By David A. Wheatley Many of us are curious about links between natural phenomena. It’s human nature to read patterns into things. Sometimes we see the existing pattern clearly and sometimes we project our beliefs into everything in our daily lives, believing that what we are objectively seeing is unconnected to us. We try to see, at least. Solar Activity and Earthquakes Sometime before 2012, it became popular to associate earthquakes with solar activity. When sunspots and filaments erupt on the Sun, projecting charged particles into space that interact with Earth’s magnetosphere, the theory suggests they do more than create aurora borealis; they vibrate the planet from the core and produce earthquakes by rattling the tectonic plates. However, I’ve observed solar weather and earthquakes for over a decade here on Earth and have not found a strong correlation. Once in a while they coincide, by a small percentage of the total of either. Most of the time there are large quakes and no solar flares - or huge solar flares and ordinary quakes - as on any other day when there are no flares to point to. The physical planets have non-physical bodies just as we do.I see the Solar System as we see our body and its parts: A whole organism that we see in the physical universe which has a corresponding existence as trans-physical energy in a trans-physical universe. Our five senses are not adequate for the perception of the trans-physical. In any other Universes, not strictly limited to this 3D one, there may be a lot more going on which however we cannot observe by physical means, we can only observe by empirical evidence of how repeated phenomena in the physical universe affect us here on Earth. Everyone knows what an emotional impact is. It’s not physical but the power it has in our lives over time and space is incredible. An emotional event has the ability to expand or shut down our thinking - everyone knows this by experience. Even though you can’t see the emotional energy that makes the impact, you see and feel it inhabit our being by experience and would never deny it exists. Many critics of Astrology do not understand the impact of bodies that are not strictly physical but share existence with the physical Universe, overlap it, and it’s this that we intuitively attempt to grasp in consulting an astrological chart. The physical planets have non-physical bodies just as we do. They impact each other, though we cannot see this take place until there is an event in the physical universe that the energy inhabits. Our physical brain is not equipped to perceive anything outside the physical universe, normally. It recently happened that the Rover explorer on Mars observed a massive sunspot and flare on the far side of the Sun. We would not see it on Earth; any matter projected from it would head towards Mars, not Earth. And yet, there was a large quake (7.1 USGS) on Earth two days later. I don’t see the two things as directly related, but I would believe that what affects Mars affects us, though a little more removed than when a flare from the Sun directly impacts and affects Earth. Earthquakes and Astrological AspectsI decided to look more closely, to see if there is a connection between Astrological influences and earthquakes on planet Earth, in a purely physical way. The dates of major quakes are known, and with a reliable Astrological ephemeris charting the zodiacal position of all the planets daily, I made a list to compare stressful Astrological aspects with the dates of earthquakes. My search was limited to using the major aspects such as oppositions, squares, quincunxes and semi-sextiles. These are the most potent and antagonistic for holding powerful tensions, the kind that might be earth-shaking. Semi-squares, semiquadrates, septiles and quintiles are other aspects that harbor tensions. These are often considered minor aspects and thus are not in common use, but they are not minor. For this short article, I am looking only at the aspects listed from the planets, beginning with Mars and heading further out, as those are the planets that bring the pressures that could contribute to a major Earth movement. Mercury and the Moon sometimes provide the spark to release tensions held up in the Earth, releasing the pressure, however the larger outer planets have the potency to set up the stress behind a major earthquake. I can tell you now without your having to read the whole article that yes, I found a high incidence of major Astrological aspects capable of creating major tension that I believe connects on the days of all the major earthquakes listed in a Google search for major quakes with a potency of 7 and up, over the past couple decades here on Earth. I didn’t do a natal chart for the locations of the quakes, though that might be interesting to do. There are tectonic plates and fault lines all over the Earth on land and on the ocean floor, all being possible locations for the planet to release pent-up tensions. All the quakes listed here are considered major quakes, 7 and up. The Planets as CatalystsThe common elements are that almost all quakes occur because of tensions with Pluto, Uranus or Saturn. Most people doing Astrology already know this.
Here is what I noticed:Iran. 19 September 2017 Moon conjunct Ceres, both square Jupiter and inconjunct Saturn. Jupiter opposition retrograde Uranus, both square Ceres/Moon.
Mexico. 24 August 2016 Mercury/Jupiter inconjunct retrograde Uranus. Mars just passed a conjunction with Jupiter, inflating the pressure as Venus conjuncted Jupiter.
Italy. 16 April 2016 Jupiter retrograde, square Saturn, inconjunct Pluto. Mercury direct inconjunct Saturn in aspect with Jupiter/Pluto.
Ecuador. 26 October 2015 Mars/Jupiter trine Pluto, Mercury square Pluto. Sun square Saturn. Mercury oppostion Uranus.
Afghanistan. 25 April 2015 Mercury conjunct Mars square Jupiter, inconjunct Pluto. Mars Semi sextile Uranus.
Nepal. 3 August 2014 Mars square Jupiter/Mercury. Saturn Inconjunct Uranus, Uranus opposition Chiron.
China. 3 August 2014 Mars square Jupiter/Mercury. Saturn inconjunct Uranus, Uranus opposition Chiron.
Pakistan. 24 September 2013 Saturn sextile Pluto. Uranus square Pluto. Mercury had recently aspected Pluto/Uranus.
Turkey. 23 October 2011 Pluto and Uranus in loose square, long term, just beginning.
Japan. 11 March 2011. Moon, Mars and Mercury in daily transit caught up to and conjunct Uranus in late Pisces. Jupiter in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn makes two sources of major tension.
New Zealand. 22 February 2011 Jupiter semi sextile Mars, Jupiter square Pluto
Chile. 27 February 2010 Saturn square Pluto. Mars retrograde inconjunct Pluto, Moon opposition Pluto.
Haiti. 13 January 2010 Saturn square Pluto.
China. 12 May 2008 While changing signs, Saturn trine Pluto. Saturn inconjunct Mars also changing signs.
Across Southeast Asia. 26 December 2004, Earthquake and tsunami. Pluto conjunct Chiron in Capricorn, opposite Moon in Cancer. Jupiter trine Neptune (support from Venus and Mars squares to Neptune.) Mercury was retrograde and turned direct sextile Neptune/Jupiter. Chiron conjunct Pluto.
Pinatubo volcanic eruption. 30 November 2021. Jupiter semi-sextile Pluto in Capricorn. Moon square Pluto. Venus conjunct Pluto. Moon had been opposite retrograde Neptune. Saturn semi sextile Chiron. Mars inconjunct Neptune.
Another note to consider is when Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto make any aspects they can take up to two years to be completely done thus their effects can ripple out over time for many years. During the period of time in which a tense aspect builds up over months, it is then released in a catalytic moment, which may be repeated during the time of the transit. The moment of release of tension usually corresponds to the catalytic planet coming along and bringing it all to a peak where the tension breaks out. If the catalyst is the Moon, the Moon can make a number of different transits within days of each other, but if the tension is already released, the cork is popped, and whatever fizz remains might or might not amount to another jolt of a lesser magnitude. Taking these dates and checking the natal charts of the places where the quakes occurred would be an interesting study, but it isn’t necessary. These major eruptive dates on Earth correspond to Astrological tensions with the major planets. Contact David at [email protected] for a personal astrological consultation.
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