Healing from Sexual Abuse and Other Severe Trauma
with Linda Baker, R.N., B.Msc, CCHT
Alchemical Hypnotherapy Trainer/Instructor, Master Alchemist
Comprehensive and Experiential 2-day workshop, live on Zoom
9am to 4pm Pacific each day
Investment: only $250
9am to 4pm Pacific each day
Investment: only $250
Professional Development for all Hypnotherapists
next class: will be offered again soon
If you're interested let us know; see the Contact form below
Due to the subject matter and intimacy of the subject, the maximum number of students is 9.
This deeply experiential advanced class is for Hypnotherapists seeking effective therapeutic tools to help clients heal from post-traumatic stress and/or who have experienced sexual abuse, physical abuse, cult-abuse, or other severe emotional trauma.
In this 8 minute video, Linda Baker and Diana Briscoe discuss the benefits of this workshop, plus highlights of Linda's professional background and Diana's experience as a previous student. |
"Linda Baker is one of the most formidably talented Alchemical Hypnotherapy Instructors I have ever trained. She is widely experienced in the realm of sexual abuse and it's recovery, and has become an expert in the realm of helping clients recover from sexual and violent abuse. Linda teaches a difficult subject with compassion and wisdom."
David Quigley, creator of Alchemical Hypnotherapy https://www.alchemyinstitute.com/
David Quigley, creator of Alchemical Hypnotherapy https://www.alchemyinstitute.com/
Participants receive and practice deeply transformational hypnotic protocols and techniques, specifically designed to help support clients through their healing of sexual abuse or other severe trauma.
Statistically speaking, you will definitely encounter individuals in your private practice who have experienced sexual abuse or severe trauma.
The statistics are staggering.
70% of adults in the United States have experienced some type of traumatic event at least once in their lives.
That's about 223.4 MILLION people.
One in five women experience completed or attempted rape during their lifetime.
Nearly a quarter (24.8%) of men experience some form of contact sexual violence in their lifetime.
81% of women and 43% of men reported experiencing some form of sexual harassment and/or assault in their lifetime. https://www.nsvrc.org/statistics
70% of adults in the United States have experienced some type of traumatic event at least once in their lives.
That's about 223.4 MILLION people.
One in five women experience completed or attempted rape during their lifetime.
Nearly a quarter (24.8%) of men experience some form of contact sexual violence in their lifetime.
81% of women and 43% of men reported experiencing some form of sexual harassment and/or assault in their lifetime. https://www.nsvrc.org/statistics
Experiential, with live demonstrations
Includes a comprehensive 45 page workbook.
What this class covers:Workbook Contents: Defining Sexual Abuse - signs and symptoms; Prevalence of Sexual Abuse; Presenting issues; Truth vs False Memory; Interviewing and building trust with the client; Benefits of healing sexual abuse issues (what happens if you don't); The two deal-breakers - Guilt & Shame; The Wall and the Guard Technique; Past Life and Ancestral Lineage Links to Sexual Abuse; Utilizing essential oils for healing and recovery; The Alchemical Session for Sexual Abuse; Karma and Past lives; Cellular Housecleaning - Clearing the cells of trauma; Calling the Spirit Home - Bringing Wholeness to the Client; The Big Picture; Suggested Reading List.
“Linda delivers far more than the Workbook contents in every class she teaches.” And more:Includes techniques proven effective in bonding more closely with clients, as well as ways to deepen the Alchemical session, retrieve memories and bring about cellular cleansing and transformation.
Deeply experiential. Linda also shares and demonstrates how sound, breath, movement, essential oils and energy work when integrated with Alchemical Hypnotherapy techniques can clear the cells of destructive energies and bring in the client's true spirit. Some have likened this to soul retrieval and while there are similarities, the Alchemical work deepens this process.
