Discover the Power of Emotional Clearing Therapy
For Hypnotherapists, Counselors and Therapists: Learn profoundly transformative methods to heal your life and the lives of clients in this 6-day interactive experiential workshop, live online from 9am to 5:30pm Pacific time each day.
Instructor: Alexa LittleStar
with guest instructor David Quigley
Date: Oct 25-27 and Nov 8-10 (6 days)
Regular Investment: $1,050.00 plus textbook $10.95 = $1,060.95
(With discounts for early birds and qualified repeat students)
Includes a 55-page pdf Training Workbook
with guest instructor David Quigley
Date: Oct 25-27 and Nov 8-10 (6 days)
Regular Investment: $1,050.00 plus textbook $10.95 = $1,060.95
(With discounts for early birds and qualified repeat students)
Includes a 55-page pdf Training Workbook
No matter the presenting issue clients bring to you, don’t you find the issue is frequently if not most often connected to unresolved feelings of anger, grief, and shame? These could stem from incomplete communication, or the residue of unresolved emotional trauma and neglect, often from the client’s childhood. You may have already discovered that regression therapy as practiced by most hypnotherapists is often not enough to affect a cure.
Emotional Clearing hypnotic protocols achieve results by effectively addressing and transforming the very source, the core issue: working with Inner Child technology, Rescue Missions, Inner Parenting, and other techniques that transform and heal the wounds of trauma, abuse and neglect in one's past, with specific techniques and protocols for accessing essential love, nurturing and guidance.
Emotional Clearing hypnotic protocols achieve results by effectively addressing and transforming the very source, the core issue: working with Inner Child technology, Rescue Missions, Inner Parenting, and other techniques that transform and heal the wounds of trauma, abuse and neglect in one's past, with specific techniques and protocols for accessing essential love, nurturing and guidance.
In this 6-day, 54 hour intensive course you learn, witness and experience comprehensive methods to transform memories of trauma into positive resources of safety, empowerment, love and wisdom.

John Bradshaw said that 96% of American families are dysfunctional. When asked, 70-80% of Americans today state their childhood families were dysfunctional. Unfortunately the unmet needs of childhood, the trauma and neglect, are not left behind when we leave home, they live on in nearly all of us.
Manifestations can include: Anxiety, Depression, Physical tension leading to Pain & Illness, Compulsive Eating, Unresolved Addictive Cravings, Relationship Problems and Co-dependency. And more…. In addition to repairing the damages of childhood memory, Emotional Clearing Therapy can help heal post-traumatic stress disorder, wartime trauma, past life trauma, adolescent trauma, and traumatic adult experience.
In this intensive course you learn, witness and experience comprehensive methods to transform memories of trauma into positive resources of safety, empowerment, love and wisdom.
This 6-day workshop is one module of the basic Alchemical Hypnosis Practitioner training, AND it is suitable as a standalone course for previously trained Hypnotherapists, Counselors and Therapists.
Manifestations can include: Anxiety, Depression, Physical tension leading to Pain & Illness, Compulsive Eating, Unresolved Addictive Cravings, Relationship Problems and Co-dependency. And more…. In addition to repairing the damages of childhood memory, Emotional Clearing Therapy can help heal post-traumatic stress disorder, wartime trauma, past life trauma, adolescent trauma, and traumatic adult experience.
In this intensive course you learn, witness and experience comprehensive methods to transform memories of trauma into positive resources of safety, empowerment, love and wisdom.
This 6-day workshop is one module of the basic Alchemical Hypnosis Practitioner training, AND it is suitable as a standalone course for previously trained Hypnotherapists, Counselors and Therapists.
Course Content:
Overview of course contents, from the 55-page training Workbook:
PLUS: Resistance and the standard process for working through different types of resistance. (Resistance to entering trance, resistance to feeling emotions, guilt and shame, terror and specifics for sexual abuse.)
Also includes numerous exercises, guided journeys, supervised experiential practice segments daily, and lots of Q+A.
- History of clearing childhood trauma in psychotherapy.
- Feelings: how they become inappropriate, reactive, repressed or denied; the consequences of repressed feelings.
- Inner Child Technology – healing those wounded places within where early needs have been unmet. Includes metaphors such as the magical child, the adapted child, the wounded child.
- Complexes.
- Etheric Plane Communication.
- The “Rescue Mission" protocol (regression).
- Client homework ("inner play").
- The Inner Family, a foundation of emotional security needed by every person whose external family did an inadequate job of childhood nurturing
- Inner Parent De-contamination process.
- The Inner Mate: for primary nurturing, for clients with sex or relationship issues, for help in love relationships, for balance.
PLUS: Resistance and the standard process for working through different types of resistance. (Resistance to entering trance, resistance to feeling emotions, guilt and shame, terror and specifics for sexual abuse.)
