Experiential Discovery Clinics
Alchemical Hypnotherapy Solutions and Discoveries!
- 90 minutes of Experiential Instruction -
LIVE online with David Quigley
6:00 pm to 7:30pm Pacific, on Mondays - LIVE on Zoom
Are you new to Alchemical Hypnotherapy? Experience it's power for yourself with these hands-on experiential events!
OR for the trained Alchemical Hypnotherapist - join David for a refresher or a 90-minute dive into various new practical applications of this transformative technology.
All Clinics include:
Experiential!Here’s what to expect in the experiential segment of each Clinic:
Open to the public, with CEU’s for qualified professionals
2024 was Alchemical Hypnotherapy's 40th Anniversary!!
Browse the selection below, and choose the Clinics you want to attend. You'll receive a payment receipt immediately. Then, watch your inbox for an email from [email protected] with the Zoom login (and handouts if any)
Really GOOD to know:
1. SIGN UP EARLY: Registration closes when it's full. Most Clinics are limited to 10 participants. David may invite participant volunteers to receive a live demonstration from him during the Clinic and preference will go to the first few registrations received.
2. Replays may be available for an additional fee, and with a signed Confidentiality Agreement. Contact [email protected] if you'd like to set that up.
2. Replays may be available for an additional fee, and with a signed Confidentiality Agreement. Contact [email protected] if you'd like to set that up.
Previous Clinics
Many of the topics were selected in response to a request. If you'd like a Clinic to be offered again or if you have suggestions for new topics, scroll down to access the secure Comment form below.
Hypnosis for Health and WellnessAging: Preserving Youth and Vitality as We Age
Addiction: Permanent Freedom From Addiction Allergies: Hypnotic Strategies for Allergies and Autoimmune Disease Anxiety: Hypnotic Solutions for Anxiety, Stress and Phobias Autoimmune Disease: Hypnotic Strategies Autoimmune Disease Back Pain: Self-Hypnosis for Back Pain - Tools to take with you! Cancer: Alchemical Hypnosis for Cancer Control Chronic Pain Communication: Hypnosis for Non-Violent Communication Conquering Shyness and Social Anxiety Dental: Self Hypnosis for Dental and Surgical Procedures Depression: What it is. What it is not. Diabetes: Effective Tools for Diabetes Endocrine System: Healing Your Endocrine System Fatigue: Hypnosis for Chronic Fatigue Grief and Loss: Through the Veil of Tears - Solutions for Grief, Loss, Abandonment, Betrayal Healing: Hypnotic Movement to increase healing exponentially Hypnotic Movement to Accelerate Healing Hypnotic Solutions for Snuffles and Colds Infections: Hypnotic Solutions for Acute Infections Insomnia: Hypnotic Solutions for Insomnia Pain: Techniques you can use on your own when pain strikes Pain: Healing Chronic Muscular/Skeletal pain with Self-hypnosis Remorse: Alchemical Remorse Process Self-Hypnosis to improve your daily life Skin: Hypnotic Solutions for Skin Conditions, including Ectopic Dermatitis and its evil cousin Psoriasis Smoking Cessation Spiritual Surgery - Accelerate the body's natural healing ability Staying On Track - Are you "your own worst enemy"? Stress: Hypnotic Solutions for Anxiety, Stress and Phobias Stress: Hypnotic Solutions for Stress Responses Surgery: Self-Hypnosis for Dental and Surgical Procedures Weight Loss: Rapid Results in Weight Loss |
Psychic and Spiritual DevelopmentAtonement: Experience the powerfully effective 'Alchemical Remorse Process'
Aura: Psychic Cords Beyond the "ah-ha!" moment with Alchemical Past Life Regression. Building the Alchemical Union with the Inner Family Completing Communication: Resolving Unfinished Business Death Midwifery: Preparing for Death, for self and others Dreamwork: Alchemical Dreamwork Embark on Your Authentic Mission NOW. The world needs you. Inner Guides: The Inner Mate - for more than relationships Inner Guides: Meet Your Future Self Inner Guides: Meet Your Muse, Guide of Creativity Inner Guides: Meet Your Guardian Angel Inner Guides: Spiritual Surgery - Experience its Power Inner Guides: The Animal Spirit - Activate its Healing Ability Life Purpose: Finding your Life Purpose and Living It Medical Intuition: a learned skill, not a 'psychic' gift Past Life Regression: Reawaken Abilities and Talents Preconception Contracts: Learning your Life Purpose Relationship Contracts: Uncover and Heal Past Life Contracts Spiritual Anatomy: The Tree of Life Spiritual Surgery: Accelerate the body's natural healing ability Staying on Track: Reversing the inner saboteur's motivation Tarot: Alchemical Tarot, a new method of divination Totemic Spirits: Working with the spirits of nature Tune-up for the Inner Judge and Inner Critic Weather Working Basics |
A Small Sampling of Feedback from Delighted Participants
“Today’s Clinic was really phenomenal. Very rich, balanced, clarifying and far-reaching.”
