By Rob Overton Happy Winter Solstice! People are asking me the significance of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius today, so I thought I would put it in an historical context.
Much has been made of the 800 years since the planets Jupiter and Saturn were so close together (1226 AD) and the 600 years since they were last in Aquarius (1405 AD), and while these planets come together every 20 years, they are part of larger 200 year cycles having to do with the elements: air, fire, water and earth. When 1226 A.D. rolled around it was the first in a wave of Air sign conjunctions that led civilization out of the Dark Ages and into the Renaissance. Both the 1226 A.D. conjunction and the 1405 A.D. conjunction were in the future/forward looking sign of Aquarius. After that they were together every 20 years in Water signs for roughly 200 years, then the conjunctions moved on to Fire signs and then Earth (the year 2000 conjunction was in Taurus), then Air (2020, Aquarius). The New Age media is pushing the Aquarian age angle because the conjunction today is at 0° Aquarius, the beginning degree of Aquarius. But it's also the first of a series of Saturn/Jupiter conjunctions in Aquarius/Air signs for the next 180 years. This conjunction is being compared to the Star of Bethlehem because in 06 BC, Saturn and Jupiter were together in Pisces, heralding the Piscean Age. People sometimes think the Procession of the Ages is like a light switch being turned on and suddenly it’s the Renaissance, or the Age of Aquarius. But in reality the transition between astrological ages is more like the incremental process of going from night to day, and there's at least a 200 year overlap (try 500!) between Ages. An Astrological Age is 2160 years, and at some point the Piscean Age leads into the Aquarian age, but it's not as simple as saying the Piscean Age is from 0 A.D. until 2160 A.D. (btw: 2160 years × 12 astrological signs = 25,920 years, the Astrological Great Year which is pretty much the same 26,000 years as a Mayan cycle.) To me the Aquarian age starts in 1962 with an Aquarian boost in February when all the inner planets (the Moon through Saturn) find themselves in Aquarius on February 4. Uranus went into Aquarius from 1995 to 2003, Neptune was there from 1998 until 2012 or so. Pluto is in Aquarius from 2023 until 2043. Today's conjunction IS a Big Deal, and there's a few more Saturn/Jupiter conjunctions in Aquarius between now and 2199 A.D. That date is probably a good indicator of the Aquarian Age being well under way. After all the Paradigm shifting Capricorn energy of 2020 I welcome the Age of Aquarius! It will take us out of the Age of Scientific Materialism, where we’ve been for some time. Saturn is traditional and Jupiter is expansive. Remember, HOW the sky affects you has everything to do with your individual chart, so how the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction will affect you depends upon where 0 degrees Aquarius is in your birth chart and what planets/houses (areas of your life) may be involved. And what better way to find this out than with a personal reading! I'm presently only doing phone readings (most of my readings have been over the phone in the past few years anyway), and I am available 7 days a week for private astrology consultations and psychic sessions. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!
By Patricia Haggard Remember Y2K? “Y2K is the shorthand term for "the year 2000." Y2K was commonly used to refer to a widespread computer programming shortcut that was expected to cause extensive havoc as the year changed from 1999 to 2000 at the turn of the Millennium.” For many months leading up to Y2K there was uncertainty, lots of it, in the air and on the ground as to whether the computer technology would handle the change in numbering sequence. IT people slaved over updates, some people made pretty good money on books and programs selling either doom and gloom or “protection” from the chaos that was sure to come. It was an exciting time. I experienced a fun event at work. At the time, I was employed in a regional office of a large insurance company. When a call went out for volunteers to work a few hours New Years Day, January 1, 2000, I put up my hand. For a single mom the money looked terrific and more than that, hey, it was historic. They wanted one person from each area of claims management and administration to “test drive” the computer systems on Jan 1 by setting up a brand new claim - a real claim for a real person - and thus produce a check with that extra special date on it. I got to be the employee to set up the actual payment on the company’s financial software system. And the next morning if all went well a crisp new check should land on my desk, all ready to pop into the outgoing mail. A random new claim application was chosen for this test drive, the only criteria being it would definitely be approved for payment contractually and medically. Before the file got to my work station along the internal electronic queue, there would have been many new claim applications to pick from, and before the check would be cut there’d be even more details like policy provisions, salary amounts, payment offsets from that salary, and so forth – all those things that routinely go into determining the amount of the monthly benefit payment. Someone picked a claim, sent it to the adjudicator, who would then approve it for payment and send it over to me. All the volunteers were given a pager, just in case an IT emergency required us to run there in the middle of the night. But no such fun, and on the morning of Jan 1st, 2000 I went into work, happy about the rare opportunity for up-front parking, an echo at every step inside as the building was essentially empty of staff, got to my desk and processed the claim. That means keying in salary amounts, rates, codes, any offsets – calculations and numbers on a screen. Hit Enter. That was it. Done. Nothing unusual happened. (A little disappointing.) The next morning, back into work exchanging “Happy New Year’s” greetings with everyone else and sure enough when I arrived at my little grey cubby, there on the desk was THE CHECK. Everyone would be pleased, most especially the IT people I was sure. Following the mandated process, I opened the claim file on the computer to make sure the check was issued to the right person, the correct amount, date, and so forth. All was perfect. Then I noticed something. The amount of the check was $381.62. What?! Working with numbers constantly can become like a sixth sense. (If you are one of those people, you already know where this story is going.) To confirm what my little sixth sense was saying, I pulled the hand calculator over and added the digits in the amount of the check, one at a time.
