In the coming weeks Venus catches up to Neptune as Jupiter has just done, followed by Venus catching up to Jupiter through the end of April into May. Jupiter and Neptune brought many growing beliefs to the forefront. Venus is in perfect harmony with them however Jupiter and Venus each work differently in our lives. Most people regard Jupiter according to its physical enormity as being far more powerful and influential in our lives than Venus. What Jupiter does is bring to the table big ideas, hopes and dreams in Pisces. Things seem within our grasp, and they are. Jupiter is perceived to be a better support than the rest of the other outer plants: Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto and Chiron. Jupiter definitely brings opportunities and opens the door for us to walk through. Sometimes we easily pass through and sometimes we need some help making steps. The difference between what Jupiter and Venus can do is that Venus (as one of the inner planets being inside the orbit of Jupiter and the asteroid belt) is more tangible and seeks more tangible experiences in our conscious lives, not hidden. Venus, like the other inner planets Mercury and Mars, seeks integration into our lives. Mars does it forcefully, Mercury does it with an abundance of thinking and talking. Venus attempts to do it by feeling it: we experience, we taste what Jupiter brought to the table and our hopes are that it’s going to be almost intoxicating as we believed. It could be true; things can be intoxicating when Venus so immediately follows up Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. And as a separate matter, the experience is real. We feel it. What we feel may not be the truth we held, but it is real. These planets in Pisces are less interested in being true than they are in being real, determined by personal psychology not by rational objective analysis. Mars is out of its element in Pisces; at best Mars in Pisces is a spiritual warrior however this is also the mantle worn by many of history’s monsters. In a month or so when Mars joins Jupiter in Ares everything will have changed from the apparent hopes of recent months into a world that more resembles the state of mind we had before Jupiter entered Pisces and met up with Neptune. What happens when the hopes and dreams of Jupiter and Venus meet up with Neptune in Pisces is played out as the blunt realities of life return to force decisions. We find how successfully flowing or awkwardly dysfunctional our position is and learn the consequences of whatever we attempted to develop in the past few months. People can feel their vision so strongly they think that it’s the truth, as in feeling and believing equals truth. But this is not always correct. Whatever the case, we should recognize that what people feel deeply is true to them; it is what they will act on. Pisces does not resolve what is true from what is a dream. It is very useful however for us to bring out into the open what we thought was real and true, inflated by our hopes and dreams. It is sometimes the only way to clear up the messy business of delusions which individually are a matter of choice, but in the collective of society are incongruities bound to clash, seeking clarity. Some tangible examples are things like realizing that Covid is not only not gone but surging. As of this writing there are a little less than 400 people per day still dying of Covid and over 42,000 cases reported daily in the US, with many cases not reported because of the purposefully deceptive reporting mechanisms of some States. Covid deaths are still happening. Like it or not these numbers will climb, Pluto has turned retrograde in Capricorn and isn’t done yet with its activities there in recent years, Covid being one of them. The darker side of a war between truth and belief in American politics is another example. Gravity is still on the job ![]() While the EU nations mostly felt inspired that Ukraine was going to survive the Russian assault and that the Russian assault was revealing important Russian military internal weaknesses, there are truths about both sides that will begin to force an acceptance of unwanted realities. Putin’s dreams of restoring a semblance of the former Soviet Union through brutal force will face unwanted realities that his vision can’t control or overcome. For a few months he believed he could defy gravity but gravity only took a holiday; it’s still on the job. For Ukraine and its supporters, the reality becomes measuring the costs of support and what is now required to make their visions more manifest. Actions speak louder than words and not all of them are in Piscean harmony because while in Ares, Jupiter and Mars are not as interested in the process of imagining. They are seeking resolution, pushing for a clash of realities in order to sort it out and get to what the stronger reality is. It’s not just a question of who has the stronger will, but of what can actually be done - that’s reality. Support of Ukraine from other countries could move from standing by and supplying arms to something more confrontational, more Arian. While this play