![]() by David A. Wheatley It’s finally here, 2025, with a multi-planet shifting of trans-Jupiter planets from one sign to another within a very short period of time. We are still within the envelope of Mars's opposition to Pluto, which began around the US election day in November of 2024. If you are one of those with doubts about the election results, you will have reason to continue wondering as Mars in Leo retrogrades back across into Cancer and repeats its opposition to transiting Pluto. This also applies to people who supported Trump, who will not be satisfied with the results either for different reasons in the coming months. Mars transiting opposite transiting Pluto is on a cusp; it’s shifting on an axis between two opposing signs, Cancer and Capricorn, and Leo and Aquarius. The opposition begins on one axis, and because of retrograde motion, it will finish on another in another two signs. This kind of split personality, for a major aspect repeating in different signs, is also going to be true for Saturn and Neptune. They will conjunct in Pisces and in Aries between March of 2025 and a year later in 2026. This is twice the work of adjusting to big changes happening on sign cusps. You think you got it in one sign and then have to do it again in another. Pluto has just begun to depart its two decades of work in Capricorn and bring a new angle on the power of Pluto by entering Aquarius. Pluto in Capricorn was about the obsession with concentrated power to transform by edict overwhelmingly. The shift into Aquarius is not about top-down power; it’s about power sharing or power taken and distributed. The first one is voluntary; the second one is by initiative. The old model for Pluto won’t work in Aquarius. If it survived the transition of Pluto into Aquarius as it did in Russia, it only survived to face a forced breakdown while Pluto is in Aquarius. A similar reality faces Trump, who seems poised to assume and concentrate power around himself. Things won’t cooperate as they often don’t for incoming presidents. Circumstances will break down the lines of authority and distribute them, taking power away from a central authority and being custom-fit for more regional and local challenges. It’s conceivable that Trump’s attempt to control more leads to the dissolution of presidential power. At the end of Cancer and moving into Leo, transiting Mars opposed transiting Pluto as it left Capricorn and entered Aquarius last November on election day in the US. Normally the opposition from transiting Mars would last a week or so, but Mars turned retrograde after passing out of the opposition and moved backwards into aspect and into Cancer again by the end of December. On April 3rd, 2025, Mars moves direct and is for the final time in this series opposing Pluto for the last time. Mars's final opposition in this series is a change from its first opposition in the series, taking place in Leo/Aquarius, not Cancer/Capricorn. Same two planets, same aspect, different signs. What’s the difference?For Pluto, it’s a shift from feeling like power is in your hands (Capricorn) to realizing you do not have control over the power; very likely, the power has control over you. For Mars it’s a shift from Cancer to Leo. Mars in Cancer is ready to defend its position, what it believes it owns. Mars in Leo isn’t just defending; it wants everyone to know that it’s putting a flag in the ground and taking what it wants because if you don’t seize what you want, someone else will take it. Mars in Cancer would go to war if attacked, Mars in Leo will start the war. Mars opposition Pluto is jockeying with and presuming to be one of the powerful players, challenging others to put up a fight. Unfortunately, this is the mindset of a bully, both successful and unsuccessful bullies. ![]() Individual people cannot attain and keep the power Pluto brings within their control because most of Pluto is the proverbial iceberg beneath the surface; its natural realm is the unconscious. Would-be operators in the conscious 3D world will never have what it takes to hold this power though they believe otherwise as if they are immortal gods. What they learn is that they are being used by this power from the unconscious. The psyche is always using us, getting us to where we need to be through the deception of the ego. Pluto’s power is manipulated from the unconscious, and what’s in the unconscious are stored memories from past experiences, things we may have tried before, once or many times, and the emotional impact of failure and success. Trying to repair the failure feeling, ego will try again and again to turn failure into success. Whatever lesson was to be found in failure, if it hasn’t been learned, will mount up a greater effort to get past the crushed ego and appeal to us on other levels of realization. It’s always up to us to see things for what they are, see ourselves for who we are, and make choices because of it. The Mars-Pluto opposition is for the benefit of those who need to repeat an experience they’ve suffered before, something that they insulated themselves from realizing and letting go of or acting differently on. Mars finally moving direct and making a final opposition to Pluto as Pluto finally settles into decades in Aquarius, commences setting the themes for Pluto in Aquarius. The next year will be the shifting of all the major outer planets into new signs AND because of retrograde motion, they will as Pluto has done, go back and forth on either side of the relative sign cusps. It will take a year to find a new rhythm because of things happening in 2025 to force changes. The one thing that seems certain is while evolution requires the growth to come, at first it isn’t welcome and no one likes the shape it comes in. Much later on, the major planets make very favorable aspects to each other. Along with the major changes we are forced to make are long-term benefits. Long-term the shape of things results from what happens in 2025 into early 2026. The structures of life with Saturn erecting them in Aries, not Pisces, is to pioneer in a new direction. Gone are the vague borderless facts of Pisces, though borders as people think of them now are also gone. In 2024 around the world there was a huge cry for more defined borders. Saturn in Pisces undermines the psychological vitality of borders. In Aries, to simplify things as Saturn quite often does, it eliminates borders. There are fewer borders to watch. Not likely, this is something many people thought they wanted; this is something they realize is a new reality and because of a realization of survival needs is going to become the new normal. Aquarius is about an individual or group of individuals who don’t identify with a national flag as people once did. It’s an Air sign ruled by Uranus and Saturn oddly enough, two planets of a very contrary nature. It’s considered the sign of new technology and innovation. Pluto entering Aquarius will very soon be in a trine aspect to Uranus in fellow Air sign Gemini. Once we hurdle 2025 into early ’26 we will begin to build new structures with new tools for a new world. ![]() By April, it should be clear that the centralized power running the US nation (and any other nation or group association) is probably criminally dysfunctional. I say criminally because Pluto works with no regard for the laws of man. Pluto does not know right or wrong; it knows what it wants. What it wants is to find release, to liberate what’s been locked up in the unconscious. Often, structures in the conscious 3D world are in the way and have to be moved, bulldozed, and blown up to make way for what’s coming. Because Pluto is unconscious, it seldom can enact its agenda directly the way swift Mercury can present an idea in a conversation. Pluto is metaphorically lord of the underworld; it presents its idea from below, upsetting what’s built above. If Mercury is the Tower of Language, communication, of Babel, Pluto is the foundation upon which it is built. If Pluto, from its subterranean vaults, is connected to the ephemeral airy sky god Uranus via a lightning bolt, chances are good that the Tower is coming down and will be rebuilt in a new way so this doesn’t happen again. If the internet world of 2024 crashes, it’s going to be rebuilt in a way, perhaps as it always should have been. Until then, a little struggle makes foreign borders an abstract not a part of anyone’s reality. Your new borders are as far as you can exchange with others from your hometown base. Some cities still have working phone booths; bravo for you if you live in one of those, but who do you call? This incredible process of picture framing by Mars/Pluto from the day of the American election in 2024 into Spring of 2025, hosts the contents of the picture produced by the major outer planets shifting signs. Beginning now but not completed until later in 2026. Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus all shift signs during this one year, but because of retrograde motion, they waffle back into Pisces and Taurus before settling in forward motion, giving us humans an opportunity to adjust. ![]() With Uranus leaving the Fixed Earth sign of Taurus and entering the very different hyper-flexible Mutable Air sign of Gemini, Uranus is unshackled and ready to interrupt human lines of communication with nonsensical chatter. Is it nonsensical, or is it above our head brilliant? Uranus will celebrate gaining liberty with some earth-shaking, big-time cyber hack. The shift of Uranus from Taurus to Gemini is not going to be subtle. Uranus is a primordial sky god, parent of Saturn/Kronos. Uranus is the original owner of the thunderbolt made famous by his grandson Zeus or Jupiter. Air sign Gemini is Mutable, unlike Fixed sign Taurus. In the new playground Gemini, Uranus can flash his lightning bolt often. The early trine to transiting Pluto promises a sudden new connection between the rarified realm of the sky and the underworld of Pluto. Whether it's a solar flare, a man-made EMP-generated disruption, or a massive cyber-attack, Uranus is getting out of jail giddy in the summer of 2025. Any sudden change in the lines of communication or thought feels like a crisis, but it leads to a reinvention and improvement of technology over an extended period of rebuilding. Cell phones will eventually be replaced by something better that maybe you don’t have to hold in your hand. Some people believe this will lead to the beginnings of or more frequent use of telepathy. I have my doubts about that, but we will definitely have something new and more advanced up and running by the summer of 2026. Saturn and Neptune entering Aries comes about in the frame created by transiting Mars opposing transiting Pluto. Saturn is born again when it enters Aries, following the aimless Saturn in Pisces transit of the past couple of years. Entering Aries, Saturn is finally once again working in the real world. Saturn in Aries is in a hurry; it doesn’t have time or patience for a complicated, sophisticated plan. It’s become apparent in recent weeks that as Saturn and Neptune leave Pisces, something was happening during that period that we are just learning about. Saturn’s haste in Aries probably stems from necessity. Neptune’s influence is convincing all sides that they are holy warriors on a mission. Mars opposing Pluto will present us with an argument. A struggle or fight between the forces that want to hold onto all power as they imagined it, and the reality being that this dynamic of administering that power is done; it was done as Pluto left Capricorn. A new way will be formed that distributes power and or power is taken by others upon the necessity of doing so, as the central power of the patriarchal corporate model breaks down. It’s not going away; this is only the loosening of the ropes from the top down. Circumstances will force decisions and the power to make them into diverse authorities in diverse places. The autocratic form of governing is going to fail. Economic support for it will weaken it. Neptune is leaving its favorite sign, Pisces, and entering its least supportive environment in Aries on April Fool’s Day 2025. Neptune is always a background influence in most people’s lives; they do not realize how powerful the background influence is. Neptune is, however, getting a haircut when it enters Aries, along the lines of Samson getting a haircut. The influence of highly spiritual Neptune in Aries is reduced to a simple need - to inspire the troops. The horizon on what we can be inspired to do goes from Neptune in Pisces' multidimensional consciousness to a Neptune in Aries crusade. Along with the foresight potential of Neptune in Pisces, when it enters Aries, Neptune gets less respect. People are not going to trust their intuition because of the overly wide spectrum of Neptune’s vision in Pisces. When it enters Aries, there’s an intuitive blindness thing happening; decisions will be made that are not based on reliable science or intuition. ![]() Under these circumstances, bad medical advice is very likely. Hasty decisions aligned with ideology are neither good science nor intuitively satisfying. This will erode confidence in the authorities. When Neptune retrogrades back into Pisces, we will have this contrast again; good science and intuitive decisions made by those who KNOW will provide good guidance. But Neptune and Saturn in Aries will at first provide bad leadership because of baseless faith in them. We will fall down and learn the hard way that we have been misguided. Saturn and Neptune have a history of peak importance to countries like the Soviet Union or, possibly this time, for Communist China. These two planets meet up every so many decades, though not at the zero degree of Aries which hasn’t happened in known Western history that anyone has found. Each time in recent decades and centuries, it was a period of creation or calamity for socialist or communist leaders. The Berlin Wall went up and came down on a Saturn/Neptune meeting. It’s possible another wall is proposed to go up in Ukraine soon, or the red line established by the Russian invasion into Ukraine falls down. Socialist/communist manifestos were erected under the meeting of these two outer planets. This is the inspiration of the divine focused on a government that aspires to control people and their possessions, and it leads to the dissolving of said governments. Pluto in Aquarius isn’t strongly pro or anti-socialism. Pluto supports the creation of multiple leaders and multiple member organizations that allow for individual expression. Interdimensional ContactMany people speculate that this time of remarkable astrological events is the opening introduction to aliens interacting with humanity openly. It’s possible; the astrology supports a major shift in our SELF consciousness. If, as some suggest, humanity has been hurried into the technological age (post-Industrial Age) by alien tech since WW2, one major reason aliens would bring the planet into a cyber age is because they can control our society better if we are dependent on technology they helped design. In order to communicate with another dimension of consciousness we need to have a bridge to do that. In the 1920’s and 30’s, old-school magicians and eventual science fiction authors attempted to contact and bring over into this dimension beings from another one. They claim to have had some success in their line of communication. Some believe that their attempts and limited success alerted other dimensional beings that we are here and should be surveyed, as many feel we have been. The updated version of that is people today shorn of magical trappings trying with consciousness-raising techniques if not new equipment making contact with other dimensional beings. I believe this has already happened, but it isn’t established in the mainstream media or acknowledged by elected “leaders” that humanity today is in touch with Aunt Mabel from the fifth dimension, and she has a recipe to share that cures cancer and radiation sickness. ![]() The timing of manifestation for these large outer planets in personal charts depends on the movement of the inner planets, inside the orbit of Jupiter. Mars, Mercury, Venus and the Sun bring vast expressions of higher consciousness into our daily lives. We look to the inner planets for the roadway of these larger-than-life planetary energies to enter into our conscious lives. Many astrologers also note the position of the Moon as a vehicle for outer planet expression, but I am careful with these because of how fast the Moon transits in and out of aspect in a matter of hours. If the Moon joins into an aspect already being activated by Mercury, Venus, the Sun, or Mars, I consider the Moon’s position more carefully and note its phase (full or new Moon). By itself, the few hours of a lunar transit can be inadequate; you might be asleep when it happens. The Moon, added to any other inner planet’s transit, becomes a major layer of content to be aware of. Pluto is the unconscious, individual and collective spanning life and death. The Moon is the subconscious patterns and material we inherit and learn from those in our families and lives. With a rare black moon and the peak of the year's first major meteor shower already behind us, January is shaping up to be an exciting month for stargazers in 2025. Per NASA, stargazers can enjoy a sweeping view of Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars in a planetary parade happening each night all month long. While spotting multiple planets in alignment isn't entirely rare, this occurrence doesn't happen every year, so it's worth checking out, the space agency said. In later January there’s what some in the general media refer to as an alignment of planets involving Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars. It’s wonderful to be able to see them in the night sky, but I will let NASA’s explanation suffice for the very loose use of the term, alignment. "Now, these events are sometimes called 'alignments' of the planets, and while it's true that they will appear more or less along a line across the sky, that's what all planets always do," NASA said. "That line is called the ecliptic, and it represents the plane of the solar system in which the planets orbit around the Sun." In Astrology, an alignment is an intersection, a line that bisects us here on Earth with another planet, planets, asteroids, or a number of abstract points such as the Moon’s Nodes. Planets being in the sky is itself not an alignment for astrological purposes. Visually though, all the planets are on or slightly above/below the ecliptic or plane circling the Sun, all the time. This is not a noteworthy event; it’s routine. What’s noteworthy is that they are visible in the same general area of the sky but not conjunct except when as noted. As I’ve described above, the Sun, Venus and Mercury will intersect with the same degrees that Saturn and Neptune will around zero degrees of Aries. The Sun enters Aries every year at approximately the same time/day on the calendar. Because Mercury and Venus are closer to the Sun than the Earth, in an astrology chart they are never far from the Sun at any time of year. They move in front and behind the Sun depending on retrograde motion, but never very far away from it. Conjunctions between the Sun, Mercury, and Venus are frequent. Add the even swifter moving Moon, and the inner planets are often busy interacting. Our consciousness is present in these “inner” planets, inside the orbit of Jupiter. Mars is an inner planet that, when it moves retrograde, slows and lingers in aspect, making it more potent than any other inner planet. Early in February, Venus is at 29 degrees of Pisces, and it moves over both Saturn and Neptune, sparking chemistry with them as they all sort of enter Aries in a sloppy series of group transits. Thirty degrees at the end of one sign is zero degrees of the next one. It’s not a hard-edged line between signs, so if Saturn is at 29 degrees and moving forward, it’s also at the entry of the next sign. Venus crossing over more quickly from Pisces into Aries and over Saturn introduces us to how we feel about what is happening. We may not know the details but we are aware something is developing. Saturn and Neptune don’t try to surprise us in order to intervene in our lives, we get clues about something coming before it arrives. Venus’ conjunction with both Saturn and Neptune is big hit of anticipation, preparing us for what’s about to be enacted. Venus and Saturn is a sobering moment, usually not jumping up and down good news but not necessarily all bad. Venus and Neptune is hopeful with Neptune in Pisces. Venus in Aries is more of an instant need to satisfy, more conditional. Something is good if certain conditions are met. Some of us process more by feeling followed later with more information by analytical examination (Mercury). In our personal charts, for an aspect in someone’s natal chart, a fairly wide 8 degree orb for conjunction has to be applied. Anyone with a planet, asteroid, or abstract point between 26 of Pisces to 4 degrees of Aries is getting the royal impact and will be living it for a very long time, years, in fact, may already be feeling it intuitively. The closer to the zero degree of Aries, the stronger it will be. Same applies for opposition and square. Other aspects around a 6 degree orb. Any normal aspect near the zero degree point of any sign is heightened in intensity. These are on high octane. Early in March Mercury moves over the same territory into Aries. Real information is at hand. Now we need to talk about this. What are we going to do? What can someone tell me about this? I need more information. Who you gonna call? On March 20, the Sun is moving across the same Saturn/Neptune conjunction into zero degrees of Aries and onward. Our feelings and our thinking are getting wrapped around what the dialogue is all about. We’re synthesizing things into our consciousness and have shared thoughts with others; we may have a plan. It’s part of our lives; it’s happening. We have learned things we didn’t know while Neptune and Saturn were in Pisces. A little later in March, both Mercury and Venus, at several degrees into Aries, turn retrograde and back up to once again conjunct the transits of Saturn and Neptune in the last two weeks of March. Saturn and Neptune are going to retrograde back into Pisces, in late March, prior to Saturn and Neptune making their grand entrance into Aries. Neptune enters first, on April 1st, with Mercury and Venus retrograded back into the last few degrees of Pisces, conjunct transiting Saturn. While there’s some confusion over what’s going on, we also have time that we didn’t want but probably need to work on the many subplots in our lives. While it’s very useful to know what house these events are taking place in your natal chart, these are worldwide events. I have seen charts of individuals in which this period is not highly influential. It’s possible; I’d even say they are on the sidelines and sitting it out. But in general, the whole world is having an evolutionary leap. On April 16 the retrograde motion Mercury being over, Mercury is moving direct at zero degrees of Aries for the second time in weeks, along with Neptune at zero degrees of Aries. This is a few days of holy crap. Speeches, proclamations, agreements, new borders. Agreements made under Neptune will change, Neptune doesn’t believe in borders, rules or strict definitions. Any agreement made will be broken. On April 18, Mars is at zero degrees of Leo, a trine to our hyper-sensitive grouping at the beginning of Aries. Now that we’ve had a little opportunity to look at things, maybe we send personnel in motion or pick a direction to set in motion. On April 18th, Mars makes its last of three transiting oppositions to transiting Pluto from early Leo to early Aquarius. This is the months-long dance between these two that began during the US election, and will have something to say again in April. Because it has spanned the cusp of Mars entering Leo and Pluto Aquarius in three passes, it repeats the cusping of Saturn/Neptune and, later in the summer, Uranus into Gemini. In the second week of June, Jupiter crosses over into Cancer. It was lost in the chatter of Gemini. In Cancer, Jupiter will bring people together to secure the homeland’s historical standards, sharing them. Familiar trusted people will assemble to chart a sensible path. Things are still a mess, but there is some sense of a plan. On April 30, Venus after retrograde motion, also arrives at zero and one degree of Aries meeting up with Neptune. This is a mix of feelings. What’s real? Things are not settled even though we think we know all there is to know. With Mercury and Venus, we are getting two chances over weeks to get it, don’t feel alone about not getting it right away. This is a mess; that’s how the conscious mind looks at it. There are months ahead to see how this works. Saturn is knocking at the door and some clarity is coming. In the last ten days of May, Saturn is catching up to Neptune and reaching the beginning of Aries. There’s dialogue that’s reassuring just because people are talking, a semi-sextile from the Sun entering Gemini. Total Lunar EclipseOn March 14th there’s an eclipse of the Moon by the Sun, a total lunar eclipse close to midnight EST. It's visible over a path arcing across the US and going off into the Atlantic Ocean right after midnight. This takes place at 24 degrees of Pisces. There’s a lot going on around 24 degrees of Pisces as well as other signs at that time. If you don't have a professional astrological chart cast with your birth time and place, or want simply a chart with less detail cast as a solar birth chart (date of birth without time and place) you can have it done for you here: https://www.astro.com/ Saturn will be at a little over 22 degrees of Pisces, and Neptune will be at 29, so we can’t call this a conjunction, though Saturn is within a close orb of connection. As a group, it's definitely a cluster in the last decan or ten degrees of Pisces. Both Mercury and Venus have already passed over this degree by the time of the actual eclipse - Venus at the end of January and Mercury at the end of February. These transits will be relevant times for anyone who has anything going on around the 24-degree mark of Pisces before the eclipse physically happens, and the effect will last weeks, if not months. On a chart, the degree has to be within two degrees or less of the eclipse to register. How can a transit like this have an impact before the physical eclipse, manifesting the energy of the eclipse? Because the planets, the Sun and the Moon, are physical universe manifestations of bigger, more potent concentrations of the psyche, both personal and collective. They are more than physical objects. Backing physical reality is the natural realm of the psyche, and in these other dimensions the concept of time as we know it does not apply. The energies mingle and intertwine, spread out over what we think of as time, and manifest multiple times, as if many months are a single moment. All the planets and spheres are placeholders in the physical universe for deeper energies in more dimensions. They manifest in the physical 3D world as planets with properties of their role moving within the giant clock gears called the Solar System. We live on the gear called Earth in this giant, in a physical body, attempting to become better acquainted with the greater dimensions of our being. Our psyche exists on many dimensions, and only a small portion of it can manifest in Earthly consciousness from moment to moment, spread out as we pass through time, as the clock gears turn. An eclipse is a tight focus of lunar or solar character, a laser-like concentration of both, with a stronger lunar or solar emphasis tied to the house position and connection to a natal planet, if any. A solar eclipse emphasizes a longer term, from several months to two years, of heightened solar energy. A lunar eclipse emphasizes for a shorter period of time all associations with the Moon raised a level, influencing the planets and houses in our chart it relates to. All eclipses, if tight enough by degree, can put us on a tangent or side road we didn't plan on, relevant to the house the eclipse is in. A lunar eclipse tends to be shorter but more impactful as it brings our home and culture from the subconscious out from behind your usual presentation and concept of yourself. You might find yourself resonating with a totally new kind of partner under a strong lunar eclipse, feeling like you need to change the way you live and present yourself to the world. You discover a new side of yourself to express to the world. It can be something you had been suppressing. Mercury’s transit over the degree of the eclipse is a greater awareness of a relation between transiting Mercury and any natal planet at the same degree of any sign. It’s more powerful for a conjunction, opposition or square, slightly less for trine, sextile etc. The house position is very helpful for indicating what area of your life this conscious attention is directed. Venus’s transit over this same degree is the power of attraction in it. Attraction to someone or something or to yourself from others; a heightened aura or feeling that you or other people are unconsciously attracted to. A feeling to acquire something you adore that alters you in some way, a departure from your usual. You don't care as much about acquiring debt. A Venus transit over an eclipse with a corresponding conjunction, opposition, or square in a natal chart is an irrational belief that you or someone else must feel a certain way, above all else. Mercury moving over the same planets and degrees with the eclipse combined or overlapping with Venus is a compelling knowing, a conscious plan based on a feeling. Together, Mercury and Venus are, in the world of magic, the essential combination to work magic and influence the laws of physics with human will and emotion. Probably more significant is the position of Uranus at the time of the eclipse. It is at 24 degrees of Taurus. This is an exact sextile to the degree of the eclipse in Pisces. It means the wild card is in play. Anything can happen with Uranus. A sextile is a positive aspect, but Uranus is a trickster. It can do something upsetting that turns out to be fortunate; you just couldn't see how at the time. Uranus functions best by doing something unexpected; you don’t see it coming, or even if you did, you couldn't believe it. Because both the Venus and Mercury transits are spread out over months over the degree, the eclipse becomes a period of time, not a day, a week, or even a month. It's going to be part of what is already an unpredictable time beginning in February, escalating, lasting for months, and made more intense by the eclipse. Comments welcome.
David can also be reached at [email protected] for a personal astrological consultation. Click here to return to the Astrology Corner index page.
