Alchemical Hypnosis Practitioner
Professional Certification Training
LIVE online
✨ Fall semester starts October 18th ✨
You can help create miracles of transformation with Alchemical Hypnosis
This 135-hour approved training program is for
- Anyone who wants to open a new private practice OR enrich an existing healing arts practice, helping to heal lives with leading edge, profoundly transformative hypnotherapeutic tools.
- Previously trained hypnotherapists wanting to add a specialty in Alchemical Hypnosis to their existing practice.
- Repeat students, and personal growth track students, too.

If you are new to Alchemical Hypnotherapy, Click here to read a short overview.
Enroll in the full program to receive certification, and begin your private practice specializing in Alchemical Hypnosis.
Or take individual classes to learn at your own pace and/or target a specific interest. CEU's available to qualified professionals.
Oct 18 - 20: Introduction to Alchemical Hypnosis - History of hypnosis, trance induction, levels of trance, hypnotic language, post-hypnotic suggestion, rapport, pre-induction interview, goal-setting. A dynamic introduction to Alchemical Hypnosis, this course includes the origins, what it’s based upon and how it’s different from other forms of hypnosis therapy. Plus you’ll learn, practice, experience and gain confidence in creating custom sessions on the fly for each unique client situation. Guest Instructor David Quigley on Oct 19th.
Watch David Quigley's intro video at this link.
Note: This 3-day course is suitable as a stand-alone class, and open to everyone. Click here to enroll in just this class.
Oct 24-26 and Nov 8-10: Healing the Source of Emotional Pain. (Emotional Clearing.) Leading edge Inner Child technology. Working with childhood memory in a very different way – not just looking at past events but actually rescuing the child from those experiences and helping the client to create powerful new inner resources. Includes etheric plane communication, regression, inner child and inner family work, the inner mate, and work with various forms of resistance. Guest Instructor David Quigley on Nov 10th.
Click Here to watch a brief video overview.
Note: this course is 6 days. It is suitable as a stand-alone course for previously trained hypnotherapists, therapists and counselors. Click here to enroll in just this class.
Nov 22: Inner Guide Visualization Discovering, accessing and using powerful inner resources or guides for rapid personal change, physical and emotional healing, creativity, personal and spiritual growth.
This 1-day class is open to everyone as a stand-alone course. EXPERIENTIAL. CEU's available to qualified professionals.
Watch David Quigley's overview video of Inner Guide Visualization at this link.
Click here to enroll in just this class.
Nov 23-24 and Dec 6-8: Alchemical Past Life Regression - With the protocols and techniques you learn in this class, past life memories can be transformed into powerful and positive resources for successful and healthy lives in the here and now. It covers 5 powerful regression modalities covering the full spectrum of past life and interlife experience: Healing Past Life Trauma, Accessing Creative Abilities and Skills, Healing Karmic Transgressions, Clearing Past Life Relationship Contracts, Changing Pre-Conception Contracts. Guest Instructor David Quigley on Dec 8th.
CEU's available to qualified professionals.
This is a 5-day class. Watch David Quigley's overview video of Alchemical Past Life Regression at this link.
Click here to enroll in just this class. (Suitable as stand alone workshop for participants with a previous background in hypnosis and in past life regression work.)
Or take individual classes to learn at your own pace and/or target a specific interest. CEU's available to qualified professionals.
Oct 18 - 20: Introduction to Alchemical Hypnosis - History of hypnosis, trance induction, levels of trance, hypnotic language, post-hypnotic suggestion, rapport, pre-induction interview, goal-setting. A dynamic introduction to Alchemical Hypnosis, this course includes the origins, what it’s based upon and how it’s different from other forms of hypnosis therapy. Plus you’ll learn, practice, experience and gain confidence in creating custom sessions on the fly for each unique client situation. Guest Instructor David Quigley on Oct 19th.
Watch David Quigley's intro video at this link.