of nerves might unsettle a lot of people it could also be the shortest route to ending the clash of hopes that’s currently devastating Ukraine and the escalating costs from the Russian military, because it forces the participants and their supporters to deal with realities that in the past couple months they didn’t have to. Jupiter and Mars in Ares are a dramatic departure from their time in the previous few signs, especially when in Pisces. The climax at the end of April into early May - the transition from Pisces owning center stage to then having to share it with Ares - is a clash of two very different actors in their roles brought out in the open. Jupiter and Mars moving into Ares symbolizes the desire to make the visions of recent months become realities and the willingness to raise the level of drama to whatever is required to make it happen…... because the costs of prolonging the recent state of success/failure are forcing an effort to impose an ending. Many of us will transition from accepting certain realities of recent months to wanting to shape them more. Make things happen. Ares isn’t great at planning but it excels at forcing issues. It often forces resolution or decisions with unintended consequences because it isn’t a patient planner. ![]() The Sun, Moon and Mercury are joining Uranus and the Moon’s North Nodes in Taurus. These are all factors in facing the costs or paying the bills of recent months. Uranus being the more potent planet in this group brings in the sudden upset, the lightning strike, of bypassing the fancy footwork to find a shortcut to success. It can also bring an ingenious solution which could be deliberate or accidental; either way it serves the over-arching design of evolution from the psyche. There’s an element of something happening out of control with Uranus, however this only applies in our conscious awareness. Unconsciously or from other levels of consciousness Uranus is bringing into manifestation something perfectly in step with who we really are. While we preferred not to deal with things so directly, we likely will ultimately find value in the post Piscean way. Uranus can be the only way we get some things done because of restraints we placed upon ourselves. Remember though that this group are in Taurus. Uranus according to its nature wants freedom of expression anytime any place. Taurus tethers all energy to the ground, Mother Earth, and insists on any expression having value in supporting life. Taurus attempts to tie Uranus to the ground full time, and make it behave, and for much of its time in Taurus, Uranus will be restrained. When it has moments of occasional release due to the activation of other planets in aspect or simply passing over it, Uranus has a brief opportunity to send out one of its lightning bolts: a sudden shaft of illumination that potentially changes the view of the landscape, changes how we perceive ourselves in the environment. Uranus has a reputation for being somewhere in between tricky and dangerous, because changes we may really want or need come about by a lightning bolt provocation we are not in control of.
![]() By Mary Gordon Integral Relationship Facilitator Integral Relationship is dynamic information whether you · Are in a relationship · Are not in a relationship · Want to be in a fulfilling relationship Would you like to · Understand your love relationships, past and present? · Enhance your current relationship? · Understand more about relationships with friends and family? · Learn, heal, grow, and awaken to new possibilities? Integral Relationship is the creation of Martin Ucik, the author of two books on the subject: Integral Relationships - A Manual for Men, and Sex Purpose Love. He went on a deep search to find out why relationships fail and what makes them work. Integral Relationship explains why love relationships in our lives have faltered, sometimes with much pain. It provides 'ah-ha moments' as to why we feel frustrated and unfulfilled. More importantly, Integral Relationship provides a road map to deeper satisfaction and greater levels of connection. Even if your love relationship is good, wouldn't it be joyous to develop the deeper bond you always wanted? Isn't it time to connect with relationships that feed your soul? The Integral Relationship approach inspires singles and couples to realize their full learning, healing, growing, and awakening potentials to co-create the kind of love relationships that are not only personally satisfying, but also make the world a better place. Ahh, you say.... but I'm not in a love relationship. Why would I want to learn this? The Integral Relationship message is for anyone wanting to understand themselves, identify the type of love relationship that would serve them, or connect with people in a more integral way. To learn more, click here: Mary Gordon is a clairvoyant and clairsentient intuitive. She provides readings for clients who are wanting clarity, counsel and help with decisions, or to check in to see if they are on the right track. In addition, Mary is a Clinical Hypnotherapist as well as an Integral Relationship