Also includes numerous exercises, guided journeys, supervised experiential practice segments daily, and lots of Q+A.
Learn More:
“As a professional psychotherapist, I find Alchemical Hypnotherapy to be a breakthrough approach which combines the wisdom of Depth Psychology with practical and effective techniques aimed at achieving results without the need for years of therapy. Often incredible results can be achieved in just a few sessions. These techniques have transformed my work as a psychotherapist and I am gratified to see the benefits it has brought to so many who have sought my assistance.” KATELYN DANIELS, M.A, CHT, LCPC
Katelyn Daniels is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, Certified Addictions Counselor, and Certified Hypnotherapist.
Article: EMOTIONAL CLEARING - HEALING THE SOURCE OF EMOTIONAL PAIN. Reprinted from the Journal of the American Board of Hypnotherapy, Fall, 1994 “Healing Childhood Trauma with Alchemical Hypnotherapy” https://www.alchemyinstitute.com/emotional-clearing---healing-the-source-of-emotional-pain.html
Article: FROM CO-DEPENDENCY TO THE MAGIC OF ALCHEMICAL RELATIONSHIPS. Richard Beyer, M.A., was a faculty member and co-founder of the Transformational Therapy program at Heartwood Institute in Northern California. lwww.alchemyinstitute.com/re-parenting-ourselves-using-alchemical-hypnosis.html
Article: HEALING VIOLENCE OF THE HEART … the “magical effect of turning psychological lead into gold, by helping participants to create positive "memories": mental images that serve to cancel out the traumas that were the source of so much unhappiness and pain.” By Gloria Chives https://www.alchemyinstitute.com/testimonial-healing-violence-of-the-heart.html
Katelyn Daniels is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, Certified Addictions Counselor, and Certified Hypnotherapist.
Article: EMOTIONAL CLEARING - HEALING THE SOURCE OF EMOTIONAL PAIN. Reprinted from the Journal of the American Board of Hypnotherapy, Fall, 1994 “Healing Childhood Trauma with Alchemical Hypnotherapy” https://www.alchemyinstitute.com/emotional-clearing---healing-the-source-of-emotional-pain.html
Article: FROM CO-DEPENDENCY TO THE MAGIC OF ALCHEMICAL RELATIONSHIPS. Richard Beyer, M.A., was a faculty member and co-founder of the Transformational Therapy program at Heartwood Institute in Northern California. lwww.alchemyinstitute.com/re-parenting-ourselves-using-alchemical-hypnosis.html
Article: HEALING VIOLENCE OF THE HEART … the “magical effect of turning psychological lead into gold, by helping participants to create positive "memories": mental images that serve to cancel out the traumas that were the source of so much unhappiness and pain.” By Gloria Chives https://www.alchemyinstitute.com/testimonial-healing-violence-of-the-heart.html
Payment plans available. Contact us.
Discounts for Early Registration, and an Auditing rate for repeat students.
Register below.
Regular Registration
$1,050.00 plus text = $1,060.95 |
Your Instructor
“Alexa LittleStar is absolutely amazing”….. “We did incredible work, supported by her guidance, support and gentle reminders about the protocol.”….. “I also appreciated Alexa's style of teaching and the way that she described things”…..”an amazing fierce warrior delivering & supporting the new frontier of Alchemical work”….. “Alexa is a wonderful teacher. She is knowledgeable, kind, and experienced in this work. She very much lives the life of an Alchemical practitioner which is inspiring to see.”
Click here to read Alexa's full Bio. |
David Quigley, BA, CCHT has been a leading professional in the field of hypnosis therapies for almost 40 years, through the Alchemy Institute of Hypnosis, est 1984. Through these years in addition to offering professional training in Santa Rosa, CA he has served thousands in his private practice, and has traveled the globe to teach and certify practitioners and mentor the establishment of schools and professional training centers worldwide. David has been offering professional certification trainings LIVE online since 2019. A graduate of Duke University in comparative religion and transpersonal psychology, David also has extensive training in Gestalt, primal therapy, group process and Jungian psychology, as well as courses in Ericksonian and Clinical Hypnosis and NLP. The synthesis of his inner experience and studies is now known as ALCHEMICAL HYPNOSIS, and is practiced by professional hypnotherapists and other successful healing arts practitioners around the world. www.alchemyinstitute.com |
Questions? Click here to email us.