Note: This 3-day course is suitable as a stand-alone class, and open to everyone. Click here to enroll in just this class.
Oct 24-26 and Nov 8-10: Healing the Source of Emotional Pain. (Emotional Clearing.) Leading edge Inner Child technology. Working with childhood memory in a very different way – not just looking at past events but actually rescuing the child from those experiences and helping the client to create powerful new inner resources. Includes etheric plane communication, regression, inner child and inner family work, the inner mate, and work with various forms of resistance. Guest Instructor David Quigley on Nov 10th.
Click Here to watch a brief video overview.
Note: this course is 6 days. It is suitable as a stand-alone course for previously trained hypnotherapists, therapists and counselors. Click here to enroll in just this class.
Nov 22: Inner Guide Visualization Discovering, accessing and using powerful inner resources or guides for rapid personal change, physical and emotional healing, creativity, personal and spiritual growth.
This 1-day class is open to everyone as a stand-alone course. EXPERIENTIAL. CEU's available to qualified professionals.
Watch David Quigley's overview video of Inner Guide Visualization at this link.
Click here to enroll in just this class.
Nov 23-24 and Dec 6-8: Alchemical Past Life Regression - With the protocols and techniques you learn in this class, past life memories can be transformed into powerful and positive resources for successful and healthy lives in the here and now. It covers 5 powerful regression modalities covering the full spectrum of past life and interlife experience: Healing Past Life Trauma, Accessing Creative Abilities and Skills, Healing Karmic Transgressions, Clearing Past Life Relationship Contracts, Changing Pre-Conception Contracts. Guest Instructor David Quigley on Dec 8th.
CEU's available to qualified professionals.
This is a 5-day class. Watch David Quigley's overview video of Alchemical Past Life Regression at this link.
Click here to enroll in just this class. (Suitable as stand alone workshop for participants with a previous background in hypnosis and in past life regression work.)
LIVE on Zoom, each day begins at 9am sharp and concludes by 5:30 pm (Pacific time)
EXPERIENTIAL: Most days in this NGH approved training begin with an interactive lecture by the primary instructor, Alexa LittleStar. David Quigley teaches some classes, too. After the lunch break, students go into small groups for practice and to experience the protocols and techniques for themselves, under the guidance and direction of hand-picked, highly qualified Training Assistants. Clear your calendar: Classes are live online, interactive and with web cams ON.
135 hours: Consists of 128 hours live attendance in classes, plus 7 hours independent study and practice between classes.
EXPERIENTIAL: Most days in this NGH approved training begin with an interactive lecture by the primary instructor, Alexa LittleStar. David Quigley teaches some classes, too. After the lunch break, students go into small groups for practice and to experience the protocols and techniques for themselves, under the guidance and direction of hand-picked, highly qualified Training Assistants. Clear your calendar: Classes are live online, interactive and with web cams ON.
135 hours: Consists of 128 hours live attendance in classes, plus 7 hours independent study and practice between classes.
- Regular tuition is $2,498.90 (includes textbooks)
- Early bird discount rate is $2,252.90 (saves $245.00)
- Rate for alumni of this program who graduated between 2019 and 2024 - $1,950.00 (saves $500.00)
Financing Tip: many graduates over the years have recommended PayPal's credit line with a 6-month repayment plan, where no interest is incurred if paid within those 6 months. Click here to learn more.
Other Requirements for students on the certification track:
- Receive two private sessions outside of class from any Alchemical Hypnotherapist concurrent to their training. Note: there are opportunities during the training to receive a free session, by volunteering to be a demo subject in class.
- Read the two textbooks, before you begin the training if at all possible. There are also recommending reading books at this link.
- Alchemical Hypnosis, A Manual of Practical Technique $10.95 (pdf version)
- Alchemy of Healing, Healing Your Body and Your Life With Hypnosis Therapy $27.95 (pdf version)
- Do all homework assigned in class and have at least 2 practice sessions with classmates outside of class.