facilitator, teaching the Integral Relationship model to help individuals and couples understand their relationship differences and grow themselves as individuals. Visit Mary at by David A. Wheatley Patterns as vibrating frequencies in our psyche The Crimean War which began under the last Jupiter/Neptune meeting in Pisces in 1856 lasted over two years and resulted in Russia losing to the European powers of the day. It's not accidental that the Piscean dreams of Russia's current leader, with his quasi historically based self-defined Russian pride, would fall into the same pattern as happens when Jupiter inflates Neptune's dreamy aspirations in Pisces for Putin and everyone else. Patterns are what human behavior is all about and so too with Astrology, mapping the patterns over centuries no less day to day. Patterns of behavior while usually not conscious get repeated, passed on to others, adopted from others, intermingled like instruments in a band. Planetary motions stimulate and modify them and we only become aware of them when they surface as events in our lives. Our narrow immediate focus moves on to other demands and distractions as the patterns continue to be vibrating frequencies in our psyche. So it is with major planetary aspects that can appear to be active for several months, a year or two, even several years or more. Just because we are not conscious of them doesn't mean they are done. Putin’s Dream vs Compelling Reality ![]() Putin's chart shows aspects bolstering his confidence late last year right up into the present day. Those feeling of confidence lead him to continue to shape his destiny at others’ expense. The Sun, Neptune, Saturn and Mercury in Putin's natal chart in Libra are being fortified by a favorable trine transit now from Saturn moving through Aquarius, moving over his North Nodes this year. This began to have influence last year, and wanes by the Fall of 2022. That doesn't imply that the war lasts that long, but it does imply this is how long it could take as he persists or resists learning what this means in reality - if he can. It means his ongoing attempts to sell his vision to the Russian population. Jupiter and Neptune conjunct by transit in Pisces is putting air in our balloons. This shifts quickly when Jupiter leaves Pisces and enters Aries, in several weeks. But at present Jupiter/Neptune is in an inconjunct aspect to the same natal Libra cluster in Putin's chart. This inconjunct aspect is going to force reality into the dream. The time will then arrive for a decision compelled by various realities. Obsession. Putin is his own fall guy. After seeing the supporting aspects from the Libra cluster in his natal chart and the confidence that it conveys, the key thing most observers of Putin's chart fail to appreciate or factor in is that natal Pluto is on his South Moon's Nodes, opposite his North Nodes which is where Saturn is presently passing over. Saturn is transiting and opposing his natal Pluto in Leo in his 10th house. This has a paper shredder effect on his 10th house image of himself, and the world sees through the fog of his vision. Putin’s natal Pluto on his natal South Nodes is a deep obsession with regaining something perceived to be lost - lost wealth, power or prestige or a desire for god-like power to transform others - when really what's being called for is a transformation of himself, and that is what will be the end result. It's fascinating that Putin resonates with his native land to the extent that on this anniversary of Jupiter and Neptune meeting in Pisces almost at the exact degree as they did in 1856, he's sowing the seeds and laying down the fertilizer for his undoing, with a “take out the garbage” Pluto accent, at a time when he feels the confidence of the inner planets propping his sense of destiny up. It's a major setup and he is his own fall guy. Biden and Zelenskyy transits now and soonBy comparison, looking at President Biden's chart, he has a lot of obvious stress in transits to his natal planet placements. It's important to remind ourselves that difficult aspects are meant to prod us to evolve, to rise - not to sink. Frequently charts with challenges produce great breakthroughs. The leader of Ukraine who is distinguishing himself right now had a challenge in his chart more stressful than at present occurring with the summer of phone calls from former President Trump, attempting to coerce Volodymyr Zelenskyy into implicating then candidate Biden. Zelenskyy was relatively new to his leadership role. Pressure from the President of the United States attempted to manipulate him into manufacturing a criminal investigation into candidate Biden's son in exchange for the release to Ukraine of US Congressionally approved financial support. Zelenskyy had to navigate this in an ethical way and at the same time keep the support of the US government. Zelenskyy has troublesome but less severe issues in his chart at the moment. In a year or so he will have to deal with Pluto opposing his natal Mars and then soon after conjuncting his natal Sun. Those could be violent threats to his vitality. US Chart: |
January 2025