On the screen of the calculator was a mini celebration of the new century. How does that happen? How does a random slew of variables chug through a complex process to deliver this magical result? I’m not a believer in coincidence. So, was this a ‘sign’ from the Universe? I don’t know. What I do know is that it added some magic to everyone’s day and a great start to the new century.
Patricia Haggard December 2020 PS There will be some WAY more interesting magical stories shared by the group at an upcoming event online: Sat, Dec 19th at noon Pacific SIGNS By Anyes Cartry My dreams don’t belong to me; your dreams are not yours… What am I talking about? Dreams happen on another plane, the plane C. J. Jung would call the Collective Unconscious. Some call it ether, aboriginal Australian people call it Jukurrpa or Dreamtime; others call it Akasha, or the Akashic field. Do you know when most areas of our brain are simultaneously active and engaged? It’s when we dream and when we meditate. Dreaming is our most creative endeavor. It’s when we are made director, actor, designer, stage manager, and observer or protagonist of the show. I say “we are made” because at the moment of dreaming, we are in some way plugged in to that other dimension, the collective unconscious, where we have access to everything that has ever happened in the universe, and morphed into these roles. I have more questions for you today… Did you know that if people are awakened three nights in a row at the beginning of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) – depriving them of their dream time - they will start hallucinating after three days? REM sleep is that time late in the night or early morning when dreaming happens. We dream every night. If we didn’t, we would experience psychosis. When people say, “I don’t dream” it is because they don’t remember their dreams. But you can if you want, and you will thanks to DreamHarvesting®. Remembering dreams is only the beginning. Dreams have something to tell you, something important for the wholeness of your psyche. Are you ready for the conversation? Dream Harvesting® Salon
Live online with Anyes Cartry Sunday Jan. 17th, 24th, 31st, 10AM Pacific 3 Part Workshop, 1 hour each day Limited to 8 Dreamers - Early registration discount until Jan 10 By David Wheatley Right now, there are six sun spots and two of them are spitting out flares. One of them sent out the largest flare in three years, which fortunately was not aimed at this planet, yet. If it continues to flare in the coming week it will be directed at Earth. Its outburst the other day produced an X class flare. We will only get a glancing blow from that outburst. We are still supposed to be coming slowly out of solar minimum; this is unprecedented. It's impossible to forecast by past norms what this could lead to - anything is possible. Since the cause of these solar phenomena is not clear, it's assumed as this trend is now established over a few months that it could continue, to what level of activity is yet to be seen. I would say the thing science lacks and astrology provides is to view the sun as part of a whole body, the solar system. It's one organ in the spirit body. Instead of the medieval notion that the sun revolves around the earth, which was displaced by science observing that it's the other way around, for humanity in fact it may be more relevant that metaphorically the sun does revolve around the earth and our imbalances in our collective psychology are manifesting on the sun. Solar storms are a result of disruptive chemistry on any of the planets in the solar system or they may be a registry of the instability of our collective psyche here on earth. Evolutionary indigestion. It's similar to an unhealthy person who thinks their kidneys are not working properly and get kidney treatment, but in fact the kidney is not working because of another organ which is not being treated. The whole picture for the solar system is likely that other parts of the organism, other planets, are more involved in the convulsions on the sun and it isn't solely because of craziness on Earth. It's hard to tell intellectually because we don't know very much about the nature of the psyche on other planets in the way that we believe we know about life on Earth. We don't see physical life on other planets but there is life in the psyche, whether we see it with physical eyes or not. The whole organism is going through a transformation as the Pluto Jupiter Saturn Mars group ending their climatic year, handing off the drama to Jupiter Saturn Mars and Uranus, another epochal planetary aspect grouping that represents a cycle of several centuries. In particular, the temporary union of Saturn and Jupiter ushering in this major shift in the collective psyche is a huge change from the patterns of this year. This change will probably feel refreshing when it arrives simply because it brings a departure from the pattern we've been in. But this will be a brief moment to enjoy. The union of these two titanic planets brings the establishment of what seems like a very different pattern. Saturn Jupiter can bring complimentary blending and benefits, as well as hugely contrasting patterns. Maybe thinking of three dimensional chess is a good way to look at it; the Pluto influence in Capricorn remains to be worked out while on another level an even more dramatic move is unfolding. Jupiter and Saturn, which in myth are father and son, rivals at that, will enter into a contentious square relationship with the original sky god Uranus in 2021. Uranus in myth was emasculated by Saturn, his son, when Saturn succeeded his