- Demonstrate a developing proficiency during the small group supervised practice sessions, both as a "student therapist" and as a "student client".
- Achieve a grade of 75 on the final exam.
Certification documents for graduates:
Personal Growth track students are Not required to meet the "Other Requirements" listed above, and do receive a certificate of Personal Transformation.
Certification documents for graduates on the professional certification track:
Certification documents for graduates on the professional certification track:
- Alchemical Hypnosis Practitioner
- Alchemical Past Life Regression Practitioner
- Plus: you qualify for membership and certification as a Consulting Hypnotist (CH) from the National Guild of Hypnotists
- Plus: you qualify for a free listing on the Alchemy Institute of Hypnosis online Practitioner Directory. Click here to view the Directory.
![]() Regular tuition I includes a paperback version of the comprehensive training Workbook. 164 pages, 8.5" x 11"
(Click on the image to purchase for $120.00 on If you buy it ahead of time, save your receipt so the cost can be deducted from your tuition when you enroll.) |
![]() Program Catalog: Includes an overview of all Alchemy Institute professional training programs, plus really good things to know like Student Rights, replay recordings, the passing grade and more... Click "Buy Now" below to download a free copy.
Alexa LittleStar, CCHT
Instructor of Alchemical Hypnotherapy professional certification training programs
Clinical Hypnotherapist, Alchemical Hypnotherapist, Trance Facilitator of Soul Alchemy, Circle Leader and Ceremonialist
On May 1, 2022, Alexa completed a multi-year extensive internship with David Quigley and received certification as an Instructor of AIH-approved professional training programs. In the spring of 2024, Alexa became the primary instructor of the Alchemical Hypnosis Practitioner program. She also teaches, mentors and supports students of the Professional Hypnotherapist (CHT) program. In her private professional hypnotherapy practice, Alexa specializes in Archetypal Discovery, Inner Architecture, Somatic Healing, Regression Work, Conscious Harmonizing of Relationships/Uncoupling, Grief Processing, End-of-Life Trance Practice, Group Workshops and Ceremonies.
![]() “Alexa LittleStar is absolutely amazing”….. “We did incredible work, supported by her guidance, support and gentle reminders about the protocol.”….. “I also appreciated Alexa's style of teaching and the way that she described things”…..”an amazing fierce warrior delivering & supporting the new frontier of Alchemical work”….. “Alexa is a wonderful teacher. She is knowledgeable, kind, and experienced in this work. She very much lives the life of an Alchemical practitioner which is inspiring to see.”
Click here to read Alexa's full Bio. |
David Quigley, BA CHT
Creator of Alchemical Hypnotherapy, Director of the Alchemy Institute of Hypnosis

Guest Instructor
David Quigley, the creator of Alchemical Hypnotherapy in 1984, "is a master teacher, a director of dramatic plays, and a healer of all kinds of ills, including unspeakable traumas and illnesses that are deemed incurable. His magic exists in opening up layered unknown realms of being and knowing, thereby catapulting all who enter into his Institute's midst --both students and clients-- into deep, liberating healing." "David Quigley has been a great teacher and an inspiration." "He's not only jovial, kind and entertaining, he's also a true Master willing and open to share his Wisdom." Click here to read David's full Bio.
David Quigley, the creator of Alchemical Hypnotherapy in 1984, "is a master teacher, a director of dramatic plays, and a healer of all kinds of ills, including unspeakable traumas and illnesses that are deemed incurable. His magic exists in opening up layered unknown realms of being and knowing, thereby catapulting all who enter into his Institute's midst --both students and clients-- into deep, liberating healing." "David Quigley has been a great teacher and an inspiration." "He's not only jovial, kind and entertaining, he's also a true Master willing and open to share his Wisdom." Click here to read David's full Bio.
Tuition plus the two textbooks: |
Early birds save $245 -until Oct 10th |
Alumni discount