Service Provider Directory - Policy
Bridges.Academy LLC offers this Service Providers Directory as a benefit to the general public. The only permitted use of this Directory is for quick access to contact information of the Providers.
Bridges.Academy LLC cannot and does not provide any warranties related to the information contained in or resulting services from a Provider listed in this Directory. Information accessed through this Directory is provided "AS IS” and without any warranty, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness.
Each Provider who is listed in this directory represents that their practice has all licenses, permits and/or certifications necessary to provide the therapies or services they offer. The Provider is solely responsible for: All representations, statements and descriptions of their services including training, qualifications, licensure, certification.
Bridges.Academy LLC makes no guarantees or warranties of the completeness or accuracy of any information, statements, opinions or representations expressed by the Provider in the listing in this directory, in any linked articles, or on the practitioner’s promotional materials and social media postings.
We believe that the relationship between a client and a Service Provider is highly individualized and a successful relationship cannot be predicted in advance. Therefore, Bridges.Academy LLC neither endorses nor recommends any specific individuals or practitioners that are listed on this website.
We do not make assurances that any practitioner would be suitable for the needs of a particular individual and the are neither liable nor responsible for any acts or actions of any practitioner; nor does Bridges.Academy LLC warrant in any way any particular results to be achieved by the utilization of a practitioner listed in this directory.
Any dispute, disagreement, challenge, action or cause of action that arises out of or results from the relationship between a client and a practitioner listed in the directory shall be strictly between the practitioner and the client.
The contact information for individuals listed in this directory is to be used solely for professional referrals and is not to be used for marketing, solicitation, or other commercial purposes.
To view the Service Provider Directory, click here.
To go to the Application form, click here.
Bridges.Academy LLC cannot and does not provide any warranties related to the information contained in or resulting services from a Provider listed in this Directory. Information accessed through this Directory is provided "AS IS” and without any warranty, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness.
Each Provider who is listed in this directory represents that their practice has all licenses, permits and/or certifications necessary to provide the therapies or services they offer. The Provider is solely responsible for: All representations, statements and descriptions of their services including training, qualifications, licensure, certification.
Bridges.Academy LLC makes no guarantees or warranties of the completeness or accuracy of any information, statements, opinions or representations expressed by the Provider in the listing in this directory, in any linked articles, or on the practitioner’s promotional materials and social media postings.
We believe that the relationship between a client and a Service Provider is highly individualized and a successful relationship cannot be predicted in advance. Therefore, Bridges.Academy LLC neither endorses nor recommends any specific individuals or practitioners that are listed on this website.
We do not make assurances that any practitioner would be suitable for the needs of a particular individual and the are neither liable nor responsible for any acts or actions of any practitioner; nor does Bridges.Academy LLC warrant in any way any particular results to be achieved by the utilization of a practitioner listed in this directory.
Any dispute, disagreement, challenge, action or cause of action that arises out of or results from the relationship between a client and a practitioner listed in the directory shall be strictly between the practitioner and the client.
The contact information for individuals listed in this directory is to be used solely for professional referrals and is not to be used for marketing, solicitation, or other commercial purposes.
To view the Service Provider Directory, click here.
To go to the Application form, click here.