father, and Saturn's definition or structure of life consciousness was undone by Zeus/Jupiter to usher in the golden age of Greece which again in myth is symbolic of humankind reaching a stable period of growth and expansion of the mind. It feels to me like grandad Uranus is going to show the two generations of upstart planetary epochal descendants that the old sky god is still a vital part of reality. The part that Uranus plays in our nature isn't as tangible as its descendants in myth, Saturn and Jupiter. Uranus the primordial sky god is the original wielder of the lightning, connecting remote aspects of consciousness eventually into our awareness. It's the internet when compared to a newspaper. Potentially the Tower card of the Major Arcana. The sky god slashing through the restricting structures of Saturn and the belief in progress that must come with Jupiter's ever expanding desires. Of course these principles of our collective conscious body all work simultaneously, we think of them in more archetypal ways but they are always in some kind of relationship. We don't perceive the more abstract realms of Uranus or Neptune. Neptune is too subtle, Uranus hides behind the curtain that its descendant gods put there and only occasionally sends out a flash of power like a bolt of lightning. That's about all we can take. To me Uranus is reminding Creation that there are what seems like irrational patterns capable of imposing themselves and upsetting the perception of rational patterns, patterns that we presume to be normal. Ultimately Uranus will bring growth and expansion of our being, but to do that it will break through the patterns its children and grandchildren have established; it won't be a smooth blending of energies. Mars is the great grandson of Uranus, the son of Zeus/Jupiter, grandson of Saturn/Kronos. The significance of them in myth as a family is to remind in the imagination that this is about one organism with huge planetary parts connected in the psyche. All Uranus has to do in order to be present in our consciousness is interrupt the patterns of our lives we consider to be normal. Imagine suddenly not having the internet or phone service and you get the value of Uranus teaching or reminding us what it is. We can't maintain perception on a Uranian level for very long; the electricity could fry some circuits. The primordial sky god Uranus hasn't ceased to be when it was displaced by Saturn and then further by Jupiter/Zeus. It has recessed in consciousness, or from the other way around consciousness has escaped from it. It's worth remembering that every object has some measure of gravity; our consciousness never escapes the influence of any one body in this solar system. We don't make room for Uranus in our consciousness because we can’t; we plod along in sequential time. It remains outside and can only enter when consciousness isn't able to block it. To be more present in our consciousness, the sky god in the ether, Uranus, will have Mars conjunct it next year. Mars is far less abstract in human consciousness, and is unfortunately very able to deliver the disrupting presence of Uranus into human life. Jupiter and Saturn lined up for the bowling ball to hit both with one strike will be in Aquarius, which is Uranus’ native home sign. This emphasizes the intensity of the tension and likely area of life that will be affected. Uranus and Mars will be in Taurus, the symbolic sign of Mother Nature and a grounding in Earth influence for electrical Uranus. Grounding is good but everyone knows that lightning often goes from the earth to the thundercloud in the sky because it must to complete a circuit. Uranus will not remain docile by being grounded in Taurus. It will be allied with Mars in a conjunction off and on all next year. Mars’ way of doing things armed with great grandfather's lightning bolt is usually pretty rough. Allied with its great grandfather, the duo of Mars and Uranus will rejoice in violent sudden shifts to force changes with the rare alliance of Jupiter and Saturn. Any comfort that comes from the shift out of Pluto Jupiter Saturn and Mars as this year ends is going to provide a false and short lived period of relief. Mars and Uranus will aim to remind us all that all the trappings of Saturn's structure and Jupiter's expansion of consciousness must be realized as levels of existence built on the unstructured unexpanded formlessness of Uranus, the sky god who hasn't gone away. I expect sudden violent interruptions outbursts a few times next year. I expect technology to be interrupted and cut off periodically. Uranus wants us to be caught off guard in order to reveal a variety of things we are otherwise able to ignore. When the lightning flashes in the dark of night for a brief second you can see everything. David Wheatley Nov 30, 2020 Contact David Wheatley at [email protected] for a personal astrological consultation David A. Wheatley has been a Fine Artist/Painter since first exhibiting in Soho, New York during the 1970’s. Since childhood David developed other talents as well, first as a tarot reader then extending into astrological theory, a practice which led to the development of ideas in his book, 2012 Before and After. Working occasionally as a full time tarot and astrological counselor, David grew familiar with many other related disciplines through the years that add great dimension to astrological traditions, including psychological perspectives and the development of quantum physics. David is originally from the Toronto, Canada area. He currently resides in Florida. Click here to go to an index of more articles by David |
January 2025