Plus: Looking ahead to 2025 – retrograde planets; Lilith; Neptune into Aries; Saturn on Trump’s chart; the US chart; Chiron moves into Taurus in 2026by David A. Wheatley ![]() One of the scenarios that could fit the next 18 months to two years of Astrological expectations is a mega solar flare. It fits because it changes human society everywhere and is not something humans are consciously responsible for, just as the effects of the outer planets are usually out of our control because we are not aware of their potency as we unconsciously create human drama. We experience an event and wonder what caused it without being aware that we did. We don’t know what causes a solar flare apart from an erupting unstable by polarity sunspot. What caused the sunspot? As I’ve mentioned before, there are inconsistencies that undo the idea that earthquakes are a result of solar flares. At the time of this writing, there was a 7 quake off California a week or so ago, and while we were in a peak period of the Sun’s solar cycle for a week before the quake and will be days after, the Sun was and is unusually silent, with no flares during the sunspot cycle peak time. So, toss out the idea about sunspot's connection with earthquakes. From the Astrological point of view everything happening in the solar system is connected, but what the Astrological relationships are, and the chemistry they stir up to create a sunspot and eruption of it, are not known. What is chartable, though, is the impact they make in our lives. The only mega solar flare we have recent memory of is the Carrington Event of September 1-2,1859. https://www.worldatlas.com/space/the-largest-solar-flare-in-recorded-history.html Such an “event” can last for hours, days, or a week. The Coronal Mass Ejection from the Sun takes hours to arrive at this planet, generally several hours to a day, depending on the speed of the ejected matter. When it encounters the Earth’s magnetic field and interacts with it, only a very strong flare like the Carrington flare penetrates the Earth’s magnetic field. In the Spring of 2024, the Earth experienced a few above-normal flares as strong as an X9, but a Carrington Event mega flare was believed to be an X45. In its day, it wiped out the high tech of the time, the telegraph wires. Today, that would penetrate the Earth’s normally protective magnetosphere on the way past frying our satellites to impact surface infrastructure such as the electrical power grids, along with any sensitive, insufficiently shielded circuitry from which it would take months and years to recover. The impact and recovery would be uneven across different locations. Present-day technology would be unevenly affected, but things like the internet and cell phone service would be off. The equipment to provide service and the phones themselves could be ruined and require replacement, not repair. Any facility that has replacement equipment is also subject to impact; recovery could take months, or years in some places. The current solar cycle is expected to peak in July of 2025. As of this writing, there is speculation that the Southern Hemisphere of the Sun has peaked, but not the Northern Hemisphere. In the eleven-year cycle of the Sun from peak to peak, wax and wane and wax again, the cycle we are in has consistently exceeded the projection for potency. Assuming the northern hemisphere reaches its peak in 2025, the Sun can still generate powerful CMEs from flares as it declines from the peak. We have years to go before this cycle is calmed down. Any flare can be followed in seconds to minutes by a rapid succession of other flares from the same sunspot or other sunspots. This extends the impact. Multiple flares ejecting matter from the Sun can mass into a single wave from the Sun before arriving at this planet, adding up to a stronger impact. Sometimes they arrive in a series of one wave after another, which we have seen in this cycle with extended hours and days of aurora borealis shows. It’s possible a series of major flares, though not at the level of the Carrington Event, add up to become something comparable. The positions of the outer planets are the most relevant to charting an Earth-shaking event, possibly activated by a transiting aspect from Mars. Mars is a good bet among the inner planets (inside the orbit of Jupiter to the Sun) to activate the chemistry of any aspect in a dramatic way. The inner planets come along swiftly by comparison to an outer planet’s movement, and while the outer planets are in aspect, the swift inner planet catalyzes what the larger, slower outer planets bring together in any aspect. During the Carrington event of 1859, Saturn was at 18 degrees of Leo. Mars had just passed Saturn at 24 degrees of Leo; Mars had crossed 18 degrees of Leo days prior to the event, probably adding its energy to the sunspot that produced the flare. Both Saturn and Mars were exactly opposing Chiron and the Moon’s North Nodes on the 1st and 2nd of September in 1859. The Nodes and Chiron were conjunct and therefore opposed by the transits of Saturn and Mars, contributing to the formation of the sunspot. Also at that time, Pluto was semi-sextile Uranus from Taurus to Gemini. A semi-sextile aspect is irritating; friction is generated, not flow. Neptune was in late Pisces, a couple of months away from entering Aries, where it is now at the time of this writing. These transiting conditions are not that uncommon or remarkable enough to lay the Carrington Event on, but they or other combinations like them could provide conditions in which a strong flare is formed. I wouldn’t look for Chiron and the Moon’s Nodes to cook up a major flare when opposed by Saturn and Mars. I don’t know that Neptune (about to enter Aries from Pisces) is in any way associated with solar flares, we might find out soon. Neptune entering Aries has a reputation for anxieties that result in wars, and around 1859 that applied. I do expect that an irritating semi-sextile between Pluto in Gemini and Uranus in Taurus is capable of breaking down and rebuilding the telegraph lines suddenly. We are looking for something happening on Earth, though, not on the Sun. What happened on Earth was the loss of telegraph wires. This was frustrating for those relying on rapid communication, but in that period of time, the flare went unnoticed otherwise by people around the planet who no doubt enjoyed the aurora borealis far to the south, where it’s never seen. To be more precise about the aspects at the time of the Carrington Event or past mega flares we would need to look at charts centered as if we were living on the Sun. But in terms of the effect on Earth the aspects in 1859 are appropriate for the limited impact on a world with barely any technology. ![]() In today’s world, a solar flare of comparable potency would make a far greater impact, basically setting everyone’s level of technological lifestyle back to 1859. Today, we would look for something in planetary transits impacting life on Earth on a much greater scale than was present in 1859. Today a year or 18 months of being set back to a more primitive technological society would go a long way towards reducing Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. That would be something truly rare and outstandingly powerful in Astrological aspects. We would need to rebuild a technology that didn’t simply restart the same monstrous problem of making the climate more stressful for life to continue. In today’s Astrological charts, I would expect to see something well above normal in planetary aspects to each other for an event as Earth-shattering as it would be now. Looking back...An ancient tree ring revealed that in 663- 664 BCE2, the Earth was hit by a mega solar flare. The impact on the atmosphere is recorded in a tree’s life, in year after year of growth. In this way, we have a record of such events. https://www.yahoo.com/news/cataclysmic-solar-storm-hit-earth-110000679.html The positions of the planets around that time are interesting to note. Tree rings do reveal annual events in the tree’s environment, but not month by month. For this speculation, I have to guess when it might have happened according to the tensions generated between the planets Sun and Moon. There are no known records for me to consult on where other Solar System bodies were (such as asteroids or other planet’s satellites/moons), but we haven’t commonly used those in Astrological charts until recent decades. We should have enough to work with using the known planets plus Pluto, Sun, and Moon. Solar Flares occur on the Sun; we look for impacts here on Earth for something happening somewhere else. The outer planets, starting with Saturn, move slowly, and it’s possible to look at a whole year and know generally where those planets will be for that year. You can get a good idea about someone you just met if you know their age, thus their year of birth, and where the outer planets were when they were born, if, of course, like me, you have a good memory of where planets are from looking at many people’s charts. For this, I used an ephemeris generated by Astro.com. The Astro.com site also will generate a natal chart for you and give you many useful free options, as well as more in depth choices for which you have to pay. They generously publish a planetary ephemeris online going back centuries. Going back this far, their published records are less detailed but good enough for conjecture. In 663 BCE, Pluto was at 10 of Aquarius, Neptune was at 0 degrees of Scorpio, Uranus was at 20-30 of Aries and about to change signs, Saturn was at 16-24 of Scorpio, and Mars, the best candidate always for a catalyst, moved from Virgo through Libra and Scorpio. Narrowing it down further, in 663 BCE, when Mars was at 24 degrees of Libra, it was opposite Uranus at 24 Aries and trine Pluto in Aquarius. When Mars was in Scorpio around 24 degrees, it was conjunct Saturn and inconjunct Uranus in Aries, with Pluto in Aquarius. When Mars was at 10 degrees of Scorpio, it was square Pluto in Aquarius. At that time, Saturn was retrograding backward, very possibly to around 10 degrees of Scorpio, adding a Saturn/Mars conjunction and Saturn Pluto Square. This latter grouping is potentially pretty serious ear-splitting rock and roll. What the planets provide is a character of expression for energies that Science observes in the physical universe, but for this Astrologer, are believed to be generated in a dimension more natural to the energy itself. Expression in our dimension falls under the laws of physics. Where the energies naturally exist without being put into the containers of physical planets, the laws of physics can’t manage to explain. Trying to place a major event like a mega flare in time by planetary aspects is something that can’t be confirmed, but it’s a fun, intuitive exercise. Lillith moves in Scorpio early spring of 2025 ![]() While the major outer planets get a lot of attention this year from Astrologers, there are other things going on. In late March 2025, Lilith moves into Scorpio. Lilith is an asteroid that’s come into our consciousness since it was discovered in 1927 by a French astronomer. It was actually named after a composer, Lili Boulanger, is roughly 23 kilometers in diameter, located in the heart of the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, a good spot to hide from the mythological womanizers and, at times, abusers of women, Mars and Jupiter, Ares and Zeus. Lilith was co-opted by Astrologers and others to become the symbol of the liberated woman; liberated meaning having freedom from a man’s presumed authority over women. I can’t help but mention the United States will have a convicted abuser of women as president in 2025, along with fellow accused abusers of women either in cabinet positions or circulating around him. The importance of this asteroid can’t be ignored as it moves into Scorpio from benign Libra. Lilith refused to submit to her companion Adam’s authority and left the Garden of Eden to live her own life. He then went to his patriarchal god and ordered another female who would be subservient to him. The attempt by the Christian right-wing to make women subservient in many right-leaning male-dominated countries today while Lilith the asteroid was in Libra, won’t flow so smoothly with Lilith in Scorpio. Using the original metaphor, Adam had two wives, and one left him. The world can have both women in it, the problem is the men who insist on one set of rules for all women. No choice. Lilith in Scorpio is Artemis or Athena, a goddess with military prowess and wisdom. Lilith will be in Scorpio for around nine months. In March of 2025, both Venus and Mercury do a retrograde station over the same degrees. ![]() We know both Saturn and Neptune will be doing their duet as they move into Aries. Of course, retrograde motion is an illusion; the planets do not go backward, but from our line of sight on Earth, they are in the corner of their orbit where it looks like they are slowing down and going back a few degrees. They are actually more powerful because they are moving slower. The slower the planet moves, the longer it dwells in whatever influential aspect it’s making and, therefore, the more powerful it may be, which for Mercury and Venus is sometimes a problem. People are not accustomed to dealing with what these two planets' functions are when amped up unless they are retrograde in the person's natal chart. In that case they might do well when periodically Venus or Mercury turn retrograde. These two planets bring the bigger psychological planet’s schemes down into everyday life, into our consciousness. Between Venus and Mercury, the magic of life literally happens. In this case, everyone is going to be very, very aware of what will manifest with Saturn and Neptune moving into Aries, Neptune first. I refer you to my prior article about that, but note, please, that we will all be a little lost with Neptune because Mercury and Venus are going to bring it down into our daily lives. Before that happens, Mars goes retrograde and backs up to where it was on the US election day, conjunct Pluto as it moves into Aquarius. The really important difference is on election day, Pluto was in Capricorn when Mars opposed it from the last degrees of Cancer. By retrograde motion on January 6th going backward and then on April 19th going direct, Mars will oppose Pluto again, but this time from early Leo with Pluto in Aquarius. Mars played the game Pluto had been playing for 20 years in Capricorn the first time, but in January through April 19th, it’s going to contrast something (about the recent election day in the US) because Pluto and Mars are in different signs. Pluto in Aquarius is just getting started there with a whole new agenda (see my last article), and Pluto usually starts with a breakdown or flaw in something to begin an unraveling. It's probably something to do with technology. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th, 2025![]() The Sun enters Aries and conjuncts Neptune, slowly moving over the 30-degree mark of Pisces, which is the zero-degree of Aries on March 20, 2025, and ten days later, Neptune crosses into Aries. Because it moves so slowly, we don’t have a crisp, clean line to see when Neptune is in one sign or the other. Besides that, Neptune always blurs all lines and boundaries. But the Sun touching Neptune over a day or two as it passes into Aries is one more aspect, along with Mercury and Venus conjunct Neptune at the same time, bringing the experience into our daily lives. We’re going to learn something important, although we’ll doubt it’s real. A curtain is pulled back but we won’t be sure about what we see behind it. Venus conjuncts Neptune at 29 degrees of Pisces on Feb 2-3, then conjuncts Neptune again in retrograde motion on March 26th and then again when it goes direct on April 30th. This extended period of motion spreads an experience out over weeks, one that, if Venus were moving directly, would only last a mere two days. Thus, it gains the potency of a transit more like Jupiter. Mercury is on a similar-style path with its retrograde motion and finally completes its extended three conjunctions with Neptune in mid-April, almost on the same day that Mars makes a trine to 0 degrees of Aries from 0 degrees of Leo on April 19th. It’s an Astrologer’s favorite meal to see these three inner planets plus the Sun all so in sync on bringing us an awareness in our conscious lives, tied into the affairs of the outer planets which are usually remote and difficult to put a finger on. Mars puts something into action from its transit in Leo, but the doubts about the altered perception of reality remain. Reality waits for Saturn to enter Aries in late May. Saturn, soon after entering Aries, goes retrograde and its business here is deepened and extended by retrograde motion. We learn that reality isn’t telling us the whole truth, but at least we know this. There’s work to be done over time; nothing will happen quickly enough. All of it will be a mess until Saturn and Neptune work out the adjustments from years in Pisces. Some people are going to be very upset and frustrated, but be grateful that this is spread out over weeks and months because it would be worse if it were concentrated into a short period of time. Saturn’s retrograde motion prolongs this episode of reality adjustment through at least April of 2026. It will end its retrograde motion in November of 2025 and move direct, across into Aries from Pisces, for the final time in February of 2026. With Neptune there’s always the possibility that we face a health problem that reaches across borders. The problems we will face and solutions we may try will take over a year to sort out. Neptune goes retrograde in September of 2025 and backs into Pisces one more time. It goes direct and crosses into Aries again in January of 2026. These extended transits back and forth usually mean we have a very complicated knot to untangle and it takes time to do it. This seems like prolonging the pain, but stretching things out like this allows us the opportunity to be somewhat careful and not wholly destructive, not throwing out the baby with the bathwater. We will need this time to reorient our heads and be clear about what is in our hearts. Patience will be at a premium. Transiting Saturn on Trump’s Chart In mid to late February 2025, new president Trump has a number of Saturn transits to planets in his natal chart. In his 7th house, Saturn in transit is inconjunct Trump’s natal 2nd house Jupiter. This is likely when some major economic decisions emerge from his cabinet with some positive expectations on his part. (What they consider positive.) Transiting Saturn is also square his natal 10th house Sun and North Nodes. There are a lot of problems with others outside his circle about these decisions, and it immediately lowers his standing across all parties. Something like slashing Social Security. Senior citizens of both parties don’t like those words; neither do their children, who would feel obligated to take action, as would politicians of all stripes who want to be re-elected. There will be a lot of hand-wringing. The square to the North Nodes is a decision that feels debilitating to historic or established values, but that is something his supporters voted to support about him. The square to his natal Sun suggests this decision will cost him in popularity including among his supporters. The same series of squares has transiting Saturn square his natal 4th house Moon. Maybe he decides to be president from Mar-a-Lago, not the White House. A week later transiting Saturn trines his natal Saturn/Venus, putting a happier face on it, but Saturn and Venus never do better than a somber happy face. On the US chart...Transiting Saturn is trine the US natal 7th house Sun now and will be for a couple more months in its retrograde and then direct motion. This is a positive indicator for relations with allies, but within a month’s time, transiting Saturn will square the US natal 7th house Mars, and that’s depressing news for allies. If an announcement is made in mid to late February that affects allies - like a peace plan for the war in Ukraine - it’s welcome news. But the actual plan, as revealed later when transiting Saturn squares Mars, isn’t good news for allies. It draws clear lines of Saturn-inspired restrictions on (Mars) military support, for example. In terms of the US chart, this is a negative; it’s a square aspect. Saturn is also making an opposition to Neptune in the US natal 9th house at this time. This is an indicator of not living up to the national ideals or higher standards established when the nation was born (natal chart), which is when Neptune was at this degree in the 9th house. This is the direction of the country for now. Saturn opposition Neptune by transit is a period with a confused sense of direction, confusion between the established national credo and a new direction that conflicts with it. Neptune is on a similar journey approaching the end of its time in Pisces. Neptune’s transit into Aries will be inconjunct Trump’s natal 12th house Mars and square his natal 10th house Sun, Uranus and North Nodes. That’s a lot to run up against. There’s definite disorientation around this transit. Energy (Mars)is short-circuited from within the psyche (12th house) in sudden shifts and fits. He will have difficulty staying on subject and public speaking should be kept to a minimum to avoid embarrassment. This is not new to the presidency. Ronald Regan needed careful management in his second term as his mental faculties declined. Transiting Neptune will also trine Trump’s natal 11th house Saturn/Venus. If he is in public, best to be in a crowd where a wandering speech pattern is normal. This period of squares from Neptune that muddies things up, and the Saturn transit later that chops them up in the editing process, forces structural changes in how the US relates to its allies. Saturn edits, simplifies, and shows naked realities. Saturn usually creates an environment of austerity, no frills. Saturn restricts or denies investment of energy. These new conditions will last a long time as these planets move slowly and in direct/retrograde motion in these transiting aspects for a few years. Ultimately these transits bring a necessary evolution, even beneficial. But these powerful outer planets affect the whole world, and everyone is forced to go through the meat grinder. Pluto and Saturn processes are seldom pleasant, even though they can create something new and wonderful from the ashes of their initial breakdown and austerity phases. Collectively we can’t get to the new creation without going through the destruction. I recall a description by Picasso explaining that he arrived at the final success in his creative process after first going through the birth of a great idea, then destroying it or breaking it down and reforming it. I understand this as an artist, but in daily life, it can be very messy. To finish up with my original meandering supposition, a solar flare may not seem as devastating as a nuclear war, and war is on many Astrologer’s agendas for the coming year as the agent of sudden upsetting change, a war that reshapes our current living arrangements. A flare that knocks out the technology around a nuclear power plant creates a very hazardous situation with results similar to that of a nuclear dirty bomb. There are something like 440 nuclear power plants in the world; even a limited number of those having a meltdown is a tremendous toxicity event. Conventional war does not use nuclear weapons, but conventional weapons can still cause a nuclear power plant to fail. Some Astrologers expect humankind to contact aliens within the next several months or a year. That would be nice; hopefully, they’re not the kind that sees us as lunch. A more likely scenario is humans attempt the beginning of a nuclear war and aliens prevent it, then we know they are here. I don’t like the idea of graduating into a space federation by failing and nearly killing everyone. I also don’t like the idea that we can’t solve our own problems without nuclear war, and if not, we shouldn’t be admitted into anything. Some Astrologers are calling for humankind to make an extraordinary leap and suddenly, two years from now, have limited telepathic abilities. Part of this belief is that it is alien technology that gave us cell phones, and this was training for being in near-constant contact. It’s too big a bite for me to swallow, and I don’t want to know other people’s thoughts unless they tell them to me. I know I don’t want someone telepathically sending me a message at 2 AM as some marketers for Bitcoin do on my phone. Reinvention and changing lifestyles July 1, 2026, Chiron moves into Taurus, almost at exactly the same time Uranus leaving Taurus moves into Gemini. Their semi-sextile will take a long time to work itself out, two to three years, because of retrograde motion. Chiron is, like Lilith, an asteroid; it’s about 135 kilometers wide and located between Saturn and Uranus. Chiron also moves slowly and will be a part of the Pluto Uranus trine over these years of repair, rebuilding, and healing technology. Uranus in Gemini in a trine with Pluto in Aquarius is the kind of years-long positive reinvention needed to develop new technologies rapidly. That is, rapidly compared to the centuries it took for mankind to do it as we know it now. But this “rapidly” will not be fast enough for most people who depend upon technology now. Lifestyles will be altered greatly. Comments welcome.
David can also be reached at [email protected] for a personal astrological consultation. Click here to return to the Astrology Corner index page. by David A. Wheatley ![]() The year 2024 is winding down; the seasons are moving into winter in the northern hemisphere. The struggle of ideologies in the US is shifting back into a targeted and aggressive form of what it was before Biden took office. Pluto is now moving into Aquarius where it will be for a couple of decades. There’s a planet-sized unconscious move happening and the post-election new reality in the US, as one small section of what is to come, is reverberating all over the world, for different reasons with different conclusions. But everyone and everything is entering a new world much broader and deeper than politics. This is only the beginning of all the outer planets making dramatic shifts within us, beyond the parameters of our conscious minds, outside our ability to control or even understand as things unfold. The psyche orchestrates out of sight, and we dance to its tune, trying to manage and mold huge forces into a shape we can work with. The huge unsettled feeling of change right now with Pluto shifting signs will be joined in less than 6 months by Neptune and Saturn, bringing more changes in our psychological states. I began mentioning these shifts over a year ago. I've mentioned them frequently. And now almost all Astrologers are describing in states of awe what is about to happen in our lives. Anyone looking around the internet will notice Astrologers doing features covering these events, stressing that it’s a bigger, more impactful series of Astrological events than happened by comparison to planetary transits through the Covid years. Most describe what's coming as more impactful, just to give you a point of reference. Astrologers don’t like to make predictions about elections, though they’ll make them about everything else. They have their reasons, but mostly, it’s not to lose the interest of anyone who sees things differently. Trying to please everyone, Astrologers online are running a business. My preference for the US election was clearly to have Harris stay in the White House. To me, this would be a smoother transition through the upheaval coming down the road at us regardless of which party is in the White House. Pluto entered Capricorn with the economic crisis of 2008. That crisis was met with the big banks and big government working together, two typically powerful Capricorn-sized institutions pursuing stability and structural strength through top-down mandate and cooperation. Insecurity and fear inspired hope and faith in these large institutions saving the day, and they did. New legislation was crafted to regulate the new economic environment but was later erased by the erosion of special interests. Capricorn works through structure, focusing resources and power for a wide spectrum of good and evil through a design. Pluto covets and uses amassed power to transform, and if necessary, to steam-roll whatever and whoever is in the way. Put Pluto and Capricorn together, and you have a great potential to build something long-term. Governments and big banks started Pluto’s passage through Capricorn. The Supreme Court opened the door for big money to engage in politics, and mega-wealthy men have done that. Big money and big government, managed by a range of intentions and self-serving politicians. Planets do not make people do anything, I like to remind people, but the Pluto component of our psychology as the agent of the unconscious can manipulate our behavior by hidden unconscious programs based in fear and greed. Pluto is the personal and collective unconscious, which, by its nature, we are subject to influence without knowing we are. Because the collective unconscious is a shared body of powerful experiences and the feelings along with them, what Pluto stirs in one person is often shared in others. This shared human experience conveys a number of things and, among them, often overwhelming fears. Pluto uses these shared fears to manipulate us in order to purge what we prefer to hide. The ugly truth. Ultimately, Pluto’s darker side brings pain and suffering, sufficient to bring a purge ..... and a rebirth. ![]() But wouldn’t life be nicer if we cultivated growth without having to enter the darker side? The style of power that Pluto applies in Aquarius is not the top-down variety with a chief executive or king at the apex of the pyramid. The style more typical of Pluto in Aquarius will be to break that central control structure down into multiple power- sharing regions. To the extent there is resistance to this unavoidable evolution, there will be struggle, suffering, and loss. But ultimately Pluto wins, and if it has to make life miserable to do that, it does. A bad centralized pyramid-like powerful government shows us that it would be better to weaken the power of the central government. Spread the power around, lower the sway of a single authority, and distribute it to a multitude. The Pluto forces mounted to create change will always increase to whatever level necessary to break the existing structure down. Resisting transformation gives increasing power to the agents Pluto uses to scare us into evolving. As the martial artist knows, it’s better to use the energy than to be pushed around by it. Aquarius reinvents Pluto's relationship with power Aquarians are individuals; they have unique ways of inventing with new perspectives, not from the corporate model. Going from Capricorn into Aquarius, Pluto, which obsesses about gathering power to transform, will do things differently in Aquarius than in Capricorn. Pluto in Aquarius isn’t going to build up the central power model; it’s going to promote individuals and groups of individuals for whom the big government model is an obstruction. At the same time, Pluto in Aquarius probably starts out in an environment with a bad central powerful government, inspiring people to move away from it by making it oppressive. Aquarius reinvents Pluto's relationship with power from Capricorn. Power is distributed into the hands of multiple individuals or authorities to “others”, and fosters a customized regional shared power. Pluto leaving Capricorn in this circumstance brings its own stresses as all big changes do. Add to this the pressure from the oncoming train called Saturn entering Aries. What Saturn brings is a dramatic change of character from Saturn in Pisces to the shift into Saturn in Aries. It’s an abrupt change in Saturn’s ability to execute its universal function, to edit. In Pisces, Saturn was reduced in ability, similar to how Neptune will be reduced in power when it leaves Pisces and enters Aries. The pent-up gravity of Saturn in Pisces wanting to do its thing but being largely unable while in Pisces will make a huge contrast when it crosses over into Aries, where it is fully able to wield its scythe. There’s a kind of cosmic whiplash coming from Saturn in four to five months' time. On some level of consciousness, our internal Saturn saw the waste and indulgences of Neptune in Pisces but couldn’t do much about it. Pisces is an amorphous environment with no specific gravity; it’s the mysterious realm of the psyche. An ocean of dreams. Saturn defines and applies boundaries, edits out superfluous details, and covets a stark, efficient reality. Neptune in Pisces swam in space with no limits, no up or down, no borders. Inspiration and illusion for all, according to shared needs. Neptune is now going into Aries, where the theme is not freedom to interpret but to define realities hammered into solid form. Greeted by Saturn in Aries, Neptune will face severe boundaries and limits it didn't have while in Pisces. Saturn will attempt to correct what it considers a mess made in Pisces. Pisces, as the sign of the psyche, is material with value connected by association, not by practical use. Saturn can’t put material with value by association together while in Pisces. In Aries, it’s a different story. The spirit content appeal of Neptune in Pisces is in being whatever the individual psyche wants it to be. Saturn begs to tackle the job of organizing the backlog left in the 12th house/Piscean dimension; that's its nature. But it couldn't do it while in Pisces, and in Aries Saturn is impatient to tackle it. But it can't because it takes time to unravel respectfully, and in Aries, things are urgent and must be done today. Saturn is reduced to an observer in Pisces. Neptune in Pisces believes in every fiction. But moving into Aries, off comes the pretend costumes, and on goes the suit of armor with marching orders to send spirit into battle. No idle wandering; now it’s taking orders. Saturn in Aries becomes the holy warrior with an executive attitude toward following orders.Who gives the orders? The psyche, always. For an artist, Neptune in Pisces is uncensored multi-dimensional exploration. For some people, it’s an escape from mundane life. To some, they’re getting in touch with their traditional family religion or even a new charismatic life coach or shaman. Trying to tune into something inspirational, to connect with the Neptune we are all carrying within us. For people who need a little help sorting out reality, it’s fake news and a poor ability to distinguish between inspirational fantasy and delusion. Neptune leaving Pisces…..isolate that idea by itself, and Neptune entering Aries….. is another kind of Neptune. In Aries, Neptune is in its Fall, the place where it functions least well in the Zodiac. It recedes in human consciousness and the soulful content it brings with it is put to sleep. In Aries, the beautiful illusions of Neptune are made to wear work suits to carry out the orders of Saturn, now in command in Aries. Saturn normally works in a completely opposite way from Neptune. Saturn contracts and confines, Neptune wants limitless expansion. Neptune was the dominant of the two for years while it was in the anything-goes sign Pisces. Now it will be Saturn giving the orders in the impatient sign of Aries. Keywords |
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Annular Eclipse on Oct 14th