Endorsed by so many
There are many, many testimonials and words of endorsement from clients and students on the Alchemy Institute of Hypnosis website. Here's a tiny sampling:
"An extra-ordinary school that far outstrips anything I actually encountered in graduate school for its offerings of esoteric yet practical, reliable, and realizable techniques--techniques that have proven to be powerful, innovative, one-of-a-kind and transformative. David Quigley is a master teacher, a director of dramatic plays, and a healer of all kinds of ills, including unspeakable traumas and illnesses that are deemed incurable. His magic exists in opening up layered unknown realms of being and knowing, thereby catapulting all who enter into his Institute's midst --both students and clients-- into deep, liberating healing." Ariane, San Francisco
"I had a session with David Quigley just a few days ago to address new shoulder, neck and referred face pain. I could barely turn my head. In the session we asked my shoulder what it was trying to tell me. Immediately, I recalled my first back pain event from several years ago. Life at that time was very stressful. I had no support from my family; I was broke in college and was a single mom with a 3-year old. Applying the Alchemical Hypnotherapy protocols, David guided me through that time and the dam broke; immediately all pain was gone and full range of movement restored. Alchemical Hypnotherapy really works." Susan Kraft
"I always say that my life before Alchemical Hypnosis and after has changed completely. There were a few situations where I was feeling helpless/stuck when certain clients were not getting desired results. After the alchemical hypnosis training, i got equipped with so many tools and techniques that it made my work so much easier." Nazim Thonduru
"I have been a trainer in Alchemical Hypnotherapy for many years and I have seen miracle after miracle, healing after healing. Most clients only come back when they have something else to work on, not what brought them the first time. Trainings with David are unforgettable. If you are still hesitating, I have only one advice: Take the plunge! Your life will change for ever." Francois Gerland
"This is the place to learn to be a Hypnotherapist. I am so grateful I found the Alchemy Institute of Hypnosis. As a result I have been able to help many individuals on their journey of healing. David Quigley has been a great teacher and an inspiration. I have truly found my life's work in hypnotherapy." Pat Mitchell
"Working with and training with David has brought me to powerful insights for my life. His knowledge in hypnotherapy and mystical philosophy is extensive and the way he applies this knowledge is skillful and impactful. In both my private healing sessions and my courses with him I've had deep experiences of Alchemy, Healing, Hypnosis and Spirituality. There's very few people in the world that offer this kind of transformation and at the same time remain so approachable and down to earth. He's not only jovial, kind and entertaining, he's also a true Master willing and open to share his Wisdom. I'm excited and inspired to learn more from him in this course and any future courses he offers." John C.
"An extra-ordinary school that far outstrips anything I actually encountered in graduate school for its offerings of esoteric yet practical, reliable, and realizable techniques--techniques that have proven to be powerful, innovative, one-of-a-kind and transformative. David Quigley is a master teacher, a director of dramatic plays, and a healer of all kinds of ills, including unspeakable traumas and illnesses that are deemed incurable. His magic exists in opening up layered unknown realms of being and knowing, thereby catapulting all who enter into his Institute's midst --both students and clients-- into deep, liberating healing." Ariane, San Francisco
"I had a session with David Quigley just a few days ago to address new shoulder, neck and referred face pain. I could barely turn my head. In the session we asked my shoulder what it was trying to tell me. Immediately, I recalled my first back pain event from several years ago. Life at that time was very stressful. I had no support from my family; I was broke in college and was a single mom with a 3-year old. Applying the Alchemical Hypnotherapy protocols, David guided me through that time and the dam broke; immediately all pain was gone and full range of movement restored. Alchemical Hypnotherapy really works." Susan Kraft
"I always say that my life before Alchemical Hypnosis and after has changed completely. There were a few situations where I was feeling helpless/stuck when certain clients were not getting desired results. After the alchemical hypnosis training, i got equipped with so many tools and techniques that it made my work so much easier." Nazim Thonduru
"I have been a trainer in Alchemical Hypnotherapy for many years and I have seen miracle after miracle, healing after healing. Most clients only come back when they have something else to work on, not what brought them the first time. Trainings with David are unforgettable. If you are still hesitating, I have only one advice: Take the plunge! Your life will change for ever." Francois Gerland
"This is the place to learn to be a Hypnotherapist. I am so grateful I found the Alchemy Institute of Hypnosis. As a result I have been able to help many individuals on their journey of healing. David Quigley has been a great teacher and an inspiration. I have truly found my life's work in hypnotherapy." Pat Mitchell
"Working with and training with David has brought me to powerful insights for my life. His knowledge in hypnotherapy and mystical philosophy is extensive and the way he applies this knowledge is skillful and impactful. In both my private healing sessions and my courses with him I've had deep experiences of Alchemy, Healing, Hypnosis and Spirituality. There's very few people in the world that offer this kind of transformation and at the same time remain so approachable and down to earth. He's not only jovial, kind and entertaining, he's also a true Master willing and open to share his Wisdom. I'm excited and inspired to learn more from him in this course and any future courses he offers." John C.
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Click here for even more Events, Opportunities and Classes available now on Bridges.Academy LLC