LIVE online with Linda Yracébûrû
Experiential: Maximum 8 participants can attend live on Zoom.
On Feb 27th (the next day) ALL registered participants will receive access to a video replay. So, register even if you can't make it to the live Zoom event, and you'll receive access to the replay!
ALL are invited to join us for this exceptional opportunity to learn simple effective healing techniques from a direct lineage teacher of the ancient Rom Gypsy Tradition.
For everyone. For anyone in need.
Ideal for professionals seeking a powerful healing process to integrate and enhance your healing practice. Including: health care professionals, energy workers, massage therapists, caregivers and complementary care practitioners. Great for Elder Care, too. And, "So simple that even a six year old can and has."
All you need is your hands to bring health and vitality to your body to release, revitalize and rejuvenate yourself when necessary... in minutes.
In this 2-hour live online workshop, learn to master the art of Vas Pesh Handwalking, a simple 5-minute process to relieve many symptoms including Migraines, Neck and Shoulder pain, Sciatica, Menstrual pain, Low Back pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Anxiety, Stress, high or low Blood Pressure, Memory lapses, and more. For yourself, and others.
Workshop Agenda:Linda calls in the ancestors with gratitude for gifting their traditional healing modality to her. Introductions.
Lecture includes: How Vas Pesh came to Linda, what Vas Pesh is, what can Vas Pesh be used for, Health-wise what can be seen in the hand. Experiential: a hands-on journey around the hand, making stops along the way, learning to stimulate the heart line and move energy in the life line to restore vitality and move out stagnant energy and pain. Plenty of time for Q+A throughout. |
Linda Yracébûrû
Rom Gypsy & Tlish Diyan Healer, Creator of the BodyWisdom System of Health, Yracébûrû EarthWisdom’s SpiralDancing, Life Teacher & Ordained Spiritual Practitioner Level 4, fine art Earth Spirit photographer
I want to plant the seed to help you remember all you need is your hands to bring health and vitality to your body to release, revitalize and rejuvenate yourself when necessary in minutes. You will feel nurtured, relaxed and amazed how simple self healing can be.

Linda Yracébûrû is a Healer by birth.
HandWalking was awakened lovingly in Linda through her family lineage, specifically Juliette de Barclai-Levy, Grandmother of the Herbs.
As a traditional Rom Gypsy Healer, Linda awakens your body and awareness to ancient health, bridging the gap between contemporary medicine and ancient healing wisdom, while providing a space for you to balance, release and heal you. "When you work with Linda, you learn how to create body wellness, and understand the simple messages your body is telling you so you can allow yourself to know wellness." www.yraceburu.org