There are a number of places online to get a proper natal chart done, for free. I can safely recommend that a reliable chart is offered at: www.astro.com
Traditional Astrology attributes some importance to an eclipse falling exactly on a natal point, modern Astrology gives a wider range of milder impacts. The effects of an eclipse can last for months, kind of like taking a detour on a long drive. It doesn’t alter where you are going but it could alter how you get there.
ALL the trans-Jupiter planets are about to change signs
This shift of a major psychological planet is all by itself a huge shared experience for mankind. Also, in the natal chart of the USA there’s a return of Pluto to where its natal placement is, coming in the first quarter of 2024. Some Astrologers think that the Pluto Return has already occurred, but in fact, if an adjustment is made for Pluto’s ponderously slow movement around the zodiac for the movement of the zodiac itself (precession of the equinoxes), then the Pluto Return will occur between February and April of 2024. This required adjustment only applies to features in the zodiac whose positions advance over centuries, longer than a human lifespan.
Historically, one of the easiest values to identify circulates around discrimination towards Native and African American people, and others. (All non-white people whom white people discriminated against after subduing Native peoples and engaging in the slavery and slave labor of people from other continents like Africa, China etc.). There are economic factors related to this issue both in the past and the present, but overall, the values at the heart of it go beyond economics and these issues still require work. Because of the inherent power around Pluto, these issues rose to become public issues years before the actual exact time of the Pluto Return. We have seen issues of racial inequality and our social conscience surface in the last several years, becoming a major part of the contest for social and political definition. Who are we? This and other issues are the levers forcing the needed regeneration of old unresolved historical values in a Pluto Return. Resistance to the evolution required gives Pluto the power to force us into harder and harder choices, digging deeper and deeper as necessary. If we want to make the road ahead less stressful, we can not only welcome the need to change, we could even be grateful for the agents that bring this to our attention.
Pluto, Agent of Growth
and the least destructive way to work with it
Pluto is the face of the unconscious, individually and collectively. We identify the unconscious in the psyche body distinct from consciousness, but without a doubt, it dwarfs consciousness in potency and can at times overwhelm it when awoken from its deep slumber. Consciousness dips into the unconscious body all the time to make associations, finding meaning and storage for what we can’t immediately process. It’s a many-dimensional part of the psyche where everything mingles outside conscious direction, but will respond to dialogue with consciousness as easily as throwing a ball against a wall, constantly bouncing back.
In the Astrologically defined psychic body, Pluto seeks to process what it feels and have that reenter consciousness, which we associate with Mercury. One planet closest to the Sun, one far, far away. As an agent of growth in our total being, Pluto is often described as a process of breakdown and rebuilding, or regeneration. What’s broken down are usually patterns we grooved deeply into our unconscious individually and collectively, even nationally. Eventually, the new reformed structure becomes deeply grooved and sometimes an obstruction to further growth, and when in this case the Pluto Return happens 255 years later, once again it’s time to tear down old structures and build new ones. Growth evolution or refinement, the new learning often requires unlearning what’s become the automatic programming of the past. Loosen them up or break them down, whichever is required, then rebuild.
Usually the power of Pluto, or the strength it requires to enact evolution in our consciousness, comes from our resistance to let it happen. The more successful manner of managing the often awesome tsunami that Pluto seems to often be, is to not automatically resist the momentum of changes. Better to work with it as a good director to share in the shaping of the outcome. This is the least destructive way to work with Pluto. Admit that it will substantially win, then work with it. Away goes fear and darkness. Awe may remain. Pluto was discovered at the dawn of the atomic age and is associated with atomic power, once again a reference to the gargantuan transformative power of something small.
Saturn recently entered Pisces, sharing temporary occupation of that sign with Neptune
To begin with, Saturn catching up to Neptune isn’t a comfortable reunion. These two gas giant planets are rarely good together in any sign. Neptune has no limits to the places it can refer or connect consciousness to. Saturn puts up fences and makes strict borders, which can be a comfort when we need borders in place. They can on occasion work together though and we should aim for that. Aiming high (Neptune), Saturn provides the structure to reach the heights we strive for. Or Saturn, which can’t help but edit out distraction, clears a path for what the mind could reach with Neptune, for those who are able. Aries is an expressive Fire sign. It’s usually not great for Neptune, the master planet of subtly. But in Aries, if it’s a spiritual Fire then we have another order of combustion. A spiritual fire does not consume air, it produces ether.
The most attention-getting transit among the major outer planets will be Uranus leaving the Fixed Earth sign Taurus where it was grounded and subdued