"The Clinic was wonderful!! Sign me up, for everything else he offers!"
"The Experiential Discovery Clinics offered on Monday evenings are a great addition to the previous Alchemical Hypnosis trainings I did with David Quigley. David keeps it interesting and informative with personal experiences relevant to the subject of the evening’s topic. Get in touch with your inner world and feel empowered! Even newcomers would benefit from getting a taste of these powerful inner Alchemical journeys.” Elke Kappner CHT
“I’m writing a quick note to say how impressed I was by the “Stay on Track” Clinic hosted by David Quigley. Over the years I have worked a lot with David, both as a student and as a private client. I wasn’t quite sure as to what to expect in this experiential Clinic other than that because David was the host, it would be dynamic. The process which he led during this Clinic was, for me, perhaps the most significant that I’ve ever received from David. I believe that this Clinic was life-changing for me. Thank you David and thank you Bridges.Academy. I am very excited to attend the next Clinic!” |
"The Experiential Discovery Clinics are not merely lectures to introduce the novice to Alchemical work. Nor are they merely intended to remind previously trained therapists the details of David's methods. These clinics actually offer practical guidance for those practitioners currently struggling, and striving to do their very best, with clients. To top it all off, David demonstrates his Alchemical Hypnosis on one student or the entire class, so many people can experience some kind of healing. Thus, in under 2 hours, there are many opportunities to experience David's wide-ranging and unique brand of education.
"Truly, this series of courses reminds one of a prix fixe menu: One is invited to partake in something like a sumptuous meal at a 5-star restaurant, where every dish on the menu beckons to be tasted, savored, engaged with, deepening one's curiosity and joy about life itself." A. E. |
"Great class the other night. Really felt like I fit in and learned a lot too! Tell David thanks for helping me to feel welcome and the great instruction."
"Thank you for an amazing class!"
"Another extraordinary class! Thank you."
"Informative and productive!"
"Shoutout to David’s Monday evening Clinics. I highly recommend these workshops. So much good stuff, for personal and professional use! During the Clinic about “Addictions”, most of us attending had a sweet tooth habit including eating sweet stuff at night, so during the experiential portion of the workshop, David led us through a wonderful and thorough hypnotic journey that convinced us to avoid sweet treats, especially at night. It worked! It’s been weeks now and I don’t even think of my former nightly habit of eating some chocolate chips. This was a habit that had power over me. I’m happy to report it definitely doesn’t have power over me at all. It’s nothing I even I think about anymore." LI
"Just wanted to say a quick thank you for the Insomnia Clinic. As a Clinical/Alchemical Hypnotherapist it's great to get to review some things but also learn so much more new "stuff" from you. You are still funny and inspiring in your infinite guidance and such a great presenter. Combined with your immense knowledge this seminar and the other ones I attended, are such a gift personally and in my professional practice. With cheers from Australia, Sonja Bollnow"
Your Host - David Quigley
I am delighted to offer this series!! The rise of live classes on the internet has created a revolution in teaching within the hypnotherapy training community, making it possible for students of hypnosis, the general public - and any therapist or counselor for that matter - to enjoy targeted short professional online clinics with all the personal attention everyone deserves… from the convenience of home. |
David Quigley, BA, CHT a leading professional in the field of hypnosis therapy for over 40 years, is the founder of Alchemical Hypnotherapy and the Director of the Alchemy Institute of Hypnosis.
Over the years in addition to serving thousands in his private practice, David has traveled widely around the globe to teach and certify practitioners and mentor the establishment of schools and professional training centers worldwide.
A graduate of Duke University in comparative religion and transpersonal psychology, David also has extensive training in Gestalt, primal therapy, group process and Jungian psychology, as well as courses in Ericksonian and clinical hypnosis and NLP. The synthesis of his inner experience and studies is now known as ALCHEMICAL HYPNOSIS, and is practiced by professional hypnotherapists and other successful healing arts practitioners around the world.
To learn more about David click this link (See the reviews and videos there, too)
Over the years in addition to serving thousands in his private practice, David has traveled widely around the globe to teach and certify practitioners and mentor the establishment of schools and professional training centers worldwide.
A graduate of Duke University in comparative religion and transpersonal psychology, David also has extensive training in Gestalt, primal therapy, group process and Jungian psychology, as well as courses in Ericksonian and clinical hypnosis and NLP. The synthesis of his inner experience and studies is now known as ALCHEMICAL HYPNOSIS, and is practiced by professional hypnotherapists and other successful healing arts practitioners around the world.
To learn more about David click this link (See the reviews and videos there, too)
Click here to go to the Calendar of ALL Alchemical Classes available now
Click here for even more Events, Opportunities and Classes available now on Bridges.Academy LLC
Click here for even more Events, Opportunities and Classes available now on Bridges.Academy LLC