Saving Our Planet Salon
We are commencing a new adventure in which a group of artists, healers, educators, visionaries, activists, and intellectuals will meet online on the first Tuesday of every month to discuss different healing techniques that we might employ to heal our fragile, beleaguered planet. The next monthly Saving Our Planet Salon is on Tuesday, March 4th, on Zoom, from 6:00 - 7:30 pm (Pacific Time). At the March gathering, David Quigley will present on the history of the Earth's climate, and lead a group guided meditation on healing bodies of water. Your Zoom link is below. |
The Saving Our Planet Salon is a free online event where everyone can participate liberally. It is intended ultimately to be a creative and joyous experience focused on service and healing. Although many topics are featured in the news media, little is devoted to the climate emergency. As such, it will be a major focus.
The Saving Our Planet Salon is a free online event where everyone can participate liberally. It is intended ultimately to be a creative and joyous experience focused on service and healing. Although many topics are featured in the news media, little is devoted to the climate emergency. As such, it will be a major focus.
This Salon is for healers, artists, spiritual intellectuals, visionaries, and diverse activists from all walks of life and various causes.
We all strive to do good, potentially to significant effect. To maximize our potential and our impact, David Quigley plays a major part as the Local Wizard (i.e., Chief Merle). Ariane Eroy, the founder of this Saving Our Planet Salon, takes responsibility for administration and acts as the meeting Chair (at least in the beginning).
Meetings commence with a check-in, during which participants can briefly discuss a current event or a persistent, if not seemingly intractable, problem. This issue may even be largely unknown, but it will have ramifications beyond the personal concerns of our everyday lives. The group will brainstorm how any challenges related to the issues raised might be addressed.
Meetings commence with a check-in, during which participants can briefly discuss a current event or a persistent, if not seemingly intractable, problem. This issue may even be largely unknown, but it will have ramifications beyond the personal concerns of our everyday lives. The group will brainstorm how any challenges related to the issues raised might be addressed.
One person or more leads a guided meditation or offers a group hypnosis to foster healing and transformation of the problem.
These guided meditations hold the power to fortify our will and make manifest our intent to heal our communities, small or large ecosystems, nation-states, and vast vistas that supersede all boundaries. There are many overlapping issues linking global warming, pollution, and manmade disruption: drought, flooding, deforestation, overconsumption, world hunger, massive displacement, species extinction, ecosystem collapse, and nuclear radiation...the opportunities to be creative are endless.
Let it be known: Coming together in joyful service we can be a potent force for good in the world.

Note well: This group has a clear purpose in a world where much of Humanity feels helpless or has gone off course.
We recognize that we cannot address all problems. Thus, we do not focus on nor address the failings of political leaders and nefarious governments (including their launching of wars or acts of genocide), as this would likely fragment the group. While many of us may personally ruminate about, if not agonize over, current acts of aggression between individuals, groups, and nations, these monthly meetings are brief and thus must be delimited. That being said, we nonetheless can offer our goodwill, energy, and support to those men and women who are devoting their lives to better the world in all realms (a.k.a. "The New Group of World Servers") whose work is outstanding and who would benefit from our connecting with them as well as their organizations via our prayers, thoughtfulness, and even empowering visualizations.
We recognize that we cannot address all problems. Thus, we do not focus on nor address the failings of political leaders and nefarious governments (including their launching of wars or acts of genocide), as this would likely fragment the group. While many of us may personally ruminate about, if not agonize over, current acts of aggression between individuals, groups, and nations, these monthly meetings are brief and thus must be delimited. That being said, we nonetheless can offer our goodwill, energy, and support to those men and women who are devoting their lives to better the world in all realms (a.k.a. "The New Group of World Servers") whose work is outstanding and who would benefit from our connecting with them as well as their organizations via our prayers, thoughtfulness, and even empowering visualizations.
All are welcome! Join us on the first Tuesday of every month,
from 6:00 - 7:30 pm (Pacific Time), live on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 814 7086 5544
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Meeting ID: 814 7086 5544
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Should you have any questions, you may email Ariane Eroy at [email protected]. Please put "Saving Our Planet Salon" in the subject line.
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