As these two outer planets blend their methods in this trine relationship, Saturn and Neptune will occupy the midpoint between them as they enter Aries. Saturn and Neptune will make sextile aspects to both Uranus and Pluto being in the midpoint. This dials them all up into one huge, massive operation within our psyche and here on this planet, a level of extremely rare planetary timing we have never seen.
Neptune was last in Fire Sign Aries the day after the American Civil War began. Saturn was in Virgo, where it eventually made a conjunction with the US natal Neptune in the 9th house of ideals and higher learning, learning from connections to foreign cultures. This time, Saturn is in an exact conjunction with Neptune entering Aries. If again Neptune contributes to a dulling of our ability to covet life so that brutal war happens, Saturn will leave us all hungry and miserable. Saturn brings karma, government structures will fall that do not serve as the overarching psyche requires, like cutting out a cancer. Saturn has no sympathy and loves efficiency, a perfect executioner. We could hope Neptune softens it in Aries, except that the history shows Neptune in Aries has brought a lot of war and suffering.
A lot is about to happen in a short period of time
Accelerated technological breakthroughs between Uranus in Gemini trine to Pluto in Aquarius should surprise no one familiar with these two planets and the signs they will occupy. Invention that inspires great optimism can compensate for coping with a changing environment. There are also the perils of inventions rushed to development before we know if they work, because we are existing and competing with the clock. Everything seems to be happening at once, and people feel out of control. I don’t think there’s time to indulge in the false promises of snake oil salesmen. Saturn and Neptune in Aries will remind us there really isn’t time to indulge in the delusions entertained while Neptune was in Pisces. Neptune in Aries tends not to be too concerned about environmental degradation, leaving that for another day with time for more reflection. The pressure of necessity will compel risk-taking.

