time of the inception of the USA. The Pluto Return will be completed, as will the breakdown of whatever is necessary from Pluto being in Capricorn, by the end of the year when Pluto finally departs Capricorn. Pluto trines with transformative Uranus as its emphasis goes AquarianIn a wider vein, Pluto in Capricorn also destabilized power structures in other parts of the world. When Pluto is fully into Aquarius its focus for transformation will shift away from Government and other power structures, into Aquarian themes which have some affinity with the 11th house. These themes include a greater emphasis on humanitarianism, new technologies, democracy as a social revolution, or rebellion from it in order to be distinguished as unique. Pluto’s next few years in early Aquarius will be largely characterized by its trine with Uranus in Gemini which I will describe in more detail a little later. The obvious vehicle for challenging transformation in the US is Trump. ![]() Taking a look at Donald Trump’s chart, he has a tense square coming around June 22 between transiting Mars and his natal Pluto in his 12th house. A square from transiting Mars in Trump’s 9th house is friction between the higher-minded requirements of the 9th house and the 12th house psyche, including ‘hidden enemies,’ something to be experienced only in the 12th house. Mars in Trump’s 9th house in Taurus brings a huge clash of the desire to dominate with presumed knowledge and use any connections and powers to pull strings, manipulate and manufacture a desired outcome. The square aspect suggests this does not create the outcome he wants; in fact, it makes things worse. It’s like trying to coerce the judge or someone related to his legal troubles, and instead, it runs afoul of the law. It creates problems, doesn’t solve them. At the same time, transiting Mercury is over his natal 11th house Mercury - he fully believes and speaks with the confidence he’s groomed his entire life, preaching once again to the choir (11th house) but unable to gain the power he imagines over powerful people (the judge, the legal system). The Mercury aspect to Mercury is going to create a sea of chatter around Trump, he’ll be texting up a storm, in which he feels like he’s in control and can talk his way out of something and dictate how reality should be, but the Mars square to his natal Pluto says no, you are not in control. It’s very likely his attempts to manage events makes things worse under this aspect, saying too much. It’s long past the point at which his lawyers would have said, “Don’t irritate the judge”. On July 11th, transiting Mars is conjunct transiting Uranus for ten days. (This is impactful for everyone.) In Trump’s chart, it’s in another square to his natal Mars, also in his 12th house, the house of ‘hidden enemies.’ Trump may be full of confidence, but he’s not making a deal at this time. It looks like a harsh judgment is to come. In the weeks after these two harsh aspects, transiting Jupiter in Trump’s tenth house moves into a sextile to his natal Pluto, suggesting some powerful people propose ways of modifying the rules and rescuing him. Mars, fresh from its hostile aspects, makes a sextile to his natal Saturn, suggesting that there are attempts to make legal guidelines more amenable to Trump and to his supporters. I don’t think it removes the impactful consequences of the initial Mars squares, but it modifies the framework normally applied to persons in similar circumstances to something less severe. In mid-August, a transiting conjunction of 10th house Mars and Jupiter is trine his natal 2nd house Jupiter, bringing a big boost to his income. Whether this is a fundraising surge post-Republican convention or in sympathy for his legal troubles, it amounts to a week or so of surging income. A competing influence in his chart at this same time from Mars and Jupiter is a semi-sextile to his natal 11th house Saturn/Venus conjunction. Semi-sextile aspects can be irritating and annoying but not wholly bad or good. In these circumstances, a natal predisposition in Trump’s chart is provoked by the natal conjunction of Saturn and Venus. Everybody probably has some understanding of lovely Venus and stern taskmaster Saturn. It’s very unfortunate for anyone to have their natal Venus conjuncted by Saturn. Venus is, among other things, the ability to attract and spend material resources. Saturn being conjunct at birth promises material gains from parents, family legacy, and a famous name. But it also makes the appetite and ability to be loved go wanting. One strives to be loved and will go to an incredible extent, if necessary, to have it with Saturn hovering over Venus. One believes it has to be earned by doing something remarkable because just being yourself is not enough; one is not worthy unless one performs miracles, and thus, one either has to do remarkable things or convince others that they have done so. The transiting semi-sextile from Mars/Jupiter to Trump’s natal Saturn/Venus shows his irritable side as he insists on convincing others (11th house) that