By David A. Wheatley A quick note to highlight the imminent arrival of Mars transit to transiting Pluto at zero degrees of Aquarius. Zero degrees of a sign is the beginning of that sign, and at the same time, it is 30 degrees of the prior sign. There’s an overlap of sign dominance, though in the case of Pluto, it casts its shadow forward and interacts with a sign a few degrees before it arrives and casts its shadow behind where it’s been a couple of degrees as well. It’s not a hard line between signs, especially for a powerful, slow-moving body like Pluto. For Mars it’s more defined but still blurred. For Mars approaching zero degrees of a sign, entering a sign when it’s conjuncting Pluto doing the same thing at the same time, the combination of the two planets adds up to blur their orb of influence together. There's an opportunity for a unique expression of their combined chemistry over a few days and on the actual day of numerical conjunction spread over the 14th-15th of February. It’s hard to find another such event when these two planets entered a sign so precisely together, at zero degrees. A quick check appears to indicate these two planets last met at the beginning of a sign over a century ago, and as for entering Aquarius together, I lost track, not finding it as far back as 150 years; it’s probably many centuries in the past, very rare. This is really Pluto's show, and Mars is adding some octane to it. Mars and Pluto share some common traits in character but work at two very different rhythms. Pluto grinds along over years and digs really deep; Mars does it all in a matter of days; it doesn't have the staying power of Pluto on its own. Together, Mars is the catalyst to ignite something Pluto might otherwise stretch out over time. Mars makes Pluto’s impact, or in this case, an announcement that it’s now in Aquarius, a bigger splash. The planets inside the orbit of Jupiter are considered the inner planets. They move swiftly compared to the outer planets, and unless by slower retrograde motion, they provoke something rather quickly by comparison, which really means more directly. We notice the impact of the inner planets in our daily lives, and when combined with a major outer planet position, the inner planets bring a tighter focus into our awareness. We are more conscious of them and what they provoke. Our consciousness dwells in and around the inner planets more than the deeper psychologically profound outer planets which we might struggle to reveal. When Mars catches up to and conjuncts Pluto at zero degrees of Aquarius this time, rare as that is, it will be joined in doing so by all the other inner planets - Mercury and Venus, as well as the Sun - all within a short period of time. They all get a whack at it because Pluto moves so slowly. This is a big Welcome to Aquarius for Pluto by those planets that touch our Earth-based consciousness more directly to distant Pluto. We will notice. Events and announcements are forthcoming. Mercury caught up to Pluto on the 5th of February. Venus arrives on the 17th. Mars arrives on the 14th. The Sun arrived in late January. Anyone with natal planets (or significant abstract points like the Ascendant) within a few degrees of early Aquarius/late Capricorn or any other sign would feel this event, aimed more specifically and defined by the house positions of their natal points where Pluto is transiting now. Mars and Pluto together are belligerent. Not negotiable. Venus adds a dimension of abuse when dominated by Pluto and reinforced by Mars. Mercury implies the importance of how this is communicated, revealing the obsessive-compulsive Pluto influence. If it were Saturn instead of Pluto, the conversation would be practical and sharp, like it or not. With Pluto, we feel the weight of nebulous old patterns that were not friendly in the past and still aren’t. We might see what needs to be improved but feel powerless to do it. Very likely, opinions expressed in the public arena at this time are not so rational, revealing the obsessive-compulsive. The value is that we can observe them, learn from them and refine those old patterns, not mindlessly repeat them. That’s the Astrology. In the Astronomy, the Sun erupted in recent days with two major solar flares. The first one was the strongest flare in several years but was not Earth-directed. It was directed at Mercury, Venus and Mars. The second flare on February 2nd was directed at Earth, not the other inner planets. The Coronal Mass Ejection of material exploding out into space from the Sun will arrive at Earth around the 12th of February. What this means is a lot of charged particles will stir up the Earth’s electromagnetic field and affect animals, including humans, in subtle ways. It’s a higher-octane period in which the tendency to react and not think carefully is likely. Contact David at [email protected] for a personal astrological consultation. Click here to return to the Astrology Corner index page.
January 2025