Like the person waving the flag to start the race, Jupiter will conjunct Uranus in Taurus in April of 2024. This comes as Pluto’s return has unfolded, and as Jupiter makes a fortunate trine to Pluto shortly after meeting up with Uranus. Uranus remains mostly grounded in Taurus, but Jupiter amps it up enough to momentarily flash a bolt of lightning and make a change in the world. Jupiter/Zeus is also a sky god and his famous tool is also the lightning bolt. Things can happen in a flash. This is a break in tensions in the world after which whatever is expressed commences a release, that while it seems to happen in an instant, will take years to play out.
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Many of us are curious about links between natural phenomena.
It’s human nature to read patterns into things. Sometimes we see the existing pattern clearly and sometimes we project our beliefs into everything in our daily lives, believing that what we are objectively seeing is unconnected to us.
We try to see, at least.
Solar Activity and Earthquakes

Once in a while they coincide, by a small percentage of the total of either. Most of the time there are large quakes and no solar flares - or huge solar flares and ordinary quakes - as on any other day when there are no flares to point to.
The physical planets have non-physical bodies just as we do.
Everyone knows what an emotional impact is. It’s not physical but the power it has in our lives over time and space is incredible. An emotional event has the ability to expand or shut down our thinking - everyone knows this by experience. Even though you can’t see the emotional energy that makes the impact, you see and feel it inhabit our being by experience and would never deny it exists.
Many critics of Astrology do not understand the impact of bodies that are not strictly physical but share existence with the physical Universe, overlap it, and it’s this that we intuitively attempt to grasp in consulting an astrological chart.
The physical planets have non-physical bodies just as we do. They impact each other, though we cannot see this take place until there is an event in the physical universe that the energy inhabits. Our physical brain is not equipped to perceive anything outside the physical universe, normally.
It recently happened that the Rover explorer on Mars observed a massive sunspot and flare on the far side of the Sun. We would not see it on Earth; any matter projected from it would head towards Mars, not Earth. And yet, there was a large quake (7.1 USGS) on Earth two days later. I don’t see the two things as directly related, but I would believe that what affects Mars affects us, though a little more removed than when a flare from the Sun directly impacts and affects Earth.
Earthquakes and Astrological Aspects