he is more worthy than anyone for their love. But what if it isn’t enough for him? He will show the hunger and frustration that comes from not having enough. He will not accept anything less. This could be a bit of a crisis for him, losing it in a public rant. Trump could have chosen to not run for president a second time and thus avoided expensive losses. He could have continued to enjoy his life and his brand and remained an influential person in popular culture. But he needs to overcome the specter of political losses he and his brand suffered. He needs to escape judgment. He needs to win which for him equates to being virtuous, inflating the size of his crowds, his popularity, his achievements, and the value of his real estate holdings. ![]() For better and for worse, Trump is having a Uranus return in his chart now. This points directly to his value as a tool of fate, I don’t mind saying. An outer planet so critical to his essence in his natal chart is making a return at the same time he is in the midst of a pinnacle point in his life. The outer planets are never down-to-earth in our consciousness, only influencing us from outside consciousness. They simply don’t fit into Earth 3D-level consciousness. So, when an outer planet gets cozy in our charts, it brings its whole package of good and bad values up close and personal. In Trump’s case, his natal Uranus was conjunct to his natal Sun at birth. Uranus is sometimes a brilliant inventor and at other times - the other side of the coin - is the disruptor just for the sake of being one, like the kid in school kicking the back of your desk. If you think his fate is to win the presidency and escape the jaws of the legal system, then you want to see this period of time as him flying like Superman over it all and triumphant; Trump the next president and presiding over all manner of changes in the way a government works and how the world revolves when the US is no longer the central dominant influence. If you see him as rising to these heights of power through lying and cheating, your expectation is that he is fated to be torn down as most American icons often are when their inner workings are exposed to the world. You see the necessity of changes but essentially the triumph of law and order as we thought we knew it to be. The reality here is that Trump is a Uranian individual. He follows the often-erratic Uranian path that has no sincere attention for the concerns or values of mere mortals. This is one of the things that gives him appeal to those who sympathetically want to also be Uranian rebels for its own sake, to be defined by their willingness to be purely Uranian and simply be contrary, erratic; being purely Uranian, divorced from the influences of the other planets in the solar system as if Uranus was the only influence, but that is not the way it is. In mythology, Uranus was a sky god who was not limited by form or function. His sibling Saturn/Kronos brought dimension, form and function. Saturn brought the perception of up and down, of gravity, of no longer existing in the vastness of space without a grounding Earth under foot upon which to build. Most of us would call that reality. You can fight gravity, but it ultimately wins. So, too, Trump is going to reach the end of his tether as the year winds down. Saturn is going to close the walls around him by transit, and as the year ends and Pluto moves on and begins work in Aquarius, Trump ceases to be a tool of Pluto in Capricorn. Can he be a tool of Pluto in Aquarius? It’s possible; he is Uranian, after all. But I don’t see how he changes that much in one month. Uranus does not exist alone in the astrological chart, and among other powerful factors in the psyche, both individually and nationally, is Saturn. ![]() As the election tumult subsides, Saturn squares Trump’s natal Sun/Uranus conjunction. This is the reality of Saturn imposed on the old god Uranus. No longer flying high, there is, in fact, an up and a down; there is gravity. He must face those legal challenges he strove to avoid. With the sky no longer a hospitable environment for his Uranian nature, his vitality will suffer as Saturn squares his natal Sun. Mars, at the same time, will conjunct his natal Moon in early December and oppose his natal Sun/Uranus. He will complain mightily of being persecuted, with great outbursts of anger. The effect on the US chart is something I will address another day. As Saturn moves into the transits described above, it enters Trump’s 8th house. Saturn in the 8th house is initially bad news for anyone who’s been hiding and fudging income and assets. I would expect he also gets a letter from the IRS telling him how much he owes from unpaid taxes, plus fines. That’s a typical impact of Saturn in the 8th house unless one has kept affairs in order in which case one has nothing to fear. For Trump, this is the worst case for Saturn entering any house among the 12. Contact David at [email protected] for a personal astrological consultation. Click here to return to the Astrology Corner index page.
January 2025