Recommendations:"Linda does an excellent job of knowing her audience and despite the various backgrounds makes the class relevant to all! She has a wealth of experience. She is very welcoming and encouraging. Don't miss taking a class from her. " Kathy Jo M Avery, RN, CHT, LICSW, certified clinical hypnotherapist since 2001 and an LICSW since 2010. Heartfelt Counseling & Hypnotherapy, 5919 S Cook St, Spokane, WA 99223, (509) 448-5660 www.heartfelthypnosis.com “Linda is one of the most amazing healers I have met to date. Her work with hypnotherapy as well as her energy work and her ability to hold space is right now. Out of all of the people that I have met in the field of hypnotherapy she is the warmest, most open, and very centered. She has a very good grasp intuitively and is obviously guided by Spirit. A pure example of someone living in her heart space. I recommend Linda's work to anyone and everyone that is seeking self empowerment, teaching, healing, and breakthroughs.” Jessie B., Hypnotherapist “Linda Baker conducts remarkable training. I had the distinct pleasure of attending her hypnotherapy course on handling sexual abuse. She has a long history of experience both in client counseling and in delivering information to a class. She brings a wealth of knowledge to her students in a sensitive and thorough manner. I highly recommend joining any class Linda might offer. Good stuff! “ Mary Gordon, CCHT https://www.magicandhope.com/ More from the most recent workshop attendees: "Awesome!" "Great time. Great people. Great teacher." "Just what I needed specifically and generally regarding how to practice well and safely." "What a pleasure to get to absorb some of her experience, philosophy, and tactics. Very worth the money and time spent. Throughout the training, Linda shared personal experience and time-developed methods." “A big takeaway for me from this weekend was to connect more with the body. Have the cells open up to memory. This was a really great learning for me and something I will incorporate into my work now.” “I liked that the class was small and intimate so we felt safe and connected while doing this deep and sensitive work.” “I liked the way Linda led the 'student client' through their way of discovering what was needed right from the very beginning, from the pre-session interview.” “The whole thing, all of it, was extremely interesting. Aspects that I didn't consider, like witnessing spousal abuse." "I so appreciated the two sessions that Linda did in class - two completely different journeys - such an honor to witness their process.” “Amazing experience! All of it was relevant and deeply useful.” “Omg - a Master Alchemist indeed! Linda is absolutely amazing in allowing herself to be fully empty to be used by spirit for alchemical transformation.” “I love that Linda always asked for volunteers rather than appointing people to do certain tasks.” “The most interesting aspect of this training was having the 4 or 5 different sessions over the two days. It’s just great to observe entire sessions done on the spur of the moment for an appropriate (& healing) reason, so I can learn how she does even the inductions as well as the content of the body of the session.” “I like her demos and how she shares her experiences. Love how Linda is so gentle and compassionate with the client.” “Even though this was my second time taking this workshop, I learned more and had an awesome hearing which I am grateful for! Linda is sympathetic, an expert, caring, kind and knowledgeable about current issues relating to the subject. She is an amazing healer and gives so much to her students.” “I like the way Linda structured the course - rather than focusing on reading the materials to the class, she spent most of the time discussing examples and doing demos.” MANY More testimonials and endorsements at this link: http://InnersourceSeattle/Testimonials.html |
Your Instructor - Linda Baker, R.N., B.Msc, CCHT, Master Alchemist
Linda Baker is engaged in a passionate lifelong healing adventure to expand her own personal life as well as to assist others achieve deep healing and personal growth.
Linda’s early curiosity about psychology led her to train as a psychiatric nurse and then, wanting better solutions to address and help resolve core issues, she launched into a lifelong study of effective alternate and complementary healing methods. She began her private Alchemical Hypnotherapy practice in the Seattle, WA region in 1984. In addition to helping one-to-one with clients both in person and via the internet, over the years Linda has co-founded three approved schools of Alchemical Hypnotherapy, in the USA as well as internationally in Japan and Australia. A lifelong learner, Linda continues to study with masterful teachers. She refers to her work now as “Spiritual Healing and Awakening”. Throughout 4 fulfilling decades, Linda has served and helped clients with a vast variety of issues including those who suffered from sexual-abuse, cult-abuse and other severe trauma. These clients report a sense of calm, release from the past, forgiveness of self, and freedom from the chains of ancestral abuse patterns. Early on and as her intuitive nature developed, Linda felt a desire to write. The first version of her book Soul Contracts came out in 2001 and she has been writing ever since. (See more about Linda’s books at this link.) In 2006, Linda received “Master Alchemist” credentials from David Quigley, the creator of Alchemical Hypnotherapy. (The Master Alchemist designation has only been awarded to a handful of individuals since 1983. Master Alchemists have made a significant contribution towards the ongoing evolution of David Quigley’s work and demonstrate mastery of the present-day Alchemical techniques in their private practice as reported by clients, students and peers.) Linda actively shares her skills and leadership in the industry both as a coach to practicing Alchemical Hypnotherapists, and as an Instructor who mentors, trains and certifies professional hypnotherapy trainers with time-developed methods. Linda loves to travel, delights in and adores her husband Tom, their children and grandchildren, is a huge Harry Potter fan, loves to garden, is an avid hiker, biker and runner, is a strong and active supporter of the LGBTQIA community, our planet, and of the world in general. Read Linda's full bio at this link Articles and more at this link Linda can be reached through her website: http://www.innersourceseattle.com |