My search was limited to using the major aspects such as oppositions, squares, quincunxes and semi-sextiles. These are the most potent and antagonistic for holding powerful tensions, the kind that might be earth-shaking. Semi-squares, semiquadrates, septiles and quintiles are other aspects that harbor tensions. These are often considered minor aspects and thus are not in common use, but they are not minor.
For this short article, I am looking only at the aspects listed from the planets, beginning with Mars and heading further out, as those are the planets that bring the pressures that could contribute to a major Earth movement. Mercury and the Moon sometimes provide the spark to release tensions held up in the Earth, releasing the pressure, however the larger outer planets have the potency to set up the stress behind a major earthquake.
I can tell you now without your having to read the whole article that yes, I found a high incidence of major Astrological aspects capable of creating major tension that I believe connects on the days of all the major earthquakes listed in a Google search for major quakes with a potency of 7 and up, over the past couple decades here on Earth. I didn’t do a natal chart for the locations of the quakes, though that might be interesting to do.
There are tectonic plates and fault lines all over the Earth on land and on the ocean floor, all being possible locations for the planet to release pent-up tensions. All the quakes listed here are considered major quakes, 7 and up.
The Planets as Catalysts
- Jupiter typically expands what it contacts and inflates whatever it touches; in this case from tense aspects, Jupiter increases them prior to them breaking out in an earthquake.
- When added to any combination, Mars is an explosive catalyst for larger outer planets.
- Mercury as a catalyst brings the expression of pent-up energies.
- The Moon is also a good catalyst, which we commonly know has the power to pull the oceans of the world in daily tides.
- Uranus is the sudden release of hidden forces with no warning.
- Pluto is the underworld in metaphorical ways and by nature, Pluto breaks down existing structure, turns it over and starts anew.
- Saturn brings restrictions and opposes a flow of energy that it tries to contain, but ultimately can’t. Structures get remade with Saturn, once they break.
- Neptune seems uninvolved in a recipe for earthquakes but did factor in where a volcano erupted in the Pacific Ocean.
- Venus is seldom involved but like Jupiter, it attracts and loves to make more of whatever it’s doing.
Here is what I noticed:
- A magnitude 7.3 earthquake shook the eastern Kermanshah region, killing more than 400 people. At least six people died in neighboring Iraq.
Mexico. 24 August 2016 Mercury/Jupiter inconjunct retrograde Uranus. Mars just passed a conjunction with Jupiter, inflating the pressure as Venus conjuncted Jupiter.
- A 7.1 magnitude quake hit central Mexico, killing at least 369 people and causing more devastation in the capital than any temblor since an earthquake in 1985 that killed thousands.
Italy. 16 April 2016 Jupiter retrograde, square Saturn, inconjunct Pluto. Mercury direct inconjunct Saturn in aspect with Jupiter/Pluto.
- A 6.2 magnitude quake struck a cluster of mountain communities east of Rome in central Italy, killing about 300 people.
- May 19 aftershocks Jupiter direct square sat. Mercury retro inconjunct Saturn.
- July 10 aftershocks Saturn square Neptune, Sun/Mercury opposition Pluto.
Ecuador. 26 October 2015 Mars/Jupiter trine Pluto, Mercury square Pluto. Sun square Saturn. Mercury oppostion Uranus.
- A magnitude 7.8 earthquake hammered Ecuador, killing more than 650 people on the country's Pacific coast.
Afghanistan. 25 April 2015 Mercury conjunct Mars square Jupiter, inconjunct Pluto. Mars Semi sextile Uranus.
- A magnitude 7.8 earthquake rocked the Afghan northeast, killing nearly 400 people in Afghanistan and in northern Pakistan.
Nepal. 3 August 2014 Mars square Jupiter/Mercury. Saturn Inconjunct Uranus, Uranus opposition Chiron.
- A magnitude 7.8 earthquake ravaged impoverished Nepal, killing nearly 9,000 people and disrupting the lives of more than eight million.
China. 3 August 2014 Mars square Jupiter/Mercury. Saturn inconjunct Uranus, Uranus opposition Chiron.
- A magnitude 6.3 earthquake devastated southwestern China, killing at least 600 people in a remote area of Yunnan province.
Pakistan. 24 September 2013 Saturn sextile Pluto. Uranus square Pluto. Mercury had recently aspected Pluto/Uranus.
- Twin earthquakes, measuring 7.7 and 6.8 magnitude, rattled southwestern Baluchistan province, killing at least 825 people.
Turkey. 23 October 2011 Pluto and Uranus in loose square, long term, just beginning.
- A powerful magnitude 7.2 earthquake shook southeast Turkey, killing over 600 people.
Japan. 11 March 2011. Moon, Mars and Mercury in daily transit caught up to and conjunct Uranus in late Pisces. Jupiter in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn makes two sources of major tension.
- Fukushima. A 9.0 magnitude earthquake and tsunami struck Japan's northeast, killing about 15,690 people and injuring 5,700. The earthquake also triggered the world's biggest nuclear disaster since Chernobyl in 1986.
New Zealand. 22 February 2011 Jupiter semi sextile Mars, Jupiter square Pluto
- A 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit Christchurch, killing at least 180 people.
Chile. 27 February 2010 Saturn square Pluto. Mars retrograde inconjunct Pluto, Moon opposition Pluto.
- An 8.8 magnitude quake and subsequent tsunami in Chile killed more than 500 people, wrecking hundreds of thousands of homes and mangling highways and bridges.
Haiti. 13 January 2010 Saturn square Pluto.
- A 7.0 magnitude earthquake devastated Haiti's capital Port-Au-Prince and killed about 316,000 people. The United Nations estimated 80,000 buildings in Port-Au-Prince and surrounding areas were destroyed.
China. 12 May 2008 While changing signs, Saturn trine Pluto. Saturn inconjunct Mars also changing signs.
- A 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit Sichuan province, killing about 87,600 people.
Across Southeast Asia. 26 December 2004, Earthquake and tsunami. Pluto conjunct Chiron in Capricorn, opposite Moon in Cancer. Jupiter trine Neptune (support from Venus and Mars squares to Neptune.) Mercury was retrograde and turned direct sextile Neptune/Jupiter. Chiron conjunct Pluto.
- A 9.15 magnitude earthquake off Sumatra triggered a tsunami that barreled into Indonesia, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka and many other countries in the region, devastating villages and tourist islands and leaving almost 230,000 dead or missing.
Pinatubo volcanic eruption. 30 November 2021. Jupiter semi-sextile Pluto in Capricorn. Moon square Pluto. Venus conjunct Pluto. Moon had been opposite retrograde Neptune. Saturn semi sextile Chiron. Mars inconjunct Neptune.

- 12 November 2017 Iran/Iraq border. Mars moving into square Pluto in Capricorn. Sat trine Uranus. Mars sextile Ceres.
- 22 February 2011. New Zealand. ...Moon/Venus/Pluto in Capricorn square Jupiter in Aries, and Mars/Sun conjunct Ceres in Aquarius. Ceres like Pluto is a planetoid and is associated with Mother Earth.
- 27 February 2010. Chile. Saturn in Libra Square Pluto in Capricorn, squared by the Moon in Cancer.
- 13 January 2010. Haiti. Saturn in Libra Square Pluto in Capricorn, Mercury retrograde conjunct Pluto ( 2+ degree orb),Moon in Capricorn also conjunct Pluto.
- 12 May 2008. China. Saturn inconjunct Pluto in Capricorn, Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus, Moon square from Leo.
- 8 October 2005. Pakistan. Sat inconjunct Uranus, Mars inconjunct Pluto, Moon conjunct Pluto, Mercury square Pluto two days before, holding tension.
- 26 December 2004. Across Asia. Pluto conjunct Chiron in Capricorn, opposite Moon in Cancer.
- 26 December 2003. Jupiter in Virgo square Pluto Sagittarius. Ceres retrograde sextile Jupiter inconjunct Pluto. Moon sextile Pluto.
Taking these dates and checking the natal charts of the places where the quakes occurred would be an interesting study, but it isn’t necessary. These major eruptive dates on Earth correspond to Astrological tensions with the major planets.
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by Eva Goulette The first day of Spirit Camp is filled with excitement and learning as children are introduced to the many sacred tools we use throughout the week. Spirit Campers become acquainted with five sacred tools, and we spend much of our day designing, constructing, and crafting each of them while we are building a foundation of trust, compassion, love, and acceptance for our community. | |
By spending the first day of Spirit Camp creating our sacred tools, we have ample time for conversations, questions, answers, and getting to know one another. By the end of the day, Spirit Campers have developed friendships and built a camaraderie that will serve them well as we progress from day to day.
One of the first tools we create is a pouch that is used to hold birdseed. The children construct a design for both sides of their pouch and use markers to add color. Some campers choose to add a long ribbon to it so they can hang it around their neck like a necklace. Each time we go outside, children take their pouches with them. As we gather materials from the natural world (acorns, pinecones, etc.) to take back to our classroom for future craft projects, the children sprinkle a pinch of birdseed on the ground as a thank you to Mother Earth for all the wonderful gifts we receive from her.
On the first day of Spirit Camp, we introduce the importance of expressing gratitude for the bounty we receive from nature. That practice continues throughout the week, so by the end of the week, Spirit Campers have scattered birdseed over much of the property.
Birds love Dancing Jaguar’s Spirit Camp, too!
Eva presents a free webinar on July 27th, where you can learn more, ask questions, and discover all the benefits of becoming a Spirit Camp Teacher. Click here to learn more.

There is an ancient Book of Life hidden in plain sight - the classic deck of 52 playing cards
There are 13 cards in a suit and 13 weeks in each season; four suits times 13 cards in a suit equals 52. (Age 52 is a significant age milestone, click here.)
There are four suits — hearts, clubs, spades and diamonds — and four seasons.
Each suit also represents an aspect of the human experience. Hearts symbolize the emotional and intuitive realms, Clubs embody the intellectual and communicative aspects, Diamonds represent the material and practical aspects, and Spades delve into the spiritual and transformative dimensions.
Meanwhile, the 13 cards in each suit represent the 13 phases of the lunar cycle (the 13 weeks in each season).
Two colors – positive and negative; male and female.
So, what we’ve actually got in a deck of playing cards is a little Book of symbols that represents the seasons and the cycles of our planet and our lives… a Book of our Life here on Earth, a blueprint.
Over the centuries, the system evolved and spread through Europe, reaching its pinnacle during the Renaissance when both scholars and philosophers embraced the idea of using playing cards as a tool for divination and self-discovery.
Skipping forward to recent times, several years ago Elizabeth Clinton “happened” to come across an original copy of a huge book written in 1947 by Randall and Campbell, called “Sacred Symbols of the Ancients”. The discovery of this book - and the profound wisdom it contained - launched Elizabeth into a wholehearted in-depth study of Cardology. Through testing, application, and by integrating this fascinating technology with modern-day metaphysical understanding and concepts, Elizabeth developed a remarkable system which she calls 52 Helpers. And now, after serving and supporting many, many clients with 52 Helpers readings through the years, Elizabeth teaches and certifies others.
The 52-card deck of regular playing cards holds deep metaphysical symbolism
The system also takes into account the numerological significance of each card, which adds another layer of depth to the analysis. Each card carries its own metaphysical energy and meaning, intertwining with the numerical vibrations represented. The interpretation of these cards not only provides valuable insights into an individual's personality strengths and challenges but also unveils hidden patterns and potential future events from a metaphysical perspective.
52 Helpers - the Fundamentals
A full 52 Helpers card reading includes astrological influences too, for example, your Mercury card is “how you think”, your Venus card is “how you love”… and so forth through the signs. Karma cards are included, too. These readings can empower individuals to make informed decisions and live a more fulfilling life.
Applying still more advanced techniques, 52 Helpers methods extend beyond just personality analysis. It offers metaphysical guidance to navigate life's challenges and make important decisions aligned with your higher self. Through various card spreads and readings, 52 Helpers practitioners can provide insights into career paths, relationships, health matters and spiritual growth, empowering individuals to embrace their spiritual essence and consciously create their reality.
(Once the 52 Helpers Fundamentals are mastered, Elizabeth Clinton offers to enrich and polish the practitioner’s skills with advanced level training to become certified as a professional “52 Helpers Counselor” too.)
52 Helpers can be described as a gateway to uncovering the metaphysical mysteries that lie within.
For a deeper understanding of one's strengths, challenges and potential avenues for growth, 52 Helpers offers an excellent source of captivating, insightful and enlightening understanding of ourselves and others from a metaphysical, yet practical, perspective.
To sum up: With 52 Helpers technology, a simple deck of playing cards can reveal our Soul’s blueprint or life journey. And when we know this blueprint, it’s like having a User’s Guide for enduring success and happiness in life.
Elizabeth now offers LIVE online training and certification in 52 Helpers Fundamentals, and 52 Helpers Counselor programs. And periodically she presents a free and fun Happy Hour, an open house event on Zoom, where you can experience how 52 Helpers works, how it is helpful, what it’s all about, and most importantly: Your birth card.
Psychologists have known for a century of the enormous power of childhood experiences to affect our lives. Childhood trauma and neglect leave deeply harmful imprints on the subconscious mind, leading to years of feeling inadequate, depressed, anxious, lonely and/or a menagerie of addictions and health problems.
Effective and profoundly transformational, the 6-day experiential Alchemical workshop called Healing the Source of Emotional Pain – with Emotional Clearing has been taught to thousands of professional therapists for over 40 years.
(See a review by a psychotherapist who did this training at this link.)
And I have helped countless clients with these techniques in my private practice, too.
NOW we open this same quality training to anyone who is ready to transform their OWN life!
Awakening the phoenix!
Are you ready to begin a new life right NOW? A life in which your needs for love and support are finally met?
Day 1: Establishing the cauldron, the group is bonded in their common struggle
"I'm not a therapist. I just need to drop this weight ... and these painful feelings. But I'm so glad there's a crowd of loving therapists and counselors here with us! And we are all working and helping each other. "
"I just now finally connected with my deceased grandpa. I finally find out why he had to leave. He has missed me for years. He never blamed me. I'm so glad he is back here! And in my life!"
"I just told my inner child: "Now that I have found you, little Joey, we're going to get you the new loving inner family and childhood you deserve!" ❤️
Day 2: Understanding the truth of what happened in the past, including the consequences you faced. We rescue the inner child. We repair the damage.

"I couldn't stop crying while my classmate Brenda rescued her inner child from that terrible scene. It was scary, but she emerged from the session looking so radiant! Looks like that monster will not be touching little Brenda again!"
"Adam's voice was so powerful in that rescue mission. He was helping me like the father I always wanted! Thank you!
Day 3: Building a new inner family. When to keep a parent, or rehabilitate, or resurrect, or replace a parent? And the processes. Linking the strength and healing of these new inner parental resources to all of the problem areas in your life.
"I've decided to keep my mom ... she tried so hard. And as my "angel mother” she assures me she will never make those mistakes or face those struggles again! It feels so good to know I can have her help, her hand in mine, meeting new people. Already my confidence is improving! "
"It felt so satisfying calling on my new inner dad to set my birth father straight! I always wanted a dad like him. And I never thought my birth father would ever apologize. But he did! And he told me he wanted someday to be my real father again. But ... my new inner dad says: "Not yet."
Day 4: Find the new inner Home and its amazing gifts. Discover the inner mate - the inner beloved - and the guide to romance and love.
"My inner mate’s name is Red Arrow. He’s the handsome Lakota warrior from my dreams. He says he has waited a hundred years. Well, now that wait is over for both of us!
"My inner mate just gave me the clues to how I can make my marriage to Linda work! And she is going to whisper in my ear and tap me on the shoulder when I need a reminder.
Day 5: The re-wombing and re-birthing process to rebuild our bodies in the Womb of our divine inner mother.

"I'm putting together a whole inner family for myself. With the help of dear new friends in this course!"
"My whole body feels different! But best of all, if I ever lose this amazing feeling, I know exactly where to go inside myself, on my own, for support and help.
Day 6: More Techniques. Specifics for common issues.
Understanding resistance and how to work with it.
Discovering and working with symbolic images. We journey into a dream together and use it to gain insight and healing.
Methods for freeing up emotions and working effectively with rage, grief, numbness, despair and a host of other reactions.
Specific instructions regarding sexual abuse. The best approaches to using these methods for addictions and disease.
A closing circle in which we affirm our dedication to the new lives we are creating for ourselves.
“I discovered for myself that Emotional Clearing techniques go deeper than other therapies because in class you not only uncover the underlying causes, you transform them. I witnessed all the students at the training experiencing a profound personal experience of transformation and healing. It was my privilege and pleasure to participate.”
“This course empowered me to heal the past and connect with my own inner wisdom, spiritual resources and my own true Self. I am so grateful!”
Click here to learn more and register for the next Emotional Clearing workshop
As Summer 2023 begins, Venus is moving through Leo which is a great place for Venus to show off it's best for its own sake, feeling good about itself without much care for what's in good or bad taste. This is the place and time for dressing up or down, to parade whatever self-image one wants to indulge in.
A stretched-out version of a Venus Mars flirtation

On their own the Venus Mars passage here by itself should be a nice period for summer fun. As a generational effect - where Venus Mars passes over millions of people's natal Pluto – there could be an obsessive (Pluto) infatuation with a rising social or political star. This isn't necessarily good or bad by itself, it's a phenomenon of the several months moment.
Without getting into the unknown positions of individual charts in aspect to the Venus/Mars chemistry, what happens between these two planets is playful here in Leo. This style is appealing but it doesn't have anything to do with whether the object of desire is a healthy choice. Attraction is its own infection sometimes; it doesn't need a reason.
The courtship endures until February 2024
The chemistry of Venus Mars in the summer of '23 may start and end this summer for some, but for anyone patient enough or forced by circumstances to taking their time, the often romantic chemistry between these two could continue to slowly ripen for when Venus finally catches Mars, in Virgo. In Virgo both planets are tempered by what happens when the first date is postponed and then finally happens. Valentines Day may be an arbitrary holiday but it's part of the popular culture, something real in the psyche, and the timing here is itself fun to speculate about.
Another thing to be aware of is that Venus isn't just a goddess of Love

Lilith mingling

So how does Lilith impact this summer chemistry between Venus and Mars? Lilith coming into the mix adds depth. Sometimes adding pain makes love plunge deeper into the soul. The idea of a rival whether it be a man or a woman is a complicated well known extra ingredient in a relationship that can be painful or make a struggle to consummate one's desire even more potent.
If one can sail these stormy seas, there's a constructive juncture ahead when Venus does finally catch up to Mars because it happens in Virgo, around Valentines Day 2024. There's something about meeting finally in Virgo that compels maturity and pragmatism. Leo is out for display and applause. Virgo brings a narrower focus on what actually works and how to pay for it. If Mars and Venus were to finally rendezvous in Aries for example, they would be mapping out a great vacation together and then going their separate ways.
Lilith is present at the outset of the summer when Venus begins to approach Mars. Her influence is there at the beginning of the Venus Mars flirtation but it doesn't last, it's just a test. Lilith heightens the power of initial attraction and stirs the crossing over of some taboos, breaks us out of our boundaries. Venus and Mars move on from this initial excitement and wind up finally meeting in Virgo where things get more real. Imagine if they wound up in Libra, there wouldn't be a meeting of the minds except to plan a party with lots of fine wine, eating rich food, and extravagant fashion. In Virgo they meet and see if there is a way forward in the future. Virgo asks what's of value, what is the value, and what's the cost or in more mythic terms, what is the sacrifice that is to be made?
The sacrifice in some way involves the ego, to surrender some measure of it in order to cross a threshold

From Aries to Virgo, the first six signs, there's an evolution of Self from total self-absorption as children are, to the maturation of Self in Virgo. Some part of Self has to be sacrificed to join with the universe, to join with another, to grow beyond oneself. In Virgo this can happen for real.
Symbolically in the northern hemisphere Virgo is the end of Summer, the beginning of the fall and what must eventually come to complete it - the harvest. Whatever has been developed over the sunny signs reaches its apex in Leo and begins a slow decline into the fall season when the Sun grows less a visible factor in the 24-hour daily cycle. Libra the Scales, the balance of Self and Others, the only sign not an animal or fish, is the opposite of Aries and the beginning of Self surrendering the idea of total uniqueness and realizing the benefits of being part of a whole. But only after the sacrifice of Self in Virgo is made, to surrender some of the ego.
Ultimately, following the 12 signs around, the evolutionary destiny of the soul arrives in Pisces, home sign of the Psyche, which is the Greek word for Spirit. In Spirit we are more a nebulous part of the Great Sea. Once one returns to the Great Sea the Spirit does it all again, beginning with Aries and the emphasis on Self. Planets and asteroids are all over the zodiac. One can't find a chart with all the planets and asteroids in Aries and moving sign by sign. Describing the signs in this kind of sequence is merely to illustrate a point about their distinct characters as planets move through and make aspects or relationships one to the other.
Having said all that…
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Explore and discover a new way to utilize Tarot cards in trance healing work

David now shares this technology through a popular experiential workshop live on Zoom, where participants delve deeply into the practice and techniques of this captivating modality. The workshop provides a valuable opportunity to experience the transformative power of this fascinating practice firsthand. And today it's offered LIVE online to a global audience through www.bridges.academy
Alchemical Tarot is a powerful tool for all who seek a glimpse of their deepest inner world. The workshop content is designed for hypnotherapists but is open to anyone with a genuine interest in Alchemical Hypnosis, the Tarot and personal growth. It is usually offered twice yearly at most.
No background or previous experience with the Tarot required.
Update January 2025: This is now a two hour workshop!
Here’s a short list of SOME of the practical applications of Alchemical Tarot:
- Gain information during the pre-induction interview about the client’s issue
- Generate new clients at fairs, parties, conferences, conventions
- Help client answer a thorny question
- Help client contact inner guidance for practical advice
- Work through and understand resistance
- Help clients see the internal conflict behind an external or behavioral problem
There are 4 Tarot spreads explained and demonstrated in the Workshop:
- Keltic Cross (With guidance for each card position in the layout)
- Telephone Number (For answers to “How do I achieve ___?”)
- New Directions (“Should I do this, or that… or?”)
- Couples Tarot Spread (For couples at a challenge in their relationship)
Workshop Details
Limited to 10 participants
Investment: $75 includes Workbook
Recordings: Unedited replay video is available for $25 but only to participants who attend
Have a deck of Tarot cards with you at this workshop. (Any richly illustrated Tarot deck.)

Here’s one example of how the Alchemical Tarot methods can be integrated with a client: As you help your client to enter each card in an alert trance state, they ‘become’ the important figure for that card and you help them discover the unique meaning of this card for them. The practitioner then places the client’s felt sense of the card into the context of the client's question and the position of the card in the Tarot spread to determine the actual meaning of the card, a meaning that is customized or unique to this client.
Personally experience how this is done at this workshop.
Benefits of Attending the Workshop
- Gaining a deeper and firsthand understanding of Alchemical Tarot and its potential for personal transformation
- Discovering and experiencing practical techniques and approaches to guide clients through the Alchemical Tarot process
- Enhancing your toolbox of hypnotherapy skills, to incorporate Alchemical Tarot into your professional practice
- Continuing Education Units for hypnotherapists
- Connecting with like-minded professionals and expanding your professional network
Uncover the Wisdom Within

Click here to browse the upcoming calendar of Events
With David Quigley, creator of Alchemical Hypnotherapy

By utilizing the art of dream analysis and hypnotherapy, this unique practice allows individuals to explore their dreams and unlock a deeper understanding of themselves.
The Origins of Alchemical Dreamwork
David Quigley and Alchemical Hypnotherapy: Building on Jung's insights, David Quigley developed a unique approach to dreamwork that combines the principles of alchemy with the techniques of modern hypnosis. This powerful method invites us to enter our dreams directly through hypnosis, allowing us to communicate with the characters and symbols within our dreams and uncover their hidden meaning.
How Does Alchemical Dreamwork Differ from Traditional Dream Analysis?
The Alchemical Dreamwork Process
Step 2 - Exploring the Dream: Once inside the dream, the client is encouraged to explore their surroundings and interact with the characters and symbols they encounter. By engaging with these elements directly, the client can gain insights into the dream's meaning through feelings, words and images.
Step 3 - Communicating with Dream Characters: A key feature of Alchemical Dreamwork is the practice of communicating with the entities or characters found within the dream. By dialoguing with these figures, the client can uncover the underlying issues and challenges that the dream is attempting to communicate.
Step 4 - Uncovering the Dream's Meaning: As the client interacts with the dream characters, they may discover connections to their current life situations or even past traumas. By examining these links, the practitioner can help the client uncover the true meaning of the dream and identify the mental or emotional challenges that need to be addressed.
Step 5: Transformative Hypnotic Techniques: Once the dream's meaning has been revealed, the hypnotherapy practitioner can apply a range of proven hypnotic techniques to help the client process and integrate the insights gained from the dreamwork. These techniques may include guided visualization, inner child work, or the use of positive affirmations, depending on the specific needs of the client.
The Benefits of Alchemical Dreamwork
- Deep Self-Discovery: Alchemical Dreamwork offers a powerful avenue for exploring the depths of our subconscious mind, revealing hidden aspects of ourselves that may hold the key to our personal growth and transformation.
- Healing Past Traumas: By engaging directly with the symbols and characters within our dreams, we can uncover unresolved issues and traumas from our past, allowing us to address and heal these emotional wounds.
- Empowerment and Personal Growth: As we gain insights into the challenges and dilemmas that our dreams are communicating, we can develop a deeper understanding of our inner strengths and capabilities, empowering us to take control of our lives and pursue our personal growth goals.
- Enhanced Creativity and Problem Solving: Alchemical Dreamwork can help to unlock our innate creativity and problem-solving abilities, as we learn to view our dreams as rich sources of inspiration and guidance.
- Improved Emotional Well-being: By working through the issues and challenges presented in our dreams, we can improve our overall emotional well-being, leading to greater happiness and fulfillment in our daily lives.
Alchemical Dreamwork Workshop
It is usually offered twice yearly at most, and is also one segment in the Advanced Psychic Development program.
Workshop Details
· Time: 9 am to 1 pm Pacific
· Limited to 10 participants
· Investment: $100 includes Workbook (repeat students $50)
· Recordings: Unedited replay video is available for $25 but only to participants who attend
Immersive, experiential and interactive, during the workshop you'll learn about the history and foundations of Alchemical Dreamwork, as well as how to guide clients through the process of active imagination and dream exploration. You'll also discover how to apply hypnotic techniques to facilitate personal transformation and healing based on the insights gained from the Alchemical Dreamwork process.
Here's What You'll Take Away from the Workshop
- Gaining a deeper understanding of Alchemical Dreamwork and its potential for personal transformation
- Learning and experiencing practical techniques and approaches for guiding clients through the Alchemical Dreamwork process
- Hypnotherapists: Enhancing your toolbox of hypnotherapy skills, empowering you to serve clients with the Alchemical Dreamwork process in your professional practice
- 4 hours Continuing Education Units for hypnotherapists
- Connecting with like-minded professionals and expanding your professional network
Harness the Power of Dreams
Experiential: The Alchemical Dreamwork workshop provides a valuable opportunity to experience the transformative power of this fascinating practice firsthand. And it's offered LIVE online to a global audience!
To register for the next Alchemical Dreamwork workshop click here https://www.bridges.academy/alchemicaldreamwork2.html

"A premier learning center for consciousness raising and the healing arts"
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The political voices on the right are trying to use pressure over the possible default to extract concessions in the budget, a separate matter. Their problem is equating apples with oranges; paying the nation’s past due bills is not the same as arguing over future spending. This last point seems too rational to doubt, but being rational is not what it takes to win in politics.
The game is played differently by either side, by two different sets of rules, and because they are different the conversation strains to work its way to a resolution. The only thing that compels them towards avoiding a crisis is the looming upcoming election season: self-interest. This sounds like a criticism, but self-interest to be honest is a shared trait. If only we could expand our definition of self to include others with whom we interdependently exist.
Pluto in Aquarius
A shift from centralized power to shared power more specific to where it is needed.
Saturn brings some stark realities

New Start with the New Moon on May 19th

Pluto forces us by changing the environment, literally.

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However, somehow as parents and adults we may unfairly manage to obscure our ‘future’ by ignoring the present condition of our children, in terms of how healthy their mental state is, how stable their feelings are and how balanced their emotions are.
When these needs are ignored, our ‘wants’ remain as ‘hopeful wishes’ and we find it very difficult to stand at the bridge that lies between expectation and reality.
On one side of the bridge, we could see how much effort has been put from our end in terms of using proper parenting techniques, providing the right support while growing up, listening to the tantrums of the kids, and dealing with them in a sensible manner. As parents, we always tend to study this side of the bridge from the lens of evaluation.
More often than not, due to this hardened approach, we find a glaring gap between our expectations and the results. That can lead to unnecessary annoyance, irritation, disagreements, and ultimately serious disobedience from the child’s side. Our beloved children, with their young and malleable minds, will after a point of time become completely immune and irresponsive to our evaluation-based parenting. They simply think that we are incapable of understanding them and as a result, oftentimes from a very young age, they become reserved with us and much more open to their friends. So, on the child’s side of the bridge there lies grave disappointment.
As a consequence, the nourishment factor from our parenting goes missing and we begin to depend solely on academic progress reports to judge where our children are heading. Again, this is a terrible way to judge a young life with tremendous potential. We cannot evaluate life against lifeless numbers and figures.
We cannot blame our children for this because as infants and toddlers, they completely depend on us. Therefore, the responsibility of providing a safe and sound environment where the overall consciousness of your child is thriving rests solely on our shoulders.
“When I am finding so much difficulty in attending to my kids’ needs and requirements, how will I be able to take care of their mental health, listen to their day-to-day ordeals, and deal with everything in such a time crunch?”
The Solution is…
“Hypno-Coaching Children”
According to several research papers, children who experience a difficult childhood are more prone to depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and other mental disorders from a very young age. This happens primarily because neither their emotions get addressed in the right way, nor are their feelings discussed at a level that they need.
This leads to abstention from social gatherings, increased self-doubt, low self-esteem, inability to focus for longer periods of time, and even abrupt inappropriate social behaviors.
Through this Hypno-Coaching program, your child can address several issues that are creating a whirlwind of turbulence in their world. They will learn how to cope with stress, anxiety, conflicts, sleeping problems and will ultimately be able to boost their confidence, self-esteem, focus, and decision-making skills.
I have designed this program with one and only one intention: helping your child to be happy and fulfilled from within. This is why the motto of this program is “A Happy Child is an Empowered Child.”
The skills learned in this program will help your child look into themselves and their world from an enriching vision of self-awareness and consciousness that is relatable to them.
To help parents understand this initiative better, I am offering an exclusive workshop for them called “The Balancing Act - Raising Empowered and Happy Children.” Through this workshop, we will listen, understand, and realize thoroughly the unique set of situations (let’s not call it a problem because no child is problematic, it just depends on our approach) that you are faced with currently.
Until and unless we as parents understand clearly where we are falling short, we cannot mend the burnt bridges between our children and us. Moreover, it’s not about the bridges, it’s about the psychological health of our children and we want their mindset to be perfectly healthy.
Before addressing our branches (children) we need to take care of the roots (parents). If you are intrigued and are interested, join our “The Balancing Act – Raising Empowered and Happy Children” workshop.
Remember, providing a proper environment for your children in which they just survive being physically healthy is simply not enough. Children need a safe surrounding that allows them to thrive, prosper and fulfill their inner potential in an emotionally balanced way.
Hypno-Coaching for Children is a ‘True Empowerment’ for your child. I focus on harnessing the child's natural ability to play, which makes their experience totally fun and engaging.
“How is SMGI® Unique?”
Gentle. Simple. Powerful. Effective.

I'm Gina Vance, the developer of Somatic Mindful Guided Imagery®. I teach SMGI® to help Helpers help - easier, better, faster and with greater profitability.
Somatic Mindful Guided Imagery® is rooted in ancient wisdom and indigenous healing arts; validated by modern research and evidence-based healing methods. Elements of these modalities are woven together in a seamlessly flowing experience, along with some unique differences.
SMGI® has the power to free you from subconscious blocks and make your dreams accomplishable.
If you've been trained in David Quigley’s genius Alchemical model of hypnotherapy, congratulations! You've been trained in the most brilliant, inspired model of hypnotherapy I know of.
These mind-body methods will easily open up new possibilities for your healing work.
I developed the SMGI® protocol standing on the shoulders of giants. I’ve taken the work in a different direction than my mentors and teachers did, not because my sight is superior or because I am greater than they, but because they raised me up and by their great stature they added to mine. As I hope to add to yours.
Some of what SMGI® includes:
- Eyes-open hypnotic interviewing and coaching that catalyzes instant change.
- Beyond trauma-informed psycho-education. Beyond fight, flight and freeze, there are six additional survival response programs that become trauma-related reactions. These are important to understand to more easily heal. We teach our clients what they are and how to work with them.
- We support receptivity by including validating information found in Karla McLaren’s model of 17 emotions, where even the so-called “negative” emotions have gifts to help us heal.
- We teach mind/body tricks, and at-home exercises to regulate the nervous system quickly and easily, to gently establish receptivity without engendering resistance. Tricks that create a felt sense of support and safety.
- We use an “instant” form of induction, that super-charges connection to what’s needed for the wanted transformation. This special mini-induction calms, settles and stabilizes the nervous system for greater receptivity.
- It works in cycles of three. Clients work in series of three or six session packages at a time. Many make it a central part of their life support, continuing to purchase three packs or six packs in ongoing work. (The more they do, the more they get, and it’s a very sustaining business model).
- We teach our clients a special Subconscious-Seeding method to manifest abundance and prosperity in career, health and relationships. As Guides, we use it too, with astounding results!
- The specially designed prompts make it easy for non-believers and those afraid of getting too deep, to easily access profound states of connection to inner resources and power to create change.
- How to quickly and easily strengthen and stabilize the mind-body systems and work with "triggers" or activations of discomfort to follow the trouble to where it's coming from and what needs to happen to clear, change or resolve it.
This work resolves root causes and resolves lifelong patterns through mind-body exploration, discovery and healing.
As a Mind-Body Mentor and Inner Journey Guide for over 20 years, as well as being an intrepid soul on my own healing journey, I've developed a simple, repeatable system for guiding yourself and others, that has surprised me, my clients, and my colleagues with the regularly miraculous results this system facilitates.
Mars return by transit in the US Chart

Mars is action.

Mars likes to be the hero and can be short on seeing consequences, in favor of gaining the immediate satisfaction of taking action.

It’s confusing. As it always can do, Neptune muddies up what is real because everything is real to Neptune.
Looking at the Ukraine war in consideration of the Mars and Neptune transits to the US natal Mars and Neptune, clearly the US has circled the wagons with allies and drawn a few lines in the sand for others. The entire past year of war in Ukraine is linked to the relationships that the US has acted on pulling together. Another important feature of this time is that the US and the allies’ position has its own distinct version of reality from that of Russia. This is Neptune; both are real. Ultimately one will prevail over the other. As a guide to which one, I refer mention to the Jupiter transit last year in meeting up with Neptune in Pisces. Jupiter inflates everything and it resonates favorably with a 9th house Neptune as Jupiter is very strong in 9th house/Sagittarius. The two of them make whatever version of reality is subscribed to seem more real and more ethical. Jumping in with both feet without caution to upholds one’s sense of ethics.
Neptune is at work, blurring the lines, screwing up what is reality and challenging human beings to define and refine. Neptune as an agent of the overall psyche uses both roles as an education for those where fertile ground is present. They feel this so deeply that they are willing to make painful costly sacrifices in a way that Mars naturally knows too well, in a war. It’s a kind of psychosis, a schism of reality where simply crossing a border results in the world - and the war taking place - looking completely different on the other side.
March of this year is going to be a very significant month.
My expectation is there will be much shifting or changing in our psyche in a short period of time.

Saturn’s advice is always the same: keep it simple, get organized and do your work. Moving into Pisces from Aquarius, Saturn is going to reduce the expansiveness of Neptune. Saturn is going to narrow things down, more of a bottom-line approach. Pisces is a water sign - feelings, state of mind, psychological factors we can use or trip over.

Pluto continues to break down and reform established structure using buried tensions within the individual and collective psyche. This will change as it enters Aquarius in a way that reminds people how we need each other not so much in close relationships but as good neighbors. It’s the 11th house of “Others”, Community. Pluto in Aquarius will point out how we exist in our community and how we could do it better. Unfortunately, Pluto tends to enter a place and break things down to their atomic level, completely. It rebuilds them much later after we dwell in our stew a while.
I suspect Pluto will begin a lesson on how much we will need to rely on others. To me this implies that the way we do it now - through automation - is going to be hampered. Aquarius is the new age of technology and Pluto coming in